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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

((*drinks from coffee of infinite retcon, retcons the fox* problem solved. And I say why not be both a dork and a nerd? That's what I am and what my idol, Stan Lee is.)l Nick looked around, "Well, we need a stretcher or way to move Writer without hurting her even more." He says thinking to himself, "We can't move her bones or joints otherwise we risk moving her joints and ruining her arms. So, help me do something that's not stupid. I've gone at least 20 posts only doing stupid things, now I need to have my moment of clarity and my fourth wall break."
Nightmare looks at writer and looks away with tears in her eyes. "........." she sits next to the tree and pulls her legs to her chest and crys quietly.

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((Fuck yeah fourth wall breaks.)) Nick shakes Nightmare, "Nightmare! Stop! Focus. The guy who went off on a tangent about tacos is focusing more than you. And it's really hard for me not to make a sex joke or go off on a tangent, but I'm not. You want to get the nurse or you want me to? If you can run fast, you should get her. If you're strong, hit me as hard as you can in her general direction."
Nightmare glares at nick and punchs him as hard she can in the gut. "You stupid mother fucker" she kicks him in the gut too then runs off to get the nurse."WATCH MARY FOR ME AND DON'T SAY ANYING STUPID OR GROSS TO HER!!" she yells as she runs off while mary stands then from a distance watching nick.

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(Lmfao at Nick breaking the fourth wall. xD )

Mason soon lost interest in the birds, they resembled the winged demons that resided Hell so he wasn't too curious about them. All the new creatures he was being exposed to, he had seen variations of them in glimpses. More ferocious versions, actually, these ones in this world were fragile, they didn't live long when he held them. Natalia trailed behind him, boredly answering any questions he asked. "What's going on over there?" He asked, pointing at the group some distance away.

Natalia shrugged, not caring very much, "Dunno," She replied, grabbing his arm sharply when he moved in that direction, "We shouldn't get close."
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((Retconned your character. He no longer exists. You were too rofl-y.)) Nick briefly doubles over and gives her a thumbs up, "You go girl. You get that nurse." He said slightly winded then sat down next to Writer, "Okay... not healing... that's a thing... Stay with me or I swear to god I will do and say inappropriate things, mainly to Zac. Stay with me" He said looking Writer in the eyes, "Um, I know. Tell me why you two walked up to me bathing!"
((She gave me permission cause I'm the confrontational guy. Sorry, your char now never existed.))
((No I'm kicking you out because you argue and rofl-action everything. Including one line instant travels and making up powers as you go along. ))
(Just stop arguing before I just say fuck it and stop the rp for a week... How does that sound? And Arubion your char has been retconned sorry... )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
She did a small laugh, and answered. "W-we didn't mean to... I-I decided m-me and him should g-go there because a g-good memory h-appended there." Her words came out a bit breathless, seeing it was still a bit difficult to breath, but she was managing. "And I s-wear to g-god I will h-aunt you if you be s-s-exual with Zachary." She said, giving a small smile and a playful glare. Her eyes were a sudden mixture of white, and crystal blue. She frowned realizing that the only person around was Nick.

(Hehe no offense to Nick xD )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nick smiled "ooooohh, good memory? at a pond? A secluded pond? Oh, you crazy kids." He said playfully. "Ahhh to be young and in love, or maybe it's to be young and full of even more hormones?" He said stopping and thinking, shrugging, "Either way, just stay with me and try to conserve your strength. I'd rather not perform surgery here since it'd be rather painful, but that is definitely an option if we have to." He said trailing off, thinking. "How, I'm not quite sure. Maybe with a rusty spoon? Yeah I can definitely reach my insides with a rusty spoon." He said nodding, sure that there was definitely a rusty spoon within the vicinity as for some odd reason there was always a rusty spoon as a choice for a weapon.
She rolled her eyes. "Nightmare and z-oe were there t-too retard. And all we did was k-iss but..." She blushed, and wondered why she was telling him this. Even though he was a complete sexual, asshole, he seemed trustworthy.

(No shipping... They're just going to be friends #NickIsFriendZoned )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

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