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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Nick fell down from the sky, cursing that he miscalculated and flew too high, now falling straight down, head first as he looked at the ground, his feet and hands straight and together as he landed with a massive impact, dirt spraying as he made a medium crater, head first, soaking the ground in all bits of brain and blood as he kept his straight pose looking to Writer and saluting while part of his head was buried in the ground. "I'm here. I'm your rescue. Yall be fucked."
Writer looked at Nick with a 'what the fuck' face. "Nick what the hell are you doing here?! YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID!" She yelled, limping over to him. She looked up to see the shadow was gone. "You. Ugh!" She said, sitting on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Nick ruined it, everything. She wasted her fire for nothing, and possibly wasting her last breaths talking to this idiot.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Jasmine weakly stood up. Everything was becoming so confusing.. And her vision started getting blurry. The shadow person was just a dark blob to her. Jasmine watched as Writer breathed a cloud looking shape of fire, barely keeping her eyes open. She held up her hand, concentrating with whatever focus she had, and a spark of light flickered, along with a flame. It burst all of a sudden, and she flinched, putting it out as her hand burned.

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((((Eeeeeee ^-^))

Someway, somehow, Zachary has fallen asleep, and now he lays in his bed, having nightmares about Writer's kidnapping. He stirs in his sleep, but he is too exhausted to wake himself up.


Zoe, however, is still awake. She wraps herself tightly in Nightmare's hoodie, having stolen it even after everyone parted ways. She watches her brother but doesn't wake him up, knowing he will probably think she is an intruder and punch her, or something.

Instead, the girl gets out of bed and paces about their dorm room, trying to make herself sleepy. She braids and ties random pieces of her hair as she walks, forming knots the size of quarters throughout her head.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Ashton had unpacked his stuff, and was happy he didn't have to share a dorm. He had figured his sister was being her usual loner self, and was in which ever dorm was hers. He'd probably see her tomorrow and be able to tease her and push her around. With his luck she won't have any stupid friends to get it the way. He took of his pants and his shirt, leaving him in only his boxers. He crawled into his bed, shivering as the cold blanket touched his bare skin. He was ecstatic to mess with Writer when he awoke.

(He's such an ass xD )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nick looked between the two worn out people then nodded, getting out his phone, not from his pocket, but rather the front of his pants. As to why this was, the narrator hasnt a clue and thinks it might be best to just go with it for now as he held it out, the display saying "Zac" as Nick rung, suddenly Zac phone starts blaring out the "Bill Nye the Science Guy" theme techno remixed. "You two rest. I'm going to fuck shit up even more."
Writer sigh. "Nick we can't sleep... You.. Y-ou don't understand. If me and her sleep... We die... Okay! We'll fucking die. But oh wait, never mind. You're just an asshole who can't be serious for 1 second and could give a fuck less. But okay.. Just, go. I rather die like this anyone. Die feeling like there's nothing I'm leaving behind rather than feeling like I'm leaving everything." She says laying on her back, letting the tears drip from her face.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
( xD Writers ringtone is "For The Love Of A Daughter" by Demi Lovatto... It's a really sad song...)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Zac continues to stir, as Zoe dives toward his bedside table, grabbing his cell phone before it can wake him up. The girl doesn't read the caller ID; she simply answers it, attempting to speak in a deep voice like her brother's.

"Uh... Hey. This is Zachary. I am a boy... err... Who is this? "

The girl walks into the hall, quietly, heading outside so no one is waken up by her lame acting skills.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
((Cause Nick changed it just for him.))

Nick held up a finger, "Yeah uh, I'd like a large pepperoni pizza delivered to the coordinates I'm sending you via sms. Actually scratch that bring the whole pizzeria. And don't skip out on the toppings." He said hanging up, sending her his location and whistling a jaunty tune, "Oh right. I totally knew that. I know a lot of things. Just like I know I should probably sleep instead."
Writer growled under her breath in anger. She hated Nick so much right now. "You know what Nick. Go fuck off and leave us here! EVERYTHING WAS FINE TILL YOUR DUMB ASS SHOWED UP! WE WOULD BE OUT OF HERE BY NOW! BUT NO YOU HAD TO FUCK IT ALL UP. SO NOW ME AND JASMINE ARE GOING TO DIE. AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT. THANKS. A. FUCKING. LOT!" She yelled at the boy, now sitting up, her eyes full white. She growled and held back the fire wanting to escape. Cause if it came out, Nick would be the only surviver.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nightmare wakes up to mary shaking her. "Night its time to get up you've been asleep" nightmare nods getting up and getting dressed while grabbing a hoodie with a skull and scthye then walking out holding mary's hand and walking down the hall.

