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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Writer bolted awake, looking over at Jasmine. "Jasmine! No! No! DONT LEAVE ME! PLEASE! YOU CANT LEAVE ME! PLEASE! NOOOOO!" She yelled, laying her head on Jasmine's chest, screaming and crying. She shook her, trying to wake up "SOMEONE! HELP! PLEASE! SHE WONT WAKE UP... Jasmine... Please.." She whispered. The could hear Writer screaming, from the gates of the dream world. She screamed in pain as she tried to pick up Jasmine, but fell. The scream was so high pitched and loud, anyone could've mistaken it for someone being killed.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Zac sees them. Two girls and Nick; all three laying down in pain.... Well, as much pain Nick's body language actually reacts to. He sprints toward his girlfriend, wincing as the details of her appearance become more obvious. He makes it to the girls and, listening to Writer's shouting, harshly slaps Jasmine across her face.


Zoe sceams when she sees the girls, convinced they are dead already. She tries to slow down but ends up tripping and falling to ground roughly. The scene is so frightening the female's brain shuts down. She covers her face with her hands and rocks back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Nick watches the vines and does the only natural thing he was born to do. Royally fuck up so much shit that things somehow end up remotely okay. He did this by looking at the vines, then at Jas, then at the vines again, thinking hard for a moment then finally coming to a solution as he stayed beside Jasmine and looked at Writer, giving her a thumbs up then jamming that thumb into his skull, knocking him out cold, as he finally began his transference to the dream world. He felt his body slip away as whatever had a hold of Jasmine soon had a hold of him. The only problem with this is that Nick, having his brain constantly healed and restored, didn't need to sleep. As such Nick only was ever not awake whenever he decided to knock himself out. However this had another major problem that came with his brain. He was a lucid dreamer. A very, very, very fucked up lucid dreamer at that. As he swore he woke, but knew he was dreaming, looking around and trying to find Jasmine, focusing his thoughts for one moment as suddenly clearly through the haze of the dream world an annoyingly catchy song plays:


((Never fear! Nick is here to fuck up the dream world too!))
Nightmare runs to writer and jasmine while mary runs to zoe. "Miss.zoe!!!" mary hugs zoe while nightmare stands behide zac and writer watching the scene unfold.

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(*coughs and bluntly points out the very large hedge gate to the dream world that all of then could just walk into and see a slightly less horrible sight. The only horrible thing is that writer is pretty much crying really badly and Jasmine is falling "asleep"* *cough*)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
((Lmao sorry, my brain is having a hard time understanding What's in what world))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
((Basically jas, the important part is that Nick is now in the dream world with you with that song playing loudly and soon things are going to start fucking up because his conscious and subconscious are like giant poisonous cesspools))
((Kay Zac shall go into the gates I guesss #mybrainisbleeding ))

Zachary realizes Writer's pleads aren't coming from the body in front of him, but, somehow he knows this body is still hers. He bites off the vines, removing them from the girls each time they start to grow back. He then kisses Writer's forehead and runs off to speak to her conscious self... the one he hopes is within this hedge opening before him.

The male sees Writer crying and carefully walks towards her.

"Hey...it's okay... "

Zac's eyed immediately tear up, as he doesn't believe his own words. He sees Nick, expecting to attack him, but, deep down, he knows Nick isn't the cause of all this. The song echoing around them gives the male a headache, and he is forced to try and ignore it.


Zoe continues to rock, feeling only slightly better my Mary's touch. She squeezes her eyes shut and hugs the girl back, pulling her back and forth with her.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Nick looked around, unsure of what this dream world was, the thought and mystery of it all completely befuddling him. It was at this moment he realized something. There was absolutely fucking good catchy music going on in the background. He did what was only natural and second nature to him. He began pelvic thrusting in time with the song as he kept walking, unaware and uncaring as to what was going on. "ACTIVATE ACTI ACTIVATE" He sung with the song.
Nightmare stands there looking at the ground while mary hugs zoe tighter. "Miss.zoe please calm down" mary tears up but then wipes them away but more come back.

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Nick began searching around him, hoping to find signs of other people, namely Jasmine. He definitely should probably do something so she doesn't die. She actually can die right? Yeah, she can definitely die. That's a bad thing. He began yelling her name as he ran, continuing to pelvic thrust the air as he yelled, :"Jasmine! Jasmine! Jaaaaasssmineeee!"

((Nick is a beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world. idfk what you all are thinking))
Writer sits up, turning her head. She looks at Zachary and hugs him, feeling if she were to let go, he'd disapear. Thank god she had her face buried in Zac's chest, so she didn't see what Nick was doing. "Zac... It's not okay... I'm dying, and... I think Jasmine is already dead. You saw our bodies out there... We can't just up an walk out, because... The second I walk out of here. You won't see me. My body is at the fucking tombstones." She cried, letting go of Zac and turning her attention to Jasmine's body. Her skin was pale, she was ice cold to the touch. She still had a pulse but it was very slow. "I'm so sorry Jasmine..." She said softly, laying her head back on the girls chest still crying. She felt herself begin to grow very weak and tired. She couldn't 'sleep' yet though. She wasn't ready to say goodbye.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

Despite Writer's screams and pleads from earlier, Jasmine couldn't wake up. In fact, she could barely hear anything right now. Feel anything. She kept taking a breath after every four Mississippi's. Otherwise, she was completely still.

-Real World-

The process of Jasmine and Writer's energy draining stopped.

Jasmine's breath didn't go back to normal, but she was still alive. She wasn't waking up, though, either.

(So basically, she's in a coma for now. xD )

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Zac holds Writer close to him, trying to blink his tears away. They disobey him and fall into the girl's hair.

"But... W-Writer what do I do...?"

The male breathes quickly, completely overcome with grief for his girlfriend. She was leaving him... these may be her last moments. He wants to tell her how much he loves her, but he can't. He can't do anything but hold her and cry. He knows he has failed her one too many times, now. He knows he will never be able to forgive himself.


Zoe shakes her head, desperately wanting to dissappear. She pulls on her hair, ripping a handful out, hoping the pain will distract her.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~

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