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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Malanie while waiting fell asleep curled up tightly in a ball her long hair messy and all over the place. Her body all though her temperature was getting better she still felt somewhat hot,answer it made her mouth fell dry.
RyanJXavier said:
Lucario turned back toward Tsubaki as he walked backward to the cafeteria, "You want to come with me? I'm getting a muffin for someone...maybe you can get something to eat too?" @Soul OMU
Tsubaki sniffs and blinks as she smells the other demon on him. "...I'll come with you... But after you get your muffin for someone im going to go... I can't be near the other one..."
"Okay" Lucario simply replied. He found her response kind of odd. Wait, she sniffed....did he smell bad? Luke brought his arm to his face and smelled his jacket. No, he smelled clean. It was like that Tide laundry thing. Maybe Tsubaki didn't like that fresh laundry smell? Within moments they entered the cafeteria and Lucario picked up a chocolate chip muffin. "So did you meet your roommate?" He asked.
RyanJXavier said:
"Okay" Lucario simply replied. He found her response kind of odd. Wait, she sniffed....did he smell bad? Luke brought his arm to his face and smelled his jacket. No, he smelled clean. It was like that Tide laundry thing. Maybe Tsubaki didn't like that fresh laundry smell? Within moments they entered the cafeteria and Lucario picked up a chocolate chip muffin. "So did you meet your roommate?" He asked.
Tsubaki nods as she walked with him, but keeping a bit of distance. "Yeah... She seems nice..." She said softly while looking around, thinking to herself as she plays with some shadows while waiting.
"You're not getting anything? Like a snack or...no?" Lucario asked raising a brow as he took another muffin for himself and bit into it.
RyanJXavier said:
"You're not getting anything? Like a snack or...no?" Lucario asked raising a brow as he took another muffin for himself and bit into it.
Tsubaki shakes her head. "No... They don't quite... Have things that I can eat... Which is why I brought my own food..." She said while playing with a shadow in her hand.
"Got it. This is really good though but okay whatever you say Tsubaki" Lucario said taking another bite then walking out of the cafeteria.
Lucario opened the door to the cafeteria and stuck his torso in. "See ya later" He smiled and waved. After that, Lucario made his way back to the infirmary. "Here you go" The teen said giving the muffin to Malaine. By that time he had already finished his own. @Soul OMU @DemonicPrincess
Malaine woke up to his voice and the smell of the muffin and gently toke it from his hand. "Thank you." She said smiling softly. Malaine toke a small bite smiling.
"Im felling a lot better thank you.. " Maline smiled at him soft slowly sitting up whincing a little cause her body was sore."..thanks for taking care of me."
Tsubaki sitting in the cafeteria, staring at her own feet before sighing, her bangs hiding her face as shadows pool around her form. She didn't know why she didn't expect him to have better friends.
"Yeah no problem..." Lucario responded and noticed her wince in pain. "You need help getting to your room or something?" He asked before he could turn around and leave.
((Not sure on how to come back in xD ))

Kylia came back into the room and smiled at Malaine. "You feeling better?" asked Kylia sincerely while sitting next to her. "I had to give that no good nurse a piece of my mind before getting you this" smiled Kylia as she produced a rose that matched Malaine's hair.
"Yes please.. " Malaine finished her muffin "..but can we get another muffin too? " Malaine wiped her face to get ride of the crumbs. She looked at Kylia and smiled taking the rose."Its pretty never saw a honey brown rose before. "
Lucario laughed a little,"Sure". He responded then suddenly saw another person enter the room and make a flower. Never seen her before either. Luke thought to himself then glanced at the clock.
"Hello" Lucario waved back at Kylia. "I'm Lucario" He said introducing himself. Wait he heard that name earlier that day. Oh, she was the one that was announced that morning.
"Lucario huh? That's a cool name" chirped Kylia as her attention turned back to Malaine. "So how you holding up princess blushy?" asked Kylia curiously, she wanted to make sure one of her best friends was doing alright.
Blush...y? Lucario glanced back at Malaine in time to see her blush a bit. That was an interesting nickname. His eyes caught sight of the empty injection on the counter and threw it into the trashcan. Anything else? He looked over the counter making sure nothing else remained. No, all good.
Kylia responded with a light squeal and hugged Malaine. "But your so cute when you blush" retorted Kylia as she tried to contain herself. "But if you want me to I'll stop" said Kylia sounding half-defeated.

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