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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Jack tore his eyes away from the ceiling and looked down at Noel. The mere concept of her power was enough for him to try to imagine the horrors she might have been put through... What he came up with was terrible. when she changed the subject, he prudently decided to let it be for the moment, focusing back on their previous topic. "I wonder if any of the plants can be communicated with in a complex manner... Especially the really old ones... That might make for a very interesting conversation. I'd imagine a tree would have a very zen way of looking at things. I mean, they can't really move like we do, not from place to place... They just have to make do with their location and do the best they can. There's bound to be some nuggets of wisdom in there somewhere."

The pair remained absorbed in their conversation as they made their way to the cafeteria and got in line for the buffet.

Jack picked a large steak fit to feed a carnivore twice his size, two baked potatoes with cheese, butter, and bacon, several slices of garlic bread, a carrot, and a small cup of ranch dressing. His tray sufficiently loaded, he waited with a mischievous grin while Noel finished picking out her food.

@Queen of Fantasy
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Amaro let out a light whistle. "Ice power huh?" He watched steam rise from the ice on the wall. "Neat". Amaro walked over to his bags he left on the wall and pulled out a bottle of water. "Want one or are you just going to keep headbutting the wall?"

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Noel nodded. "It would be amazing to speak with a tree. I would much rather have that power instead of my current one." She said, chuckling but quickly disappearing. Once they arrived at the cafeteria, Noel waited for Jack to pick out his food, then she started. She picked out a salad, a couple of yogurt cups, chicken, and a small slice of apple pie that was at the end of the buffet. She grinned and walked back out of the cafeteria with her new friend. "So where would you like to eat? I'm fine with anything, really."

Blue and Red

Blue put her forefinger and thumb on her chin in a thinking manner. "A sword? I have a katana and she has bow." Red rolled her eyes and waved her hand in front of Blue's face. "Stay focused. We can compare our weapons later." She said jokingly. "Okay, then so controlling darkness could mean many things, like a dark nymph just like us." "But then she would also have to be able to become a part of the shadows or the darkness." Red scratched her head, still trying to come up with more races. "Hmm, maybe a dark elementalist or a necromancer. Those are two more possibilities." "Those might actually fit with your power description."

Leona just shook her head of the girls guesses. "Maybe the dark elementlist... but i'm certainly no necromancer." Leona just plant her bottom on the ground, feeling the grass beneath her. "But even so, dark elementlist doesn't feel right for me... who knows. I might be part of a rare species or something of the like."

Kikira's P.o.v

( I never got a notification)

I watched as she left really quickly my tail and ears drooping as I looked down at the ground.

"Another...." I looked at the key and decided to go find my room to drop everything off. Walking off I ignored everyone as I kept walking, making sure to check every door for the right number. my mind going back to how she said she didn't mention games.

"Aw I swear I heard it...maybe just wishful thinking...." at least I can go to my dorm...and I know who my room mate is...unless they ask for a room change. I frowned before I found my dorm room and unlocked the door going inside and laying my bags down before leaving and walking around to find an area with not so many people...

"So far...not so good first I hallucinated that I met someone then I scare my room mate off...but It will get better I hope" I stopped frowning trying to act happier and succeeded in the process.
The female smiled widely, her wings fluttering against her back. "

This means a great deal to me, Collin. Perhaps someday I'll repay you for your kindness.

" Aurea made a mental note to search the library for him in the future before she curtsied. "

Again, thank you. It was truly lovely meeting you.

" She turned her back to him and opened the left door, taking Collin's words as reassurance when fear tried to bit into her. Holding her breath, Aurea stepped through the portal like doorway and, just like that, teleported to a strange room. Awestruck, the female looked around, her green eyes taking in the already tidy space. The left side bed was already made, no suitcases in site. So her roommate had already been here. Figures she was the last one. Still dazed from the teleportation, Aurea stumbled to what she assumed to be her bed and finally took off her heavy bags.

