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Fantasy Academy for future gods/goddesses (3 spots left)

Keir scoffed at the other, looking him up and down with intent "you think you're the only one who is so special. Deacon, son of Zeus, Brother to Marcus, and if you try to electrocute me you'll find out just how close to death you really are." Keir was going to have to find someone else in this school to have some fun with, if Deacon was anything like his father anyway.
"All talk and no bite. Quaint." Deacon had to hold back a smirk. He knew he was going to probably get the crap beat out of him. But this was just to much fun. "I don't think you would get very far paralyzed luv." He said, crossing his legs and pulling out a psychology book and setting it next to him. His golden locks falling In front of his eyes.
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Keir sat up and turned to face Deacon, his legs over the side of the bed, his hands on his knees, a massive smirk on his face "You really want to try something on your first day, and with the child of death no less, come on, I would expect you to have more sense little one." Keir suddenly vanished in a cloud of smoke only to reappear in front of Deacon "or are you the one with all talk and no bite."
Soon enough, Miles arrived at room five. His first step in had him freezing in place, sea-green eyes with the gray trim widening; the male already there looked like he had been waiting. Sorta.

He doesn't look like a blabber mouth!

He knew he shouldn't have been happy of the fact, but he couldn't help it!

Unfreezing from his place, the male stepped further inside, giving a wave of greeting as he would place his backpack down on the available bed. "Hey!" Miles said with a smile, "Did you just get here?"

Deacon was starting to feel uncomfortable. Maybe I am going to far... "Back off Keir. Or do you want to be numb in your lower regions?" He said trying to sound confident. Not moving from his spot on the bed. Damn, damn, damn... I just screwed myself... Deacon grabbed his book and went over to his dresser. Trying to get away from Keir.
Keir smirked and followed Deacon and talked over his shoulder "what are you going to do pretty boy, try and shock a shadow, you can certainly try." Keir began circling the other, phasing through the dresser as shadows moved around his body, mocking the other demigod "come on then, try to hit me"
Deacon just ignored Keir. "Yeah yeah shadow boy." He said walking back to his bag and rummaging through it, looking for his sheet music. "You just keep your distance and we'lol be fine." He said. Finding his music and heading back to his dresser. Tripping over his own foot and falling onto Keir. Shhhiii....
M walked to his room with a yawn. He wondered if his roommate would be there. Now wouldn't that be splendid? He walked to the room and closed his umbrella he strangely enough took with him everywhere. Yet he never had any bad luck besides occasionally tripping. Occasionally was an understatement though. He looked over at his roommate. "Hiya pal!"
As Keir became a stable form again he was suddenly pushed against the floor by Deacon falling on top of him "and here I thought you were all over the girls like your father" Keir said ,with obvious sarcasm, chuckling as he became a shadowy figure and let Deacon slide onto the floor as he floated up and walked back over to his bed, face down on his pillow.
Deacons face flushed red as he stood up. "Ass." He said trying to calm his heating face. "I.. I don't like you... Nor am I 'all over the girls.' I much rather my studies." He said unconfidently. Dusting off his shirt and picking up his sheet music again. Walking over to his dresser and placing them on top beside his book. "And don't talk about my father like that." He said as he went back to his bed and put his head phones in and turned on some music. Trying to drown out Keir.
"Sure you aren't, I bet you have a girlfriend at this school already, and I will talk about Zeus however I feel like, he knows he's been with too many women and so do you. You can't deny the truth" Keir said as he turned to face the roof as he lay on his bed"If I wake up in the middle of the night because you and your friend can't keep it down I will interrupt you"
Deacons face got even more red. If that's was even possible. "I don't have a "friend." Nor do I need one. The only reason I'm here is because father put me here." Deacon didn't even consider defending his father. It was true. He could be son to any of the goddess or mortal women for all he knew. And deacon sure wasn't going to have any girlfriends while he was here.

The black-haired male had relaxed enough to fall into a soft sleep, however that was disturbed when the door of the room gave a loud creak to announce someone else's arrival. Ayumu opened his eyes slightly and turned himself over to face where he found his roommate to be walking in. Staring at the male, it took Ayu a moment before he moved to stand up beside the bed, giving a polite bow to project his manners. "Hello." He said softly, lifting back up again. He found he had actually been a little at loss for words. He wasn't sure how he should introduce himself to this man. He seemed free-spirited and careless, just the opposite of the reserved and quiet Ayu. "Err... I'm Ayumu, son of Hera. It's a pleasure to meet you...?" Ayumu wasn't exactly sure if that was the correct way to introduce himself, but he went with it anyways. Since he had already said it anyways.

Ayumu looked down at the floor, shifting his feet, still wearing his bondage boots. He felt a little bit embarrassed from this, not knowing who this person was yet knowing that they were going to be stuck in the same room for the school year- what if they didn't like each other? Well, Ayumu never really hated anyone, so the real question was, what if Marshall didn't like him? The thought made Ayu curl his fingers stiffly. He didn't want to be placed in a situation that made the other male uncomfortable in any way. "Uh... I have to apologize before... before..." Oh what was he saying, he didn't even know what he was saying! Ayu took a deep breathe and tried again, "What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable in any way. I can be a bit awkward at times, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened at all, I just wanted to apologize beforehand." Oh lord. Ayumu had actually managed to spit it out. Now he was just even more embarrassed then he had been earlier. He felt like curling in a small ball and hiding somewhere.


