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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Nightmare gives onyx a death glare and sets mary down. "You better explain to me whats going on right now" she walks over to him crossing her arms over her chest and tapping her foot.

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Nightmare looks to EV then to onyx. "It better be" she glares at onyx. "Or a certain someone gets hurt"

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Nightmare sighs. "I'm sorry about this dumb idiot" nightmare smacks onyx upside the head. "Stop trying to fight everyone you see numb skull"

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Writer was awoken by the nurse and sat up. "Yes?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "*Well you see... Since you don't seem to be having such a good time in here. I was wondering if you'd be able to handle a wheel chair? And your friends that visited you seemed like they'd be nice enough to help you out if you asked. So would you like a wheel chair?*" She asked, as a wide smile appeared on her face. "Of course! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, almost jumping up, but remembered about her ankle. The nurse left the room for a moment to retrieve the wheel chair. Once the wheel chair was present, she slowly stood up, with the assistance of the nurse, careful not to harm her ankle. She carefully sat in the wheel chair. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but after a few minutes she got used to it. She was relieved to see that she got the electric wheel chair, because she could only use one arm. She was carefully watched as she made her way out of the nurse. She received awkward glances and frowned. A few people walked up to her and threw her this huge thing of pitty, and she hated it. She was extremely happy once she was away from majority of people. She felt like an old disabled person, she laughed imagining she was an old lady. She decided to go around campus in the wheel chair. She saw a lot of commotion in the front office so she decided to go check it out. She saw Nightmare, Mary, and Onyx. "Hey guys, what's going on?" She asked, and noticed the new people. She frowned, thinking she looked horrible with all these casts and being in a wheel chair.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
"I was really trying to evaluate them I can't really go all out ya know and I get bored easily you know this don't you," he said."Or is this your way of letting me know I'm paying much attention to others and not you is that right" he said with a smirk.He looked at the 2 new kids " well you aren't completely useless but you aren't on my level, but I was only using 5 percent maybe next time Ill show you what dark really is.He picked up night Disney princess style and let Mary on his back."Well Ill be going he said as he carried Night and Mary away.
Nightmare's face turn crimson. "Onyx what are you doing!!" mary started to laugh. "This is fun go faster onyx"

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Jasmine just stared at the entrance of the school, carrying only her small satchel, and the little tank for her pet tortoise, Raph, she had found not to long ago. She hesitated when she grabbed a hold of the door handle, but finally swung it open and stepped inside. She wondered if she was even allowed to let her wings freely, or where she was supposed to go next.

“Well, Raph," she started, “Let's hope we found a better place."
((Ok cool)) He sighs and looks back at the lady. She finally gave him instructions on what to do, even if it's just 'You live here.' "Hey, Bobbie, we're rooming together apparently."
Jasmine walked over to a desk, grabbing her dorm key, and also who she was going to be rooming with. “Alex," she read aloud, while making her way around the academy. She tucked Raph's tank closer to her, while the small tortoise simply just looked around calmly. Finally, she reached her destination. Opening the door, she walks in slowly while taking in her surroundings, and shutting the door. It seemed like a pretty decent sized room, compared to sleeping in trees or in subway tunnels. Her one blue and purple eyes glanced around once more, and then chose the bed closest to the window. Hey, if she was going to continue her nightly flights, she might as well be nearest to an exit. She set Raph's tank down on a night stand next to her bed, while Raph just started chewing on a leaf. Jasmine set her satchel aside as well, and took off her hoodie. At the moment she was now only wearing an old TMNT shirt. But that wasn't the only thing. Her wings unfolded, stretching out into it's 13 foot span, and she let out a sigh of relief. It's not fun keeping those things tucked in all the time. Her wings were a dark purple at the top part, which faded into a dark blue, which eventually faded into a lighter blue at the bottom.
Writer sighed as she made her way to her room in the wheel chair. It didn't help the fact that she felt like a fucking turtle. It wasn't moving slow at all, but it was moving slower than her every day movement. She felt like the world was now in slow motion, she hated that she felt so behind. She groaned and laid her head backwards in her chair. She hadn't seen Zac and Zoe for the past few days, and she hadn't seen Nick at all today. She began to worry about the three. She shook it off and decided once she arrived at her dorm to grab her art stuff and go to the main grass field. When she arrived to the grass field, she thought back on the time she put the flower crown on Zachary's head. She decided she'd draw that, but first she grabbed her iPod she put in her earbuds and decided to listen listen to Pierce The Viel. Once she had her music, she started to draw.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Jasmine had her wings stretched for now, so she gently and carefully folded her wings back in, tucking them. She looked at Raph's tank and saw he was out of leaves to chew on. No problem, no problem. That can easily be fixed. She slowly raised her hand, and with that, leaves started to grow from the woodchip bedding, and Raph looked happily satisfied. She also noticed that his water bowl was almost empty as well. She pointed at it with her left hand, letting her fingers dance around, and the bowl refills itself with water. Now that that was taken care of, she turned around to grab her hoodie, slipped it on over her head, and headed out. After all, there was still quite a bit to explore
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She was focusing on his face more than anything. She had to base the drawing off of memory seeing that she had no pictures of him. She sighed, it was a bit hard to do the face. She wanted it to be perfect, because in her eyes... He was perfect. And she knew that in his eyes she was perfect. She shifted in the wheel chair, it was growing to be uncomfortable, but it was this or being bed written. She looked over and saw an unfamiliar person. She shrugged it off went back to focusing on the drawing.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Alex looked up at the new school then back to the letter he had received upon his acceptance. The letter explained what the school was about and how his powers would be nurtured and his understanding of them would be taught to him. He made his way to the dorms on the campus before bringing up the key to his dorm. He wondered who his new dorm mate was, the instructions simply provided the name Jasmine listed as his dorm mate. Shrugging his back pack up onto his shoulder he went down the hall heading for his room. Unlocking the door he stepped inside and looked around. It seemed like a decent apartment. From the look of the room it seemed his Dorm-mate was already here. a couple of small boxes and the Tortoise giving it away. Going for the bedrooms he ventured a chance on the first and thankfully it was empty and apparently his.

