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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))


Fennik quickly noticed that he was being followed which was great in every way !

"Now let's see..." He thought of a way of pulling of a prank, as he continued walking down a hall.

Fennik took a turn, which lead into a wall, probably a fail of the people who built it.
Vaskar grabbed up his bag as he mad his way to the room number on the key the lady had given him. He sighed as he turned the key and walked in noticing there was a bag already on one of the beds he sat his down on the other, unclipping his swords and knives as well. He pulled off his leather over coat and set down. (Anyone wanna be roommates guys?)
After walking for a while Amaro Started to get annoyed it was clear Mason had no sence of direction when it came to this school. "Mason im going to take a shot in the dark and say that you have no idea where we are going. An I wrong?" He then looked over at Roseamay and found himself looking down. "Are all shifters this short or is it just you?"

@Ravensmikey @PixieDusts
Cryn didn't seem entirely surprised by this, though he didn't seem pleased that he'd have to interact with another person, who could potentially not be as nice and unthreatening as the last person he had spoken to. He came to a full stop, and turned around. If you're looking how to get around, I'd stop followin' me, cause' the only place I'm going, is nowhere. He said, in a bit of an intimidating tone, a dark look in his eyes, which made his smile all the more unnerving. But he soon realized how rude that was, and how much of a bad reputation he could get if this one blabbered to the whole school about how much of a jerk he was. And therefore he lowered his gaze, burying his chin in his scarf, before saying quietly. U-Uh.. Sorry.. I'm, er.. Not one for good first impressions..

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FennikKun said:
Fennik quickly noticed that he was being followed which was great in every way !

"Now let's see..." He thought of a way of pulling of a prank, as he continued walking down a hall.

Fennik took a turn, which lead into a wall, probably a fail of the people who built it.
Seer sped up his walking and once he got to the dead end, he was very puzzled as to how the student could have disappeared like that. He just vanished...like a spirit? He walked directly up to the wall, putting his clawed hands up to it, then curling his hands into fists. Grumbling sounds came from the beast, as he swiftly turned around, looking in all directions. He knew it! He knew there was something mysterious about that one. He knew it! Though, now where did he go? The creature scratched his bald head, around his horns.
Glytch stared at the key, then back at the portal. "Fantastic! What an ingenious spell! Multi-destination transportation determined by the nature of an object being transported!" Refocusing, he turned his attention to Noel's bags. "Well, let's get started then! I bet we'll even have time to wander around some once we're done!" Just before he got into one of the bags, he paused. "Uh, you'll have to warn me if I'm about to hit something private. I don't want to... Eh... Y'know..." Jack felt his cheeks getting hot and knew Noel could see him blushing, in part because of her stature.

@Queen of Fantasy
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Think of the worst japanese horror movie monster you can.

Yep, Fennik had turned into that and was now in the ceiling over the man's head, with his mouth open and ready to scare him.

I'm not going to put a picture of what he looks like because...Sleeping at night is fun, you know ?

And that would be a d-move.
Noel snickered and started to blush as well. "Don't worry. The only bag I have that's... private is my clothing. I can take care of that. Here." She picked up another suitcase and put it in front of him. "these are some of my books, sketch books, and some decor I brought with me. If you could put the book away in a shelf, and the decor on top of the dresser, I'd be grateful." She smiled, and tried to pull a large curl from her face, aside.

InKryption said:
Cryn didn't seem entirely surprised by this, though he didn't seem pleased that he'd have to interact with another person, who could potentially not be as nice and unthreatening as the last person he had spoken to. He came to a full stop, and turned around. If you're looking how to get around, I'd stop followin' me, cause' the only place I'm going, is nowhere. He said, in a bit of an intimidating tone, a dark look in his eyes, which made his smile all the more unnerving. But he soon realized how rude that was, and how much of a bad reputation he could get if this one blabbered to the whole school about how much of a jerk he was. And therefore he lowered his gaze, burying his chin in his scarf, before saying quietly. U-Uh.. Sorry.. I'm, er.. Not one for good first impressions..
Oracle nearly bumped into Cryn at the sudden stop. He stared at him, taking in his appearance... that smile. Oracle stopped himself from getting any shivers. Though the tone in his voice led him to believe that he was trying to intimidate him, and there was no way he was going to let that happen. Especially from someone smaller than him. His eyes creased into an almost glare, though, when he saw the student suddenly soften up into his scarf, he relaxed a bit from being so tense. "Oh...I understand." His lips then curled into his usual smirk. "You may call me whatever you want, but I prefer Oracle." He was still a bit awkward about introductions too, not being apart of this society for long.
Cryn.. He said quietly, but just loud enough for Oracle to hear it. Cryn had dirty blond hair, and a set of eyes that did not match: his left eye's iris was red, and the other, green. His skin was just about as pale as could be. He wore a long jacket that reached just above his heels, and on his belt he hung an axe of pitch black metal that still shined from the light of the sun touching it. And his scarf, which he used to bury himself in shyness, was of a dark blue colour.

