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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Writer thought for a moment. She remembered a movie her friend gave her before... She didn't want to think about it. It was a good movie though. Hopefully Zachary was okay with a Disney princess movie. It was either her crying a bit because of some parts reminding her of her friend, or her screaming because she a wimp watching scary movies. Wow hard choice. Just kidding. Disney princess here we come. "Erm.... Instead of going to the library, I think I have one movie. But it's... It's kind of... Well... A Disney princess movie. It's The Little Mermaid." She said, this time her face went a bit red. She looked over at Zachary then, her eyes immediately shot to the ground.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Zac's brain tells him to nod and shrug at the same time, so he kind of flinches in this awkward way.

"Great; I've always wanted to see that! I mean... err... Zoe would like that better, too..."

The male grins, blushes, and kisses Writer, so she forgets how weird he is. He laughs in the kiss, realizing how bad he really does want to watch a Disney movie.

"Okay, for real.... is that the one have the snowman or the seven little men? I don't remember hearing about a mermaid one. Does she like marry a fish? "

Zoe, of course, has seen many children's movies, but her brother has only seen animated cartoons like Scooby Doo (which, by the way, made him question his whole existence ). He has always wanted to purchase the happy-titled films, but admitting that to his sister would kill his pride.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Writer laughed, awe this was so cute, and hilarious. Just watching him be awkward is probably better than the movie. "No, it's not the one with snow or seven little dwarfs.... Although I also love that one too. And no she doesn't marry a fish... I can't tell you anything else because I don't want to spoil it." She gives him a quick peck on the cheek, before slowly standing up. She stood there for a moment, before she realized she was putting all her weight on her right ankle. She quickly sat back down. "Yeah... Nope that wasn't a good idea... Holy shit that hurt. Fuck my life." She said, clenching her eyes shut in pain. After a few minutes passed, the pain was mostly gone. She decided against standing up though.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
((**Team Umi Zoomy slowly kills me** ))

Zachary winces with Writer as she is in pain, so he picks her up, again, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"I can't fuck your whole life, Writer. "

The male grins and carries the girl to her dorm, so they can get her movie. He opens the door as if he lives there and gently places the girl on her bed.

"Where's it at, love? "

Zac points at random shelves and such, trying to guess.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
((Zoe and Night and Mary are in the kitchen so you can chill with them? Zoe hasn't met you though so beware her shyness ))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Writer blushes when he makes his joke. When they arrive at her dorm, she mentally slaps herself for forgetting it was in her medication drawer. She remembered she would tell him about her heart today. "Uhm.... It's in that drawer." She said, pointing to the drawer. "And uhm... If you happen to stumble upon something you weren't entirely looking for. Please please please! Don't flip out on me." She says, laying on her back, once again trying to keep her shoes off the bed.


Ashton was walking around the campus. He decided to take a walk through the forest. As he was walking through the forest he stumbled upon a wheelchair and, "Hollow?!" He questioned, looking at the fox.


The fox looked up at Ashton and hopped off the wheelchair. He had grown to be rather frightening. She ran all the way back to campus.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Following the scent of something delicious, it led Bobbie to the kitchen. She took a step inside. "Are you cooking Nightmare?" She said. Then she saw a girl she has never met before. She eyed her carefully but then let a smile appear.
Zac's face heats up again, as he isn't sure he wants to know what type of things are in his girlfriend's drawers. He opens it, anyways, from curiosity and his burning desire to find out what happens to this mermaid chick.

"Okay... "

The male finds himself looking at her different medications, curious to what she is talking about. Usually he wouldn't do such a thing, but his girlfriend has practically invited him to. He knows one must be for her ankle, but the other one is mysterious. He takes them out with the movie.

"You mean this? Why would I flip out over medicine? I mean... they're just pain meds or something, right? "

The older sibling walks back to the bed and lays next to the girl. He pokes her side, trying not to worry. But how could he not worry just a little, all the time?


Zoe takes cookies out of the oven and notices another girl. She stops moving and stares, wondering why so many girls go to this school. She can't handle so much cuteness.