Throwing down his back pack he laid out on the bed for a few moments before falling into a light sleep. The journey had been long and his classes started tomorrow so a quick nap would not hurt.......
Jasmine looked around when she reached outside, which seemed like a grassy field. The sky seemed clear, and she didn't see anyone else, besides this one girl that looked older than her, possibly 15, sitting in a wheelchair. The girl looked like she was concentrating hard, for a moment, and took it as a sign that she didn't know Jasmine was there. Her blue and purple eyes darted left to right, and then quickly took off her hoodie, slowly unfolding her wings. She needed to go flying.

She shot up right into the air, beating her wings, and the wind ruffled her feathers. It felt great. At this point, she was just some shadow casted by the sun, of a very, very abnormal looking, large bird flying around in circles.
She stopped focusing on the drawing for a moment and looked up at the sky. Her eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face. She remembered the amazing feeling of the cold breeze hitting her face as her wings flapped violently through the air. Then, the adrenaline rush from all of the crazy stunts she'd try and pull off. She sighed finding herself staring at the sky, wide eyed like a child looking through the window of a candy store. Or in her case, like a child seeing a beautifully happy family. She didn't feel sad when she saw good family walking on the street. It made her feel happy, happy for the family that they have each other to lean on. She shook of the thought and looked back down. Her eyes went full white, she was very happy. It felt good.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Jasmine kept soaring through the sky in circles. She felt the sun above her sending small waves of heat. She kept beating her wings, not wanting this to end. The feeling she couldn't explain when she was flying, is just amazing. She didn't really see the girl down there looking up, she was too caught up in the moment. For a few seconds she'd swoop down lower, and soar back up higher again. What she also didn't notice was that the winds were blowing off a couple of her feathers, and didn't even bother looking down as those blue and faded purple feathers slowly and gracefully glided down to the ground.
She frowned as the girl was so free up there, yet Writer was stuck down here in the stupid wheel chair. She wanted to cry, she didn't even know why, but she wasn't going to. She choked back the tears and continued to draw. She noticed the girls feathers floating down to the ground. That's why she was glad she got her mothers dragon wings instead of her fathers feathered wings. One of the feathers floated in her lap, she looked at it, admiring the color before brushing it off her lap. Her wings were plain black with a bit of red here-and-there, nothing too fancy, but it was her. She slowly raised the sleeve of her shirt and frowned looking down at the scars. She hated to admit it, but that was also her. An insecure 17 year old girl. A tear slipped down her cheek and onto her paper. She wiped the tear and went back to drawing.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Jasmine turned around to look behind her while flying, and slightly frowned. There was a large flock of birds not so far behind, getting too close for her liking. She veered to the left, and so did the flock. Okay, this was becoming weird, and starting to get bad at the same time. A few of the birds ventured out from the flock and pecked at her arms, and she only elbowed them away ad tried making sharp turns to make them go away. But they were still following her. Why?! More and more kept pecking at her arms, legs, and ramming into her wings. She started flailing around, trying to summon her elemental powers, but that could only work if she was focused. Which she can't, when there's a freaking random flock that came out of nowhere and started attacking! She started free falling, birds staying in the air now, and her wings for some reason automatically folded in. Not good, really not good. She was only able to unfold them a small bit, trying to flap at least the tips. Next thing she knew, she crashed into the ground, landing on her arm while hearing a sickening crunch, also just a few feet away from the girl in the wheelchair. Pain started making its way through her right arm, sending signals to her head. She lay there on her side, gasping and throwing out a few curses here and there, in shock.
She was wide eyed and making her way to the girl. Once she got to the girl she reached out her good arm, in hope the girl would grab it with her good arm. "C'mon we need to get you to the nurse. I hope you're okay... What the hell of course you're not okay, your arm is broken. Erm... Never mind that, let's just get you to the nurse." She said, ending her awkward rambling. Her cheeks tinged with crimson in embarrassment of her social awkwardness showing. She waited for the girl to grab her hand and stand up so they could go to the nurse.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
All she could really acknowledge was the searing pain in her arm, until the girl in the wheelchair made her way over, holding out her hand. She looked up at her slightly with her one blue eye and one purple eye, and regretted it. That's one of the main reasons why she was an outcast to normal people. Her eyes. They found it weird, and heck, even earned a stupid nickname from it. Freaky eyes.

“Erm... Never mind that, let's just get you to the nurse." The girl said, and realized she had been deep in thought again. She squinted her eyes shut while breathing heavily, and rolled over slightly so she could take the offered hand, with her non injured hand, and stand up. Her legs only hurt a little bit, because of those stupid birds. She'd manage, though.

“Th-thanks.." She said nervously, looking at her now, odd looking, painful right arm.

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