Even while his gaze was met with the floor, his grin never faltered. Whether he was actually happy or not was indecipherable, but nevertheless, it could make most chilled to the bone.

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Jack suppressed an urge to brush her hair aside before nodding gratefully and doing as Noel said, pausing at one point to leaf through one of her sketchbooks. "These are really good... I wonder if there's an art class or workshop here. Probably is... Ooh, magic art, that's an intriguing concept..."

He continued to unpack and made note of several of Noel's books - some were in ancient forms of familiar languages, others were recgognizable even to the Deadlander. Many, however, were completely unknown to him. "Impressive collection you have here, too. Every time I learn something about you, I end up liking you more." Jack glanced at Noel and gave her a sly smile before returning to his task.

@Queen of Fantasy
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FennikKun said:
Think of the worst japanese horror movie monster you can.

Yep, Fennik had turned into that and was now in the ceiling over the man's head, with his mouth open and ready to scare him.

I'm not going to put a picture of what he looks like because...Sleeping at night is fun, you know ?

And that would be a d-move.
Seer as he looked around for any sign of the student that he could. He at first glanced over the monster, then did a double take, as he wasn't sure of that he was seeing. As the realization hit him, he quickly jumped back, floating a bit, while letting out a startled cry. His wings popped out of his back and he got down in an fight or flight position. His eyes were wide with anxiety of what the monster would do next, he was almost frozen.

(I Thought of something in a mixture of The Grudge and The Babadook. If you want, you could always pm me the monster, I love horror!)
InKryption said:
Cryn.. He said quietly, but just loud enough for Oracle to hear it. Cryn had dirty blond hair, and a set of eyes that did not match: his left eye's iris was red, and the other, green. His skin was just about as pale as could be. He wore a long jacket that reached just above his heels, and on his belt he hung an axe of pitch black metal that still shined from the light of the sun touching it. And his scarf, which he used to bury himself in shyness, was of a dark blue colour.
Even while his gaze was met with the floor, his grin never faltered. Whether he was actually happy or not was indecipherable, but nevertheless, it could make most chilled to the bone.

Oracle flicked his ears in response. Good thing he had good hearing! He stared for a moment, thinking of something to break the silence. "Well it's very nice to meet you!" he said with a smile and friendly growl. "So... are you aware of where to go to find these.. dorm things?" He asked, the word "dorm" was a new one to him.
The monster stood there, staring intensely at the man, until it opened it's mouth revealing thousands of teeth and screamed what sounded like a screech.

The screech soon turned into a laugh, as the monster took a human form and got down from the ceiling.

Fennik was laughing.

"You should have seen your face !" He said, then wiped a tear off his eye while holding his stomach.

He put his hand forward.

"Fennik Kussen, I should have done something less, sorry." He still let out small bursts of laugh from remembering it.
Mason chuckled "no idea, I am as lost as can be." He bit his lip and then burst out laughing.

"Hey don't pick on her, her shortness is cute." Mason said with a small laugh and then leaned against the wall.

He was still lowering the temperature of the rooms they walked through, feeling completely comfortable in front of his friends.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts
Oh, uh, yeah.. He said, in a bit of a clearer tone, lifting is gaze back up to meet Oracle's. He slowly dragged his left hand out of his pocket, and pointed in the direction of the dorms, while explaining exactly where to find them, or approximately to where he could find them. And, sure... Nice to meet you too. He extended his already uncovered hand, and awaited for Oracle to maybe grab hold of it - as far as he was aware, this was a "polite" way of greeting someone. Why did he do this? Well, it was because he was taking friendly advice, from a girl who he had met that same day - her name was Kori, a winged being of some sort.

Amaro started rubbed his hands together. he was starting to get cold. "Hey walking fridge I'm glad your happy and all but would you stop screwing with the temperature." Amaro stared at mason before his brain clicked and a devious smile appeared on his face. "So your into short people?Maybe I should make my exsit and stop third wheeling."

