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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Ashe hugs Keani to reassure her that she was safe and then lets go feeling the tension between Zane and some random guy. She shook her head smirking. Boys these days. As the anonymous dude walks away, she sees the duo trying to find someone. "Hey! Looking for something?" She called waving towards Melody.

It was so peaceful on the roof that Luce somehow fell into a deep slumber. Hey, teachers need their beauty sleep too!
Keani looked at Ashe. "You are...you're very kind..." she stuttered, looking down. She folded her hands in her lap when Ashe called out to someone else, making herself seem smaller than she actually was. She felt more at ease when she wasn't using her power if she wasn't being paid attention by anyone.
Melody quickly stood an inch taller for hearing Ashe's voice. Zane guide her to the direction of Ashe and let go of her hand, allowing her to roam free. Melody quickly ran in the direction Ashe and preceded to give her a hug. "H-hi Ashe" she said her her quite voice, but notably louder than previously. Zane averted his glowing red eyes to look for a spot that her might find acceptable for tonight's festivity, while tuning out the background noise so he could think more clearly.
Ashe turns to look at Keani who whispered something about her being nice. She chuckles darkly as past memories resurfaced. "Yes, I'm very nice." If only they knew what was hidden behind her mask of many. She then turned to Melody and hugged the girl back. "Wassup?"
Jorah leaves the lunch room and heads into the courtyard where he sits at a table where he dumps the sand. He summons close to 20 miniature figures of himself and has them fight each other. He stares at every swing of a blade."You little guys impress me with your skills," he creates a figure twice as large as all of them,"but can you defeat something double your every strength?" He stares with excited eyes.
Keani glanced up at her, unable to tell if the girl was making a joke or not. She glanced back down at her hands, holding her breath as she prayed that no one would say anything to her if they weren't Ashe.
Ashe released Melody from the death hug and smiled, patting the seat next to her so the girl could sit down. "You guys coming to watch the fireworks?" she asked. She was thinking it would be cool to watch from a high up place, despite her fear of heights, it would be cool. They'd get to have a more vivid and closer view.
Zane's neck quickly snapped back to Ashe, causing his neck to release sounds of immense snapping. He responded with "Yes, Melody loves watching fireworks" was spoken out of his mouth, Zane putting an emphasis on the words Melody and watching. Melody sat down next to Ashe and spoke in a humming tone "Yes they are very pretty."
Ashe rolls her eyes at Zane. "Alright calm down, its not like I'm asking her to blow them up or anything," she said. "And stop with those rude statements. It sounds like you want to bite my head off. What did I ever do to you?" she added. That was one thing she hated about guys. They judge before they see. Ashe turns to Melody and pats her head. "Yea they're pretty. Like you." Wow. That was cheesy.
Zane stared at the girl with absolute confusion on his face. He started to speak "Wha~" but was quickly interrupted by Melody. "Zane didn't mean anything by it, he doesn't hate you, and didn't mean to sound rude. He was just clarifying that I'm going to watch, not himself" said Melody as she started to kick her legs and continue her hum.
"Oh.." she gave him a look of apology and turned her head, catching a glimpse of red hair on the rooftop. Ashe squinted her eyes seeing as it was the same man that she saw during the packet pick-up. Not wanting to seem suspicious, she turned back to face her friends. "Are we allowed up on the roof?"

He didn't know it but the blondie was watching him the whole time from afar. She even appeared in his dreams! But him being him, didn't know that. Ashe.. that name was stuck in his head. Where had he heard it? Luce groaned. So much thinking. It hurts his brain.
Zane looked at Melody and nodded at her in a approving manner. Melody nodded in return and turned to Ashe, she grabbed her hand and suddenly a portal took them to the top of the roof. Zane started to walk to the building and climb up quickly and agilely. "Here you go" smiled Melody, still holding Ashe's hand.
Jorah is staring at the weird reptile man, he takes a solid bite from a fruit,"Interesting..." he says with a smirk.
Ashe held on tightly to Melody's hand. A "woah" escaped her mouth. They were high up above the ground. Her face paled and she gave a weak smile. And to think she was over her fear of heights. But, on the bright side, she got to see some of Melody's powers in action. So worth it xD . "Hey, if its not too much to ask, can Keani come up here too?" She points to a white haired girl sitting on the same bench they were, not bothering to look and stepped on someone.

Luce groaned as pain escalated through his back. He woke up finding the blonde's foot on his back. "Oh how fun. I'm going to get back problems when I become older," he thought aloud as she too her foot away and rubbed the back of her neck.
"I can't see without Zane" Melody said not budging an inch. "You can continue to hold my hand if you need it, I can tell your afraid of heights" continued Melody in a concerned manner.
"Ah yea thanks," she hugs Melody. The girl was so kwaii. She slowly steps forward towards the railings and called down to Keani "Keani! We're up here!" Ashe was hoping the girl would notice and follow them up. @HonestlySurviving

Luce steadied himself and walks to the far corner of the roof where he was out of earshot. He didn't want to have to deal with the students right now, especially that girl. "When's the firework show starting?" he thought to himself.
Kriv was sitting at the far end of the table, eating the apple that had come with the lunch he had gotten. He was looking around, trying to find someone to share a dorm with, when he noticed a large dog person staring at him.

He decides to go confront the person, so he gets up and begins heading torwards Jorah.
Is sitting playing with the pit of a peach when Jorah realizes the reptilian he was staring at approaches.

-COUNCIL OF THE Academy of the Extramundane
"I do both but due to what I am,I tend to better at dark magick." Malaine only hate half of her food throwing away the rest. "Let's hurry so we can get a good spot on the roof..."

@Jess Buck
Keani looked up and slowly nodde . She hesitantly stood and looked around for a way to get up to Ashe. She took a small step forward, and was almost run down by a group of guys playing football. She held her arms in front of her face, but otherwise stood frozen as they stumbled past to get a ball. "Sorry!" One yelled off handedly back as the game continued. Keani hurried out of the immediate area, then continued to try to figure out how they'd gotten on the roof.

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