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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

  • A

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yuki had already gotten his papers from the office and had dropped his stuff off in the dorm room assigned to him. These tasks weren't hard, or really that time consuming, but he felt puckered out from doing them somehow. Still, he grabbed the skateboard from his back-pack and walked off to the courtyard where the ground was paved smoothly with cement. He dropped the skateboard to the ground and placed his right foot atop its back. With a kick off of the ground, Yuki was skating down the path, swaying around the people walking. Music blared in his ears from a set of headphones, though it was hard to see beneath the blonde hair on his head.
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blue got bored and jumped out of her tree and directly infront of the boy on the skate board and they collided she smacked her head on the pavement and took out her headphone "owwww im so sorry " sheput my hand on where she head hit and winced and felt blood " im sorry"

(@ChubbyPenguin )
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Sixxx said:
blue got bored and jumped out of her tree and directly infront of the boy on the skate board and they collided she smacked her head on the pavement and took out her headphone "owwww im so sorry " i put my hand on where my head hit and winced when i felt blood " im sorry"
(@ChubbyPenguin )
(No first person)

Tanna grinned. "This is wonderful!" She said, grinning. She watched the marriage. "Wonderful." She repeated, still smiling.
"Good for you, now lets head back to Melody and go home, it feels weird being in the future, also let's not ruin the suprise for Melody" said Kylia with a smile as she started to creep back outside quitely so no one would hear them. @UnwantedTruth
Tanna nodded before creeping towards the door. She gently opened it a crack and sneaked out. She saw Melody. "Hey there Melody! Guess who saw who they're gonna marry!"
( GUYS i re read what i write after i post and i fix it , im sorry im getting used to the whole 3rd person thing ok ?dont jump dow my throat when i just post something because odds are im fixing it at the same time, Again im sorry , ill get used to it and i fix it when i mess up )
Sixxx said:
( GUYS i re read what i write after i post and i fix it , im sorry im getting used to the whole 3rd person thing ok ?dont jump dow my throat when i just post something because odds are im fixing it at the same time, Again im sorry , ill get used to it and i fix it when i mess up )
(....you wrote she put your hand on where her head hurts...)
(oh .... well that was just a flat out typo lol sorry )

(oh .... well that was just a flat out typo lol sorry )
( boop. @Sixxx )

the black skateboard flew up when they collided, giving only a second after Yuki hit the ground before it landed on his stomach vertically. He was at a loss for breath momentarily, but sat up from the cement in a hurry. Sleeve-covered arms wrapped around his stomach just before looking up at the person he had hit. He hadn't heard what she was saying because of the music, so he lifted up into a crouched position and pulled one of the earpieces out.

"A-are you ok?" He asked, keeping a good distance from the girl even as he leaned closer. immediately noticing the smell of blood, Yuki frowned and bit the inside of his cheek in thought. Did we really hit that hard?
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Melody, now with her bandages on, looked towards Tanna and smiled. "The gingerbread man?" giggled Melody sarcastically in response.
Tanna shook her head and giggled. "No silly! Me! I found out who I'm gonna marry!" She said grinning widely. "Ready to head back?" She asked.
"Alrighty then gather around" stated Melody as she began to transport them back to school. After going through time again they made it back. "There" said Melody as she sat on the ground again, totally wiped. "That was fun" stated Kylia. "Hey Tanna follow me, I need to talk to you in privet" said Kylia as she motioned for her to follow her outside of class. @UnwantedTruth
(Argh sorry @Federoff my wifi backfired again)

"Oh c'mon! Play fair!" Ashe says throwing a staff towards him. She still had her small pole in hand, and a smile on her face. She got into position, waiting for his first attack.
(Np @AceXCrossix @DemonicPrincess )

Once they were outside and the door was close, Kylia preceded to hug Tanna. "I'm so happy for you, but how are you going to precede from here?" asked Kylia with curiosity in her voice as she broke the hug. @UnwantedTruth

Zane caught the small pole in one hand, raised an eyebrow, and stared at it for a few moments. After this he put both hands around it and stood in his own stance, also waiting on the first attack. @AceXCrossix
Tanna hugged her back and shrugged. "I dunno....I was planning on just letting nature take it's course..." She said, sighing.
Ashe raises her brows but doesn't question his methods. She calmly walks towards him and slid her pole down towards his leg in order to try and trip him. She does a flip and locks his arms. @Federoff
Malaine was walking the school barefoot wearing a white flowy dress her hair not in its usual braids or ponytail it was down the wind causing it ti wip around her, she had her spell book clutched tight to her chest as she stood under a cherry blossom tree her gaze at the sky. She smiled sitting down opening her book and started to read silently.

{Didn't know where to jump in so yea..}
Luke continued to roam through the halls in a slightly drunken manner with a bored expression on his face due to the medication that that gardening teacher told him to consume. Still unaware of what he was doing, Lucario walked into a door with no reaction. He just turned the handle and made his way into the courtyard. Yes, he was still asleep, but his nanites were forcing him to wake up. So....he really didn't know what was going on. Pong. His head hit a pole. "..." Once again Lucario shifted his position and kept walking while that same bored expression was on his face.
Federoff said:
"First time at the rodeo?" asked Kylia with a smile. @AceXCrossix )
Tanna nodded. "Honestly, yeah....could you....I dunno....help me out with this whole thing?" She asked, sighing.

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