@Ravensmikey @PixieDusts
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FennikKun said:
The monster stood there, staring intensely at the man, until it opened it's mouth revealing thousands of teeth and screamed what sounded like a screech.
The screech soon turned into a laugh, as the monster took a human form and got down from the ceiling.

Fennik was laughing.

"You should have seen your face !" He said, then wiped a tear off his eye while holding his stomach.

He put his hand forward.

"Fennik Kussen, I should have done something less, sorry." He still let out small bursts of laugh from remembering it.
Seer stood up a soon as he saw the monstrous being turn into something more human. His wings were still out in mistrust. His tail swished back and forth, he didn't look very amused. Seer huffed a bit from his nose, feeling less tense now as he saw that there was not harm coming to him. "Seer." was all he said. Then, "I apologize, you really frightened me." He sighed, his ears drooping a bit, he had to remember not to be so hostile, especially on the first day.
Kori let out a deep breath and smiled, looking at Aurea. "Thank you kindly, that means much to me" she replied, her spirits being lifted. In the heat of the moment, she had never noticed that Aurea processed wings like hers. Kori hoped it gained her 'brownie points' and she silently cheered in her head. However, still keeping a collected outer look.

"And yes, I would love that. Let us get on with unpacking you then" she offered warmly getting up from her bed and walking over to her bags. "Any reason why you decided to pack so light?" she asked, noticing the significantly smaller amount of items compared to hers.

Gripping his weapons and replacing them he slipped on his coat and grabbed the map of the academy. After a short while of wrong turns and dead ends he finally made it to a full glass training room. It was meant to hold in the special abilities of those willing to use it. As he stepped in a system kicked on and a hologram appeared infront of him. Vaskar had used this before, he knew exactly what to do. "Level difficulty, Expert. Weapon class sparring, Kendo free style." The hologram flinched and then appeared with a large samurai sword in its hands. Vaskar slowly bowed as the hologram did. Snapping into a stance he waited for the hologram to charge.
InKryption said:
Oh, uh, yeah.. He said, in a bit of a clearer tone, lifting is gaze back up to meet Oracle's. He slowly dragged his left hand out of his pocket, and pointed in the direction of the dorms, while explaining exactly where to find them, or approximately to where he could find them. And, sure... Nice to meet you too. He extended his already uncovered hand, and awaited for Oracle to maybe grab hold of it - as far as he was aware, this was a "polite" way of greeting someone. Why did he do this? Well, it was because he was taking friendly advice, from a girl who he had met that same day - her name was Kori, a winged being of some sort.
Oracle perked up his ears, listening intently. "Thank you, I hope we do bump into each other yet again." Oracle stared at the outstretched hand before remembering that this was an earth gesture, he took it with his own strong hand and shook it a bit as he had seen earth beings do. He felt a bit excited as this was his first "handshake". Wow! This place was already so exciting! There was so many different students here! He then felt his stomach drop as he realized he had still been shaking the hand, he let go. Oh no! His heart started to glow with an orange light, as this was his way of blushing.

"Scaring you was kind of the point of all this..Eh, whatever. Do you know where the dorms are ? This place is freaking Hogwarts."

He pulled out his keys.
Mason bit his lip and blushes slightly at his friends comments. "U-uh, N-N-No. I mean like short people. But like not because I like them but like there good people. I mean there no different from big people. I mean I like big people too. I don't mean to say that she is a big person, no wait I'm not trying to call her short. I mean she is short but like I don't mind that she short. I mean wait what did I mean? I don't mean I don't like short people! I mean we are all friends here you don't have to go" he tuned to Amaro.

"There is no third wheelin were like a trycle so I guess there is a third wheel but like not like the other two are together and leaving out said wheel," he bit his lip rather harshly and looked to the floor out of embarrassment.

Mason was extremely nervous and couldn't help but make the room colder.

"Is it cold in here? Wow I hadn't even notice. I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous is all." Mason took deep breaths and calmed down and focus on not toying with the temperature.

"Im sorry" he whispered.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts
This seemed to make Cryn rather uncomfortable - the handshaking, not the glowing of Oracle's heart. Ahem. Cryn said, when his hand had finally been released. He then reinserted it back into his pocket. Yeah. See you around.. And with that, Cryn continued on his indiscriminate path around the campus. The being he had just interacted with was an odd one, but a rather interesting one at that. He found closure in the fact that the creature obviously was not socially skilled either.

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