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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Tanna's grin widened. "I don't suppose you'd like to come to the concert with me." She said. She was filled to the brim with excitement.
"Can I?" asked Melody with a smile on her face and excitement in her voice. Zane turned his head towards the two and nodded. "Look after her" stated Zane before turning his head back. @UnwantedTruth
Tanna grinned. "Of course you can come! I was hoping you would!" She said, clapping slightly. She then looked at Zane. "I'm ashamed you think you have to tell me that." She said with a smirk.
"Yay" smiled Melody "I've never been to a concert before" continued Melody as she smiled, this will be her first time going to a concert and she was excited. Kylia heard the commotion from the pub of people and decided to walk over to them to see what was up. "Whats with all the excitement?" asked Kylia with a smile on her face. @UnwantedTruth
Tanna grinned and looked at Kylia. "Melody and I are gonna go to a concert in..." She took out the tickets and looked at the day. "Two days!" She said. She then mouthed the word date. Knowing that Melody couldn't see it.
"And it's going to be my first concert" explained Melody, barely able to keep excitement contained. Kylia nodded and smiled at the two. "Concerts are always fun, I remember my first one" exclaimed Kylia as she closed her eyes and let the memories come back. "I was a nervous wreck, but the audience loved it" explained Kylia as she grinned ear to ear. @UnwantedTruth
Tanna nodded. "Concerts are amazing!" She said, grinning widely. "This is gonna be fantastic!" She said, excitement overtaking her voice.
"Yeah, they truly are. Oh that reminds me, My names Kylia" stated Kylia, she had forgotten to introduce herself, how typical. SHe extended her arm forward fro Tanna to shake.
"I'm Melody" replied Melody with a smile and a wave. Kylia gave Melody a pat on the head and smiled. "I'm Kylia, teen pop star" smiled Kylia
Tanna's eyes widened. "Pop star? What's your band's name? And when's your next performance?" She asked, smiling. "I might come watch you!"
Luke was knocked out for a fairly long time due to the herbs that one of the teachers told him to consume. His nanites though forced him to wake up. The teen stood himself up then walked toward the door in a seemingly drunken manner. He was awake, but not aware of what he was doing. His consciousness was asleep, but a part of his mind was fully active....aside from the ones that are already active when someone is naturally asleep. Luke's hand gripped the knob and swung the door open in a careless manner. He mumbled something under his breath while proceeding into the hallway with a bored expression on his face.
Kylia smiled and took a seat next to Tanna and Melody. "The Rising Sun and the performance is tomorrow here" stated Kylia as she began to drum on her desk, producing a snare drum sound.

Tanna grinned. "Sounds fun! We'll come! At least, I will. Not sure about Melody here." She said, grinning. She turned to Melody. "I hope you come with me!"
"Of course I will" smiled Melody, two concerts in two days, her lucky week. Kylia put a finger to her chin and gave off a mischievous grin before turning to Tanna and whisper "Good choice, hope you have fun"
Tanna grinned. "Brilliant! I can't wait!" She said. She then blushed at Kylia comment. "Thanks..." She muttered. "So, how much is it to get into your concert?" She asked.
"Its free" replied Kylia with a wink as she continued to drum. "Its my first concert outside of Japan and I'm really excited" smiled Kylia. "I can't wait either" smiled Melody.
Tanna smiles. "Congrats on your first concert out of Japan! That's a big achievement!" She said. She then stared at Melody, not speaking, but just absorbing every detail of her.
"Wow really? That's so cool" replied Melody with a smile, oblivious to what Tanna was doing. Kylia's grin grew even wider. "Aww, someone's crushing hard" whispered Kylia, sticking out her tongue in a teasing fashion.
Kylia moved two fingers to her mouth and moved them across her lips in a zipping fashion. "So Tanna, what can you do?" asked Kylia, seemingly changing subjects.
Tanna smiled at the changing of the subject. "Well, I'm strong and fast and I talk to animals! Oh, also, I manipulate light and dark!" She said with a giggle. "What about you?" She asked, grinning.
"I have Symphokinesis and I have minor flower manipulation" replied Kylia with a wink as she started to play air guitar, creating actual sound. "You should talk to my pet cat, I wanna know what it thinks of me" continued Kylia with a wink and a mischievous grin on her face. After a few minutes of creating sound, she stopped. Melody clapped at this and smiled. "That's cool that you can talk to animals" replied Melody.
Tanna smiled. "I'd love to! Your cat sounds like a wonderful person!" She's said with a small giggle. She then looked at Melody. "Thanks! You haven't told me all of your abilities yet. Mind sharing?" She asked with a grin.

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