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Jasmine flinched as she sat crisscrossed on the ground, listening to Writer yell at the one known as Nick. Despite how unaware she was feeling at the moment, she also felt scared. It was getting harder and harder to stay awake, and Writer looked like she was going to explode. Jasmine was on the very verge of tears.

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Zoe's eyebrows crease together, expressing her mixed emotions of confusion and worry. She recognizes the voice, but not well enough that she knows it's Nick's. The girl knows waking up Zachary seems like a good solution, but she is also trying to prove her stupid, shirt-throwing point that she can do things on her own.

After a few moments, Zoe downloads an app on her brother's phone that claims it can lead her toward whatever coordinates she types in, as she isn't sure if Google Maps has the ability to do so. She copy and pastes the location, discovering it's somewhere in the forest ((assuming it is?? )). This news causes her to grow afraid, so she runs to wake up her brother.


When Zac is jumped on and informed of the current situation, he is the first to check the number on his phone. Nick.

"What the fuck?! How does he have my number?! Why do I even have his...?"

Clearly, to the male's sleepy and angry mind, Nick had something to do with Writer's kidnapping. He throws on some pants and begins to follow the map on his phone, expecting his sister to follow.


Zoe runs after her brother, but because she doesn't have a map of her own and her brother isn't bothering to inform her when he is going to turn, the girl soon grows lost. It seems when Zachary turned at one point, she continued straight, losing him quickly with her speed. The female starts to cry, tired of everything being wrong. She wipes her nose with Night's sleeve, feeling guilty as soon as she does so.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Writer sat there crying, with her head buried in her knees. She let out a high pitched scream, seeing she hadn't enough strength to do anything else. Her mind is soon flooded with thoughts of her parents, and Ashton, and Zachary, Zoe, everyone. But the only memories that pop up of them are the bad ones. That being said, more tears fall like an ocean from her eyes. Why couldn't it just be over already. She laid down, curling in a ball, clenching her eyes shut. Trying to fall asleep, but at the same time fighting the urge and need to sleep. She crawls over to Jasmine. "Hey... It's okay now. We aren't getting out... Let's just sleep." She whispers quietly, laying Jasmine down. Then, her, herself lays down, closing her eyes. Slowly she begins to fall asleep.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Jasmine grew even more scared. This was not the plan. They had to get out! She weakly got up and shook her, in hopes to wake Writer up.

“No! It's not okay! We have to stay awake! I-it may seem hard right now, but we need to!"

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Nightmare sees zoe and zac running and runs to them. "Hey guys whats up why are you running" nightmare picked mary up cause it was getting hard for her to keep up.

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Writer wouldn't wake up, she was still breathing and had a pulse, but they were slowing. She could feel Jasmine trying to wake her, she wanted to wake up. But she just couldn't. She tried to open her eyes, but they wouldn't open. Was this really the end? Was she going to die here?

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Zoe hears Nightmare's voice and follows it, finding her brother, once again.

"I....I... Zac's phone and Nick and.... Writer might be this way!"

The girl snatches the other female hand, so they can keep up with her brother this time. Tears stream down her face as they run, but she doesn't mention it.


The spot is close now, but Zac still doesn't see anything up ahead. He slows down a bit, so they don't miss it.

((Are they really finding them now or is the location empty to their point of view? ))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Nightmare lets zoe drag her along but groans in pain when zoe pulls her arm causing her shoulder pain. "C-careful with my arm zoe" mary holds on to nightmare's hoodie tighter afraid she was going to fall.

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Jasmine used her final strength to summon water. She was sorry for this, but she splashed the water on Writer. “We have to-" Her breath hitched, and she let out a small gasp. Something inside her... Actually, she didn't know. But it hurt. She tried again. “We- We have to- have to-"

She had trouble breathing now. Her breathing was making her light headed, and she fell over, regretfully closing her eyes.


The hedge gates arose, not too far away from the others. The shadow creatures stirred, and all filed out into the forest, sensing others nearby.


(Not in the dreamworld)

The dark vines still had a grip around Jasmine's and Writer's arms, and wrapped around their heads. Writer began to grow pale, while Jasmine already was. Almost white, even. Jasmine's breath was extremely labored. You had to wait four Mississippi's to see her take another breath.

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