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Fantasy Academy for future gods/goddesses (3 spots left)

"Gods, that was a long time ago," he said with raised eyebrows. No wonder this guy seemed kind of familiar; his presence just had a familiar place in his memories. Digging around in his backpack, he pulled out a sand dollar, rubbing it in between his hands as he started towards the bathroom. "Oh, well, you know," Miles responded, smiling at Aides, "He's doing well, though still a little irritated; did you hear about the Cyclops strike? That wasn't fun."

Shrugging it off, he waited by the door of the bathroom, sand dollar gripped in his right hand. "What about Hades?"

As Keir listened to Deacon's music he stopped tapping the wall before sitting up and putting a hand to his forehead and sighing to himself "what am I doing, I'm slipping, that's what I'm doing." Keir gave a wuick wave as shadows covered the area in front of his lap and as it faded there sitting on his lap was a nice looking laptop "much better."
Marcus walked towards his dorm room to see if his roommate arrived yet. When he tripped, and fell shooting a bolt of lightning in a random direction. "Shit I hope that doesn't hit anyone." Marcus then dusted himself off and continued toward the dorm building.
Aides scoffed at the remark of his father. "Don't even get me started. It was his idea to send me here in the first place, away from home and Cerberus. Hes just been a lot more..how do I say this..Annoying if you will." The Demi God reached into his bag pulling out a somewhat large laptop and a charger, he placed it to the side to deal with later. "And speaking of the Cyclops, Hades was asked to aide but refused. Said to let good two-shoes Zeus handle it." The leftover thing's in his bag aside from clothes. A few canvas paintings. They were of the different parts of the underworld. The more dark and beautiful than scary parts.

As deacon watched Keir summon a laptop, he looked him over. Bad boy. Why did I get roomed with a bad boy? Deacon pulled out his laptop from his bag and started searching for something to do. Today was going by slowly and he didn't want to spend his day looking Keir. Not that he wouldn't mind just, Keir would eventually catch him.
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"Zeus was too high and mighty to help," he commented with an annoyed huff. Lifting a hand, he gave a "one moment" gesture before disappearing beyond the door. The tub started, and was only running for maybe 30 seconds before it stopped. Miles walked back out, this time lacking the sand dollar. He went over and sat on the foot of his bed, looking over at the other. His eyes widened at the sight of the picture, jaw threatening to fall. "Woah... Who made those?"

Keir started typing before pulling a mouse from his pockets and plugging it into the laptop "let's see how good the schools internet is like. Long as it isn't complete shit I will be happy." He quickly started pulling out other things and soon had to set them up on a table. A portable hardrive, headphones, and a whole bunch of other computer stuff "touch anything on this desk and I'll see you have the worst year ever"
Aides smiled. A smile. What..? Someone liked his work? "Oh these? I painted these actually, It like an escape honestly. I don't feel when I paint, no emotion comes to me. Its quite weird to be honest. I like black out. I wake up and here these wonderful pieces of work are." Aides chuckled as he pulled a few more out.

"Yeah yeah baddy." Deacon replied. He searched his history to see if there was any old things he did that would be of interest. Finding nothing he shut his laptop and set it on his bed. "There is nothing to do here." He said, then his stomach growled. "Food would be nice." Deacon rummaged through his bag in hopes of finding some. His effort being fruitless he grabbed his wallet and got up. "You wanna come with me?" He asked reluctantly.
"I'll be there in a sec, just need to set a few things up" Keir replied, the usual grunt in his voice gone as his eyes focused on his set up in front of him. He began typing incredibly fast, like something out of a movie, and little progress bars started popping up all over his screen. After about a minute of this he stretched his hands up, cracking his fingers "okay done."
AnarchyReins said:
Marcus walked towards his dorm room to see if his roommate arrived yet. When he tripped, and fell shooting a bolt of lightning in a random direction. "Shit I hope that doesn't hit anyone." Marcus then dusted himself off and continued toward the dorm building.
Upon finding his room Kain began to move his hand to the doorknob. Instantly his instinct kicked in electrical impulses shot off, as his hand went immediately to a sword on his back. A oncoming bolt of lightning headed straight toward him;and in the second from leaving the persons hands to kain he had already drawn his blade. Kains eyes locked on as he brought his blade to a slightly bent position. The bolt of lightning hit his blade bouncing off shooting straight through a window at the end of the hall. Glass shattered making a loud noise inside the dorms halls.

kain immediately looked towards the male who had released the bolt. In a quick elegant motion Kain sheathed his sword still holding eye contact. He spoke in a calm tone" I most certainly hope you do not do that often." he said.