@solicitude /.​

Keir sighed as he rubbed his face, might as well try and get a long with his roommate and besides, it'll hopefully put him in Zeus' good books, and that was defiantly something he could use"let's say for a minute I believe you, why not, your smart, charming, not to bad on the eyes, why would you want to get so involved in this ass of a school that you would forgo a girlfriend, I sure as well won't. You need someone to, um, release tension, so to say"
M chuckled. "Marshall! Son of Hermes! Most people call me M. And it's fine. Most people are rather quiet around me... Huh... Wonder why..." He shrugged and took a good look at the roommate. He looked him from head to toe. "Hey, what's up with the heels?"
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Deacon cringed at the ill mannered Demi god. "I'm passing up a girlfriend because I don't need a girlfriend. Nor do I need to release tension... Simple as that." He said avoiding the real reason. It wasn't exactly common for Demi gods to be gay. "And I just want to further my psychology studies. That's all. Nothing more. And don't release your tension while I'm in the vicinity would you?" He said holding back the urge to projectile vomit.
Aides rolled his eyes at the utter joy that expunged from the boy walking in the room. Roommate joy. Instead of not saying a word, Aides figured that since he would be here for a long time. An..acquaintance would be optimal. He turned from placing his things on the table beside his bed, eyes of a deep hazel gazing at the boy. "Hello, Yes I just arrived moments ago. The name is Aidoneus..Please don't ever call me that. Call me Aides." Cringing at the fact of someone who would be in the same living quarters as him. Aides reached out his hand ever so slowly, keeping his guard up.

The wind blew calmly around kain after walking for some time to the academy he would be studying at. His father had sent him here hoping it would give him a more optimistic view on life before his own took a darker turn. He came in his usual attire given he was raised in a military house hold.


Emblem looks like this on his chest:


He did not like driving everywhere, and the exercise was always good for the body. Coming up to the front entrance he could feel the warm sun on his back. His platinum silver hair shined brightly in the suns rays, and his red eyes scanned the area. looking forward kain made his way towards the central structure making way towards the administration section of the school. He could sense the presence of a couple of god-kin within the academies walls. He was not used to so many here still he pressed on. It took him some time to arrive at the main office receiving his scheduled, as well as his dorm room. He did not usually house in the same room with others, however he decided to humor his father this time. Now he would make his way there to drop off his belongings carried within a very large ruck sack ha had over his shoulder. Within a few minutes he arrived at the dorm rooms making his way inside.
Keir sighed then chuckled to himself "you can tell yourself that but you're about the same age as me and it will click soon that you will need to. And I will reframe from doing so then" Keir stared up at the ceiling, sitting in silence for a few seconds before he began to tap the wall, not being able to stand the silence.
He smiled a bit warmly, reaching to accept the hand. "Aides, huh?" the brunet confirmed, "Nice to meet you; I'm Miles."

The discomfort of his roommate was evident, smacking him in the face as if to say "nah, screw you" or something else his mind decided to make up.

"Mind if I ask who your parent is?" Even though he already had an idea.

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That question came up faster then I thought it would. Ayu gave a nervous chuckle. "Well, you see, Hera actually wanted to raise a female, not a male." Ayu began. This was just the story he had heard from the servants of the goddess, so he wasn't sure if it was the real reason. "So, in order to be a little more feminine for her, I wear these heels and keep my hair out long." He dropped silent soon after, staring at his heels. He suddenly felt like he was being judged. Mocked for his style and ways. "D-does it bother you?" Ayu couldn't help but ask.

He knew that some people actually hated it when others cross-dressed or when guys wore makeup and heels. That was why he asked. It went back to what he was thinking before, he didn't want to make his roommate feel uncomfortable in any way. That included Ayu himself. If 'M' was uncomfortable with Ayumu, Ayu would try to fix the things he was uncomfortable with. Things like this often made Ayu wonder who his father was. He definitely didn't get these traits from the confident over-going woman who was Hera, so he had to have gotten the traits from his father.


@solicitude /.​

Deacon could see Keir wasn't enjoying the silence and rolled his eyes. Unplugging his headphones and letting his music fill the room. Deacon rathered rock music to pop or rap. He couldn't explain it. He just did. "Thanks." The image of Keir doing such thinks made him shiver. Ew... Release tension... That's just gross...
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"Oh, well I'm not bothered with it. I was just wondering! It's rather hard for me to get offended. He yawned. "It's not a big deal." He chuckled. He spoke the truth. It was always rather hard for Marshall to get offended. He was quick with comebacks.
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"Miles..? You're Poseidon's son aren't you? Technically..we are cousins. Hades is my father." A family member..sort of? Oh boy this gets better and better doesn't it? Aides shook the boys had, returning his had to his side right after. "I haven't seen you since I last saw Poseidon..Almost 14 years ago. How is your dad doing by the way?" Maybe Aides was warming up to the boy a bit? No..he can't seem too friendly and nice. What else did he need to do. Customize. Time to put some paintings up and get his laptop set.


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