@Queen of Fantasy
Jack smiled gently. "I'll see what I can do. As for where to eat, I noticed a bunch of big statues in a grove of trees on my way here before I met you. It's as good a picnic spot as any... I think there was a stream and a waterfall too. I can get us there in an instant, so our food won't be cold." He shifted his heavy tray of food and offered Noel his arm, freeing the other.

As she hooked her arm into his, Jack pulled a phone from his pocket and swiftly entered a command.


Jack took the teleportation calmly, and was ready when Noel nearly lost her balance - the sensation of his method of teleportation was rather similar to unexpectedly stepping off of a curb, combined with a momentary full-body pins and needles. He shifted his stance and kept her upright with his arm. "Woop! Alright, I gotcha... There ya go. Yeah, it's a bit of an odd feeling." Jack grinned and looked around. The nearby trees rustled a friendly greeting, the sound mingling with the happily babbling brook and the waterfall a little ways away. "Well, that patch of moss looks mighty comfortable, don'cha think? And a nice flat rock to put our trays on!"

@Queen of Fantasy
Collin smiled. "Farewell." He dismissed her, as she stepped into the portal and disappeared. He sighed and turned and decided to go to the cafeteria.

Noel squealed as the teleportation device had them placed by the large statues and waterfalls. She wobbled and was dizzy, but her new friend helped her settle. "That was very, uh, interesting." She said, brushing the sleeves to her sweater. She looked up from her straightening and her pale eyes went wide in awe at the site before her. "Wow." Was all she could say. "This is amazing!" She exclaimed.

Kori waved back at Cryn and turned around. Immediately after, she jumped off the ground and started flying as fast as she could from the outside area of the school to the entrance, landing gracefully on her feet. From there, keeping a brisk pace, she peered into her dorm room to find a small figure, most likely her roommate.

"Oh! Excuse me, you must be Aurea Driiquar", she said trying to be calm and hide that she was just rushing there. She officially walked in the room and straightened herself. "Excuse me, I stepped out for a bit, I am Kori Maion", she introduced bowing slightly.

Ryan grabbed her key and walked away ignoring everyone she got to her dorm and started on packing. Ryan had a couple thing for some pranks so she put the prank ideas and ingredients in a safe and put it behind a werewolf book. Ryan laid on her bed and started to draw up some more ideas.
Mason kept his head on the wall and held it there before looking up at Amaro "thanks" he calmed down and chugged water and stayed calm. He looked up and forced his eyes to go back to normal and than flashed a small smile at Amaro.

"I'm bored." He said with a small laugh.

@Dante Verren
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"Well then how are we going to solve the problem of you being bored. " he pulled out another bottle of water and drank it himself before swinging the bag over his shoulder. He then upholstered the pistol he used earlier and checked it for damages before returning it to its holster.
Aurea whirled around, her eyes widening at her roommate's sudden entrance. The elven girl was so started, she had to hold the bedside table for balance. Blinking, she took a deep breath and settled her racing heart before being able to respond. "

Oh... hello,

" she squeaked, her voice higher than normal. "

Aha, I'm afraid you startled me... I'm not very... used to all this...

" Though still shaky, her voice regained its normal pitch and she gestured all around her, indicating 'all this.' With a sheepish smile, Aurea took a step forward, her hand stretched out in front of her. "

It's very nice to meet you, Kori.


@The Angelic Kori
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Nora smiled and nodded. "I would be pleased to, as soon as I finish helping these few over here." She replied, patting the dog's three heads with her large head.
"Lets go find other people I'm very curious to find out when classes start." Mason stood up and stretched. He looked at Amaro, and then mentally decided it was time to reveal a little about his past.

Mason felt desperate for some personal connection, Mason looked Amaro in the eyes.

"I know about dragons because I've killed a few, and when I'm ready I'll reveal how to you. And I'll show you different ways to kill them or least the ways that were successful for me, that's if you would like."

