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Fantasy Academy for future gods/goddesses (3 spots left)

M yawned and laid down. He glanced over at the roommate. "What's that? You a writer or something?" He titled his head.
Having disappeared into the bathroom, Miles would return with a generically round fish bowl in one hand, and a suitcase in the other, wearing a fairly annoyed expression on his face.

Poseidon had flung his belongings into the bathtub from the sand dollar (the sand dollar had been put in the water as means of calling his father). But flinging the items had been unlike how they agreed. What can you do, right?

Neither were sopping wet, fortunately - in fact, neither were wet at all. He placed the bowl on his bed, and the suitcase on the floor, kneeling down to unpack it.

Keir turned around a few corners, not looking up from his map "I got it at the same place I got the schedule, the front office, where else would you get a map of the school." Keir turned and almost ran headfirst into the canteen door, only catching himself centimeters in front of it letting out a sigh as he read the sign"Closed, really?"

// @Cartreck I'm alive.
"I got my schedule from Hermes..." Deacon replied before running easiest into Keir. "Again.. really." He looked up and ready the sign. "No... Gods damn it. Now where do we get food?" Deacon pondered for a moment. "Screw it I'm ordering Chinese food. What do you want?" He asked Keir, getting out his phone and dialing a number. It was for the jade palace, and the delivery time was quiet fast. Slowest it's ever taken them to deliver to him was about 6 seconds.

Ayu looked up and nodded. "Kind of. It's more just a hobby." Ayumu commented, looking back down to what he had written. It actually seemed to be some sort of poem or perhaps lyrics to a song. Ayu placed his elbow on his leg and stared at the piece of paper for a moment, palm on cheek and his pen tapping the side of his focused expression. He often wondered what the goddess of marriage did. Like, Aphrodite was the goddess of love and made people fall in love, Zeus was the king and controller of lightning, Hermes was the messenger of the gods, Poseidon the controller of water. Hera felt to be left out from the group. Sure, it is often said she is Zeus's lover and the queen of the gods, yet that wasn't entirely true. First of all, Ayu didn't have any brothers. Second of all, he was positive his father wasn't Zeus. He had tried several times to see if he was. Although, another strange fact was that Hera hated any mortal being who crossed her path, so it was also unlikely that his father was human? So then, which god could it have been?

All of that thinking just made Ayumu's head hurt, so he set his notebook to the side and stood up, stretching. He looked at his roommate. "Hey... would you like to come on a walk with me?" Ayu asked. "You don't have to, it's just a suggestion." He then said, putting his hands in his pockets. He was just bored to be honest, but didn't really want to walk alone after just making a friend. Or at least he considered Marshall a friend.


@solicitude /.​

Keir sighed "Just get my some prawn crackers, I'm not feeling that hungry anyway... I guess it's back to the dorm"Keir turned on his heel and started back the way they came, the map in his pocket as he remembered the way back" well this so far sucks"
'Jade palace how may I help you?' Deacon sighed in relief. "Thank gods. Yes can I have a large chicken fried rice and prawn crackers?" 'Sure thing. Order Will be done there in a matter of 10 seconds. Have a nice day.' "You too." Deacon hung up and walked towards the entrance to the school. 10 seconds. That's forever. Hmph. I wonder if I'll see Whitney here. The guy with his food flew in with his order and handed it to him. 'it's on the house for your first day of school and for being such loyal customer.' Deacon nodded and started back to his door.
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Aides sat down at the desk at the foot of his bed, grabbing his laptop and charger. Plugging in everything he needed. "Wi-fi..i need the wi-fi password. Maybe down at the office they will have it." But that's more people to interact with..ugh. "Miles. I'm going to head down to the Office to find a Wi-fi password. If you want to tag along you are more than welcome to."

AnarchyReins said:
"No this is not a normal thing." Marcus said this as he got off of the floor. "I just tripped and accidentally let loose a lightning bolt." Marcus said as he rubbed his neck sheepishly. "I'm Marcus nice to meet you." Marcus said this as he held out his hand.
Kain looked in Marcus's eyes" Name is Kain Veilborn son of Ares" he said in a calm yet cold voice devoid of any genuine emotion. Looking to His hand he slowly extended it to shake Marcus's hand. After a brief time He retracted it turning towards the dorm marked 2. He turned the nob before walking in, and placed his ruck sack on the floor next to the bed on the right.
Was he being offered...to go on an adventure?? His head popped up from the other side of his bed, features lighting up. "Yeah, sure," he said with a peppy tone before standing up.

Unpacking could definitely wait, and it wasn't like he had much to unpack anyways. Miles walked around his bed to stand near Aides. "Alrighty."

Aides opened the door two see two guys walking toward the other dorm rooms. Is that chinese food I smell!? Aides' stomach began to growl with hunger. "Oh man.." He walked up toward the gentleman. "Is that..Chinese food!?" Aides sounded a bit too excited, but he didn't care. Chinese food man!!

@Hoki @Cartreck @Iak Destler
Deacon rose an eyebrow. "Yeah. It's Chinese food. The canteen isn't open, so I prefer some. You want the number." He was surprised to see Aides look happy about something. He was the son of Hades god of the underworld. Contrary to people beliefs, not the god of death. That was Thanatos.