"Uh... "

The girl stares at her desserts, pretending to count them, over and over.

((Sorry guys, my family is cray so it toom me forever to type ))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Writer sighs, grabbing the medication from his hand. "Mhm... Kind of. Well uhm, you see... When ever I was in the nurse when they told me I had broken bones... They also told me something else. They told me that I have two holes in my heart." (it's possible... My uncle had it (he's dead now... But that's besides the point) and my sister has it...) The girl could feel her eyes tear up, she didn't like thinking that she could die from it. But two holes in your heart? Who wouldn't that scare? "That's why I warned you not to flip out..." She said, closing her eyes, and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I uhm... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's just, I was scared and there's already been so much going on. Please don't worry about it though. It's not that bad, honestly. See I've been fine for the past 17 years, I think I'll live." She says with a smile.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Bobbie looked at the girl one more time before she finally said something to her. "So you made the deserts?" She said with a smile. "You have skill, I can barley cook anything without setting it on fire!"
Zoe smiles weakly, but it's impossible to hide her pride.

"We're making them for Writer and Jasmine! It's a new holiday my brother made. "

The girl begins to bag the cookies, as she did the brownies, hoping the two girls like chocolate chip.

"Wanna help? "


Zachary hugs Writer, pulling her body close to his. He eyes start to tear up, but he blinks them away, trying to keep a positive vibe around the girl.

"It's okay... "

The male wipes her tears with his thumb and kisses her nose. He stares at her closely, trying to memorize all her features. Zac often plays this memory game to clear his head of anything but her tiny freckles and piercings.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Writer opens her eyes, and sits up. "I uhm... I have to go take these now." She said quietly. She stood up and walk into the bathroom with her medications. She shut the door, but didn't lock it. She opened the bottle for her ankle, grabbed the pill, and swallowed. She then turned on the water as hot as it'd go. She opened the bottle for her heart, and grabbed the needle. She stuck her arm under the burning water and stuck the needle in her arm. She slowly slid it out, leaving her arm under the water for a little while longer. She left them on the counter and slid her back against the wall, and sat on the floor. She seemed to do this everyday. She sighed, and buried her head in her knees forgetting the world around her at the moment.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
"What's the holiday he made?" She asked. "I want to help, but I'm afraid I'll ruin it." She said rubbing the back of her neck something she tends to do.
Zachary sits on the bed, reading the information on the movie box with general fascination.


Zoe snatches Mary's bowl from her and hands it to the new girl.

"It's Writer And Jasmine Day! We're gonna watch a movie in my room! Zachary and Writer are there now.... Okay. So Mary already did most the work! You just gotta scoop the cookies on the pan! "

The girl grins, feeling mature, and eats one of her brownies.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
(Hey guys i'm still sick and still have a fever i won't be rping today bye)

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Writer slowly, stands up and walks to the counter. One side affect from taking both of the medications, is it made her dizzy. That's the reason she always sat on the floor afterwards. She put the lids back on the bottles and opened the door. She walked over to her dresser, tossing the medications in her drawer. She sat on the bed, next to Zachary and poked his cheek. "I'm ready now." She says, then blinks a few times as the dizziness slowly fades and her vision stills.

(Buh BAI sky :P )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
"Seems easy enough." Bobbie says already starting to scoop the cookies. "Are you usually always happy?" Bobbie asked the girl with a smile.
((Zoe is a bad ass bitch sometimes xD #takingcookiesfromalittlegirl ))

Zac grins, removing his eyes from the colorful pictures of sealife. He pokes the girl back and nods.

"Okay, we need to get everyone to come to my room, so I guess we'll go to the kitchen? "


Zoe stops and thinks. She thinks of all the times she's been scared, all the times she's been sad, and the few times she has gotten angry.

"No... I cry a lot..."

The female giggles and waits for the other girl to finish the cookies, still seated on the counter as she had been before. Only now, Zoe is more antsy. She keeps a lookout for her older brother, hoping Ashton didn't talk to them in the hall.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Jasmine was sprawled across her bed, snoring. Flying tired her out more than usual, so she decided to take a nap before going to find anything to eat to refill her energy.

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