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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

The fox looks at Zac. "She's not there you idiot! I've been looking for her ever since she left the nurse! But nobody would help me!" She sits there looking at the ground. "Now you could just sit here being an idiot and yelling at everyone. Or you could help me find her." She said, running out of the gym. She was going to check the woods. Writer always loved the woods. Maybe she was there. She ran to the woods in search of the girl.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Bobbie walked out of the auditorium still shocked that two girls she knew went missing. She was walking until she crossed paths with a running fox.
Zac's eyes turn red, but he somehow fights the urge from attacking Writer's pet, right there in the gym. He growls again, as if someone will be scared enough to hand Writer to him. It had to be someone from this damn school. Or her brother... Was her brother already here?!

The male chases after Hollow, still not fully convinced. It's like Zachary has his own system grief. It merely changes from anger or denial, and he doesn't want to let the blame fall on him. Not right after he told Writer he would protect her and help her with whatever problems she may have.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Zac throws Zoe over his shoulder as they leave the gym.


Zoe screams at her brother, angry with his crazy behavier.

"Put me down! I can run faster than you! "

After being dropped, the girl rips off her black shirt, wearing only her bra in protest to Zac. He doesn't ever think she can help. Everyone is worried, of course; Writer doesn't belong to him.

((Awh Zoe is so weird))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Nightmare and mary follow behide zac and zoe. "Night what happened to writer" nightmare shakes her head. "I don't know sweetie but wetightly will find her i promise" mary nods while tearing up and holding nightmare's hand tightly.

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Jasmine sat there, in the dark. She was still in the dreamworld plains as far as she knew. It was dark all around her, but she was sitting in a dim spotlight that beamed from nowhere. She stared at the ground. Jasmine barely remembered anything, and found herself in this stupid ancient dress. She wasn't even able to use her wings.

She felt... Empty. And extremely tired. Drained. She sighed.

Jasmine doubted she was going to be able to leave.

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Hollow enters the forest, she runs until she sees the wheelchair. She is extremely exited as she approaches the wheelchair. She stops as she realizes the wheelchair is empty. She tears up hopping in the wheelchair curling in a ball. Where could she be?


She looked over and saw a light shinning on, Jasmine. "Hey Jas. Is that really you. Oh it is you. Well, it was nice knowing you. I guess, you weren't really that bad. You didn't talk, but you are pretty sweet when you do talk." She says quietly, looking down. She tried to make her eyes adjust to the darkness, but they wouldn't. The only reason she could see Jasmine is because there was a light on her. She closed her eyes, feeling too tired and full of nothing to try anymore. As se had said before she got there. She wanted it all to just... End.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nick whistled as he pet the turtle, feeding it various veggies as he had decided there were simply better things to do than to go to assemblies. Overall assemblies were much like board meetings. In that event everyone already knew what was happening and it was just to ensure that management covered their asses for whatever shit was going wrong. Considering Nick was always terrible in management positions he payed little attention. This was likely due to the fact that he was completely unaware how important meetings were. As such it created a viscous cycle that ended with him feeding and petting a turtle he had dubbed "Sir Reginald the VII." Not knowing said turtle indeed belonged to Jasmine whom the meeting was about that he was missing to feed and pet her turtle.

((What's going on: people getting stolen. Big assembly. No fucks given by Nick. One of the people's boyfriends is going haywire while Nick continues to do seemingly inconsequential things that will somehow later result in him saving the day by being an hero.))
((....okay xD , my character is just sitting there being really, really confused as she knows none of these people))
((In case you couldn't tell, Nick is a beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world.))
((Lmfao yessss Nick ))

Zoe, now ahead of her brother to prove her unsaid point, stops at the wheelchair, as well, instantly crying again. She strokes the fox's coat, hoping talking animals can't cry. Seeing others cry only makes her emotional standing worse.


Zac stares at the chair, trying to ignore his sister's half-nakedness, so he can think. His face is heating up, and he can't stop himself from turning towards Nightmare and Mary. For once, he doesn't blame the reaper, knowing Writer is her best friend.

"If she was a corrupted soul, then she has the power to do evil acts, right?! Where the hell is Writer, Mary?! Go get her you! Go! Bring us to her! This isn't funny at all... "

The male stands there for a while yelling at the little girl until Zoe tackles him, attempting to punch him and pull his hair.


Soon, the two siblings are in a full on fight, with Zoe dodging all his hits and pinching and biting him whenever she can. The whole scene is rather disturbing, as neither one is really harming each other. Zoe is basically trying to force her brother to calm down.

"Stop trying to hit me, dummy! Nick says you're not supposed to hit girls... If you don't stop, Writer's going to stay lost! Think about other damn people, Zachary! "

After that, the argument ends and Zac just stands there, wondering why no one is moving. He then turns and runs off, done with everyone else.


Zoe huffs out a dramatic sigh and picks a piece of Zac's skin off her fang. It's amazing they we're able to cut anything. The girl sits, waiting to follow someone's else's lead.

((Zac is "so done" guys. He just "can't even"))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Bobbie goes out and sits next to the girl she sat next to earlier. "Can you tell me what the hell is going on? I kind of zoned out during the assembly." She said looking towards the girl.
Amelia turned to face the girl, snapping out of her dazed as she rubbed the side of her head "I'm as confused as you are" she replied quietly "I only just arrived here lat night, so I don't know what's happening to everyone really...sorry if I can't help you out...."
Jasper didn't go straight to the dorm instead he wandered around the academy, it was quite a place like an old castle not that he would know he hasn't been inside or seen a castle before.
((Shhh, it'll be okay *pats head* stay with me and Karen's characters and you'll be okay I suppose xD ))

@The Jackal
"It's alright." Looking at the confused girl Bobbie decided she should introduce her self. "If you need anything I'm Bobbie,and don't be afraid to ask."
Hollow had managed to run off deeper into the forest looking for Writer while the two sibling fought. All she wanted to do was find Writer. Nothing other than that was running through her mind. The fox had been running for a few minutes as fast as she could. She stopped, and tried to catch her breath. The time she wasted at Writer's wheelchair was time wasted that Writer could be dying.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

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