He then put his hands on his pockets. "I need to go get new gloves as well." He commented and then began to walk out of the gym.

@Dante Verren
One left, and the one she followed here mentioned they were lost. She had quickly gained a decent idea of where things were and likely wouldn't forget anytime soon, so there wouldn't be much issue if she were without her map now. "I'm sure this will be of some help." She approached the figure she had followed earlier, map neatly folded in the hand she was holding out to him.

"I agree... I wonder who all these statues are of... I never paid much attention in history class." Jack led Noel to the rock and the patch of moss and laid out his food. "Hmm. Tool marks. I guess others have noticed this rock as well on occasion." As they began to eat, Jack took a few moments to look at Noel from under his hood, taking in her appearance. He wasn't sure why. An involuntary smile curled his lips as he contemplated her - she was indeed rather beautiful. What struck him most were her green eyes.

After a few pleasantly silent moments, Jack started to slow his eating enough to speak politely again. "So where are you from? Obviously not the Deadlands. You would have been all over the news."
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"Huh?" it took Amaro a minute to process this information and by the time he did mason had already left the gym. He turned quickly and ran to catch up. "Wait up Dammnit! Don't joke with me about killing dragons! Do you know how hard those things are to kill?" he was still telling even when he caught up to him. "Where are we going anyway.

Noel took a moment to admire the statues as well. A small smile crept onto her face. "I have no idea. Perhaps previous owners of the school." She shrugged, and sat with Jack. As she ate she watched the large statues, not noticing Jack's quick glances. As she took another bite, he asked a question and she suddenly stopped, and went wide eyed. She swallowed her food and repeated. "Where am I from...?" She blinked a few times before replying. "Well, I'm originally from France... Though I've traveled quite a lot." She clasped her hands together. "I'm also from another time, I guess... The middles ages? It was tough back then..." She looked at the ground. She cleared her throat and lifted her head up once again. "So, where are you from?" She asked.

Kori's heart dropped a bit. She wanted to make a good impression on her roommate, not scare her half to death. She took her hand into both of hers and bowed her head in forgiveness. "I do hope you forgive me for my rudeness, I didn't mean to frighten you" she replied gently, spirits diminished. It would be most fruitful for their friendship to not run on fear and all the different terrible outcomes flashed in Kori's mind of how her failure could ruin everything. She was starting to get in one of her pessimistic moods to she was so prone to.

She let go of Aurea's hands quickly as to not give her another reason to be frightened of her in any sort of way. "... In any case, if you need any help with anything, I'll be happy to help... " Kori said lightly as she turned to sit on her bed, unfurling her wings from her back to stretch them.

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"I'm not kidding" Mason whispered. He sighed deeply, and then continued to walk forward. He turned to Amaro, "I may not look it but I have a couple trick up my sleep" he said with a small chuckle.

"I need to find gloves to wear when I'm fighting, and to meet new people." He said clearly not knowing where he was going but determined to find his way.

"Would you rather do something else" he asked his roommate.

@Dante Verren
"Damnit. Fine so lead the way." Amaro kept his voice under control but his hands where clenched into fist and his teeth started to look like fangs. "Why do I have to be so weak." The thought kept running through his head over and over as they walked.

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Mason was very curious as to why the boy had trouble believing. Mason sighed he was going to do something he regret in order for the greater good. He believed Amaro was a goodhearted person who can one day be one of the finest Heros to have ever lived. But until then Mason had to teach him something that the boy so obviously lacked, something that he himself was not very good at. Control.

Mason turned and told his friend "hit me" he pushed him slightly.

"Hurry up. And hit me."

Mason was determined to teach him something, for he saw a lot of potential in Amaro.

He pushed him again.

"What are you a coward, are you scared?" Mason baited him knowing well that Amaro would not be able to control himself and would retaliate falling into Mason's plan.

@Dante Verren

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