Deacon gave him a questioning look. "What did you just do?" He asked generally intrigued by what he just saw. Holding the door open for Keir. "You didn't like, hack the school did you?" He asked jokingly. If he was going to live with this guy, he was going to need to get along with him. No matter how painful it might be.
Keir flashed Deacon a quick smirk "maybe I did, what you gonna do about it?" Now Keir was full of bullshit, he was just downloading games, but he wanted to see how many buttons he could push, and if pushing those buttons what would happen.
He quickly, quickly moved to the side of his bed so he could look more closely, eyes wide in awe and disbelief. "This is just-- What. That is awesome!" The "weird" part about blacking out didn't seem to faze him, and Miles continued to stare at the paints that were pulled out.

Gods, he wished he could paint, or at least do something creative but... Well, yeah, no. The most he could sorta do was play an instrument, but that was about it. And not even well.

"You're so cool!" he exclaimed, lifting his head to beam at Aides. "What other things have you painted?"

"Honestly? Ask for lessons." He laughed. Flashing the family smile. "So, where's the nearest food joint here? I'm starving." He asked. His stomach leg out another growl. He took another look at Keir. And saw his smirk. "And you were downloading games weren't you?"
Aides looks inside of his bag. Sadly his other work wasn't there. Most of his stuff was left back at home. "Most of my stuff is at home, I decided to grab my favorites just to spruce up the room a bit. I have some more on my computer..I could show you them if you would like?" And thus a friendship was born. But something floated in Aides' mind. What was this whole escapade going to be like. What kinds of classes would they have.

Keir sighed and grinned, maybe spending a year with a son of Zeus wouldn't be as bad is it initially seemed "yeah I was downloading games, the nearest food place would be the canteen, apart from that I have no idea, and I could hack into the school if I so pleased, and as for teaching... Hacking is quite hard and difficult, I don't think I would have the patience to teach you"
"Understandable. Canteen it is then." Deacon started rethinking the whole, distancing himself from others idea. "So. How is thanatos?" He asked. A lot of people new more about his father than he did about others. A lot of people also seemed to be angry about the Cyclops wars. They didn't seem to know that he couldn't help.
"Under appreciated by mortals as always, but that never seems to phase him. He kind of like the whole grim reaper thing they gave him, and he has been getting annoyed because Hades is slacking again. That's pretty much it" Keir said as he pulled out his map and started walking in the direction of the canteen and hopefully food.
"Sure! That'd be awesome--" There was a sudden, loud splash coming from the bathroom, one that startled Miles into falling off of the bed with a thud. Scrambling, he quickly got to his feet, looking over to the door with a mildly annoyed expression. "Oh gods..."

His father caused an issue, didn't he?

Giving a quick, apologetic smile to Aides, he just hopped over his bed and jogged to the door.


The black-haired boy gave a soft, relieved smile. His head tilted a tad bit to the side. "Thank you, that makes me happy to hear." He said, bringing his hands behind him and folding his fingers together. Ayu ended up turning and sat back down on the side of the bed he had chosen. He didn't have much else to say, so instead he just decided he'd do something. Ayumu took off the hood of his sweater and grabbed his bag from the bottom half of the bed, placing the item on his lap and opening it.

He stuck his hand into the bag and searched around the inside of it for a moment before he pulled out a pen and notebook. Ayu opened up the notebook and began writing in it with his pen, another trait he might've gotten from his father was to write. It was fun to see what he could do with words.


@solicitude /.​

Ceres said:
"Well she's 100 percent swan. I think," ruby said. "I've heard rumors about Zeus's sons coming here," she informed Anastasia. "Oh and Emmy likes to sleep on beds when she can," ruby told her and Emmy waddled to Ruby's bed, flew on it, and got comfortable.
"I don't know how she would be anything else.' She said watching the swan fly to emma's bed and getting comfortable. "Quite the madam, I like her already. It is an interesting choice of pets I must say, a gift from godly parent?"
Aides was utterly confused at what happened, but quickly brushed it off as he continued to unpack his belongings and such. He placed a few of his canvas paintings on the wall around his bed. Then from his bag, a dark colored curtain that he proceeded to hang on the window. Nothing irritated Aides more than the sun waking him up, that's what the curtain is for.

Deacon fallowed behind Keir. "You have a map? I don't have a map. Where did you get a map?" He asked confused, also trying to make conversation. Though be the son of Us he didn't really know everything about everyone. He never got to interact with the other kids. Only because she he wasn't being studying his father had him practicing with his lighting bolts. He never had free time.

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