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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Lucario watched as the nurse entered the room to take care of Malaine. His eyes widened when she yelled in pain. Perhaps that gardening teacher could help her as well. He walked out of the infirmary then began to walk around looking for that teacher. Luke paused thinking about the situation. The only reason why anyone other than him would heat up like that is because..., "She's a demon?" Okay, so it had to root anatomically. If he melted a substance with certain elements he would be able to alleviate her pain. Not so much her temperature though. He would have to leave that up to the professionals. Lucario sprinted to his dorm and took out a few elements. Luckily, he had already combined the necessary elements to create the substance he was thinking about. The teen ran back to the infirmary with the tube and took out an injection. "Still hot Malaine?" He asked checking her status. @DemonicPrincess
She noded her head pulling him close to her so he could fell just hot she was. Malaine brought her face close to his "Grr i fell like im melting!" She said letting a demonic growl escape her lips.
Brutis seen someone sprinting around and wondered what might be going on and followed him to the infirmary . When he walked in he asked " Is anything the matter?"
(g' night soul)

THAT NURSE IS..SHE DON'T DO ANYTHING. Lucario looked off to the side. The nurse didn't even help him when he was getting all rollercoaster-y with his temperature just a few moments ago. It was Ashe, the history teacher, and the gardening teacher who helped him. "This is going to hurt...for two seconds because of the contact it will make. After that short pain, you won't feel this hot okay? Are you ready?" Lucario held up the injection and opened up his digital interface (holographic plane) to view a diagram after scanning her body by moving his arm over her. He looked over his shoulder to view a teacher, "She's too hot sir". His gaze shifted back to Malaine waiting for her approval. @DemonicPrincess @Reference Wolf
blue walks though the hall ways getting a lay out of where her classes are she smiles thinking to herself about how great a it will be , a new beginning
Brutis ran over to her " Do you know how to treat her illness? I know some healing magic If you need help!" Brutis starts assessing her condition. and focusing magic .
"Nothing is damaged" Lucario responded with his eyes glowing blue. "I'm afraid healing isn't going to do it. It must be a cycle...just like what happened to me. Or maybe even a thing that only happens to her species" He added still waiting for Malaine's approval.
Malaine noded to Luke and smiled painfully "Just make it go away.." she said letting out a scream full of pain,she didnt even know what was happing to her she barely gets sick."..p-please " she said as she looked at the teacher who arrived before looking back at Luke,right into his eyes as tears fell from hers.
Lucario quickly inserted the injection and located the spot on the diagram he was view on the interface. He pressed down letting the liquidized and electro-nized substance enter a certain nerve cell area. Neurons relayed sensations and were similar to the whole proton and electron concept due to the electrical connection type of system it had. He looked over his shoulder to the teacher, "I'm not sure how I can lower her temperature down...actually I might be able to figure it out if I have some time. Meanwhile since I'm doing this, do you have any suggestions?" Lucario kept the needle in a bit longer then brought it out. "'Kay give it five seconds" He added looking back at Malaine. @DemonicPrincess @Reference Wolf
Malaine whinced once the needle was inside her. Her breathing that once was hard and fast slowed down."Lucario.. " she said griping his hand"... i don't think its working.. " she said as she covered her mouth to muffle a scream.
'I don't mean to be rude but if this is a cycle we may need to research on how to treat it for her species if she is fine with that" Brutis starts looking for any usable medicines. "I'm going to put up some healing wards just in case and we need some cooling blankets and a ice pack until we know more"
"It will work...there's no reason why it shouldn't" Lucario responded grimacing at the feel of her hot hand. "This will remove the pain...I'm still thinking of a way to bring the temperature down" He added taking his hand away from her's. There was a red hand mark now on his hand. "Sir I'm practically a living computer. Tell me what to search" Lucario made the digital interface/holographic computer stretch out by placing each of his hands at each end and spreading it apart. @DemonicPrincess @Reference Wolf
blue jumps at his sudden approach but smiles " oh hey , yeh we should , whatca wanna do" she liked Jin he was nice , he saw her as beautiful and didnt seem to gawk at her scars

( @ZackIsDead )
"Y-you wont find anything on us.." she let out another muffled scream of pain "..there is only 8 of us .." Malaine let out a small scream her pain seeming to calm down."..the pain and heat is to much for my body and im an Arch Demon..something is wrong."
Brutis nods "Good good, we need to know who she is to know how to treat her. If she has any school records here maybe we can find something in there or if not could you look up safe ways to lower body temperature" Brutis places a cooling blanket over here and an ice pack on her forehead.
"Do you by any chance know what's wrong? Or at least have a hint?" Lucario asked raising a brow. Arch demon? Well, that was the first time Lucario has ever heard of such as species.
"It might be my d-demon, i haven't let it out since the war.." Malaine toke a deep breath "...you must be wondering what an Arch Demon is.." she said looking at Luke "..everyone has been told the stories of the Arch Angels, but never about us.."
"Tell me then. We might be able to find out how to bring you back to normal if you tell us about Arch Demons" Lucario replied with a concerned look on his face.
(sorry zack my computer isnt showing when you reply ill fix it)

Blue blushs but they walk back to her dorm and she smiles, her plant wilted a bit but a few seconds after walking into the room they looked healthy and blossomed . "so why the sudden urge to hang out with me " she said as she ploped down on her bed

(sorry zack my computer isnt showing when you reply ill fix it)

Blue blushs but they walk back to her dorm and she smiles, her plant wilted a bit but a few seconds after walking into the room they looked healthy and blossomed . "so why the sudden urge to hang out with me " she said as she ploped down on her bed
"I can't tell you..all my old past memories are locked away to keep me sane." Malaine takes a deep breath as her temperature very slowly drops "I know you wanna help thank you.." it seemed whatever Lucario ingected her with seemed to calm her demonic cells bringing her temperature down along with the pain.

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