Laughing as she ran, Selena chased an unnaturally silver stag. No one else seemed to pay much attention to it; even though it was practically
glowing. No chariots or fancy steeds, or any other incredible entrances like that. Even though the stag could've easily served as her means of transportation, the blonde was highly doubtful that he would actually allow her to hop onto his back. And, despite not being her "faithful steed" in this scenario, the creature was still her guide. She had been told to follow him to her destination, and that's exactly what the girl had done. It had been similar to a hunt, as he never really stopped for long periods of time, but she hadn't been allowed to actually wound him. Not that her bow would do much against the animal, anyways.

Even though she had more or less known where he was taking her, Selena was still a bit dissapointed to see that their destination was a school. She wasn't stupid, but she never really got the
best of grades in such a place; mainly because of her buzzing ADHD. Unless it was PE, it was hard for her to listen to instruction and pay attention during classes. All the kid wanted to do was just spend her days outside and play around, not sit at a desk and memorize which buttcheek a famous dead person had a cancerous mole on. Unfortunately, when the stag disappeared right in front of her eyes, Selena knew that this was where she would have to spend the rest of the year.

Sighing softly, the girl brushed her bangs out of her eyes, and went to explore the campus; maybe even figure out where she was
supposed to sleep.

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Keir gave a smirk as Aides approached them, maybe now he could finally have some fun, "well hello there inferior being, how are you today? You know what, I don't care. Your father hasn't been doing his job lately, lazy as usual." He said, every word spiced with malice as his left red eye began to glow.

//I CAN'T TAG PEOPLE (Hoki, Cartreck, KroNicc115)
Aides ignored Deacon's offer for the number to chinese food. A remark from the son of Thanatos got him riled up. "Keir right? Son of Thanatos. First of all I'm fine, thank you for being so generous and going out of your way of your 'important' business to find out how my day is doing. Second of all, our parents stay out of this. This is between you and me." Aides demeanor changed almost instantly when Keir spoke to him. He hated this guy with a passion and was hoping never to cross paths with him. Thanatos and Hades never got a lot. Naturally. Neither with Aides and Kier.

@Hoki @Iak Destler @Cartreck
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"Haha. Well isn't this fun." Deacon smacked keir upside the head and grabbed his ear. "I'll get back to you with the number for jade palace. You have a wonderful day okay Aides? I'll see you around!" He said, dragging Keir back their dorm. Open g the door and pulling him inside. "Really? Aides of all people. That's like release the kraken for a second time."
Keir sighed as he was pulled along by Deacon, glaring at Aides over his shoulder "You think I'm scared of that poser? He acts all tough because his father is one of the main trio yet he is all bark and no bite.If he tried anything he would be on his back instantly." As they walked past a decorative flower wilted as Keir moved past it.
"I don't care. While your here. None of that. Understood?" Deacon said sternly. Hoping it would make him understand that's it's not okay to be rude like that towards people. It was theie first day but that just isn't right. They on't need enemies already. "You don't need to put yourself in a position that can get you hurt Keir. Do you understand?"
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Aides grumbled as Keir was dragged away. "No good bastard..He thinks hes all that and a bag of chips because his father is Thanatos, the god known for killing and being scary and bad and all of that. Hades is a millions times better than Thanatos wishes he could ever be." He turns back to Miles. "Sorry you had to witness that little episode..That was Keir..The son of Thanatos. We are destined enemies."

'All that and a bag of chips' sort of stuck with him, pulling his lips into a light smile. At Aides apology, the brunet only shrugged it off, shaking his head dismissively. "Eeh, no worries. Keir did seem a little bit like an ass."

Proceeding on the way, he cast a glance back. "Since the canteen's closed," Miles suggested, "wanna order something else?"

Briar was going to first day of school her big sister took the horse she was stuck with the limo once she got to the school she was holding her books her stomach was twisting since she was shy she was looking for her big sister @Blackrose7
Briar just pout a little as she looked at her big sister" do i have to wear big sissy its so heavy to wear plus its too big on me" she say to her pouting a little
Whitney was riding on her mother's white horse: Hippa to school, since she didn't want Athena to make her wear that warrior helmet on her head again. Because not only it's heavy, but it's also Briar's turn to wear that helmet.

'At least Briar has to wear that horrible helmet now, since mom always makes me wear it, because I am the oldest. Plus she also gets to bring our pet owl: Howie to school too, since I did took mom's horse from home.' thought Whitney cheerfully, since she finally doesn't have to wear that helmet until she graduate from the academy.

Once she arrived at the academy, Whitney told Hippa to go home, since she doesn't want Athena to know that she has taken her horse to school. Hippa listen to Whitney, and immediately went back home to wherever it came from.

'I hope Briar is doing fine with wearing that helmet for mom, and I can't wait to see Deacon and Marcus again, since it has been a long time that we saw each other again.' thought Whitney, since Deacon and Marcus use to play with her and Briar when they were younger.

Whitney then saw Briar standing in front of the school by herself, so she walked towards her, because Whitney doesn't her nor herself to look scare at this school.
"Hey Briar. Do you got mom's helmet with you, since it's your turn to wear it, and where is Howie?" said Whitney, since she wants her mother to be happy with this whole wearing the warrior helmet thing.


( Howie is their pet owl btw. )
Zeldafangirl said:
Briar just pout a little as she looked at her big sister" do i have to wear big sissy its so heavy to wear plus its too big on me" she say to her pouting a little
"Because it's your turn to wear the helmet, Briar, and mom just wants you to wear it for a bit, since she knows that if you wear that helmet for too long that it will break your neck. This will also make her happy, since she like to think that we are mini goddesses of herself, because we wearing that heavy helmet of hers. After you are done wearing that helmet to make mom happy, we will go to the spa and get some ice cream." said Whitney.


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