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Fantasy Academy for future gods/goddesses (3 spots left)

Briar just smiled as she nodded" okay i wear it yay ice cream" she say putting on her moms helpet" man so big and heavy" dropping her books @Blackrose7
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Whitney picked up Briar's books, since she doesn't want her to struggle with both the helmet, and her picking up the books from the ground at the same time. "I blame mom for making us wear that heavy helmet, and do you want to go to the library or your dorm room, Briar? Since you can put the helmet down for a bit at either the library or your dorm room." said Whitney, since she wants Briar to get a mini break from wearing that helmet on her head.

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Briar looked at her sister" what about your dorm i don't want to meet my roommate yet" she say as she looked at her big sister" we still go for ice cream" she say smiling @Blackrose7
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"I will go to my dorm in a few minutes, Briar, and if you do end up making a friend at this school. Give them a book, since they may be interested if you show them a book that they like to read." said Whitney. "We will still go get some ice cream, Briar, since it's your mini reward for wearing that heavy helmet for a bit."

After talking to Briar for a bit, Whitney did leave to go to her dorm room, since she hasn't put her stuff away yet. 'I hope Briar is alright by herself, since she is also very shy around people she doesn't know.' thought Whitney.


@Anyone mostly
Astaroth Suzumiya
Briar just went to her dorm as she smiled she didn't know who were her roommate yet she went to her dorm as she walked into her dorm she sat on her bed she took off her moms helmet as it was heavy" owie" she say rubbing her neck @anyone
Astaroth Suzumiya]-Valentina walk to the traininng yard and look at the man standing at first she gave a puff but something click in her mid- i know him -she told herself as she speak to the man standing- hey Brother its me youre sister -she smile and wave happily while walking forward- do u remember me? -she ask hoping that he will- [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5069-lord-anubis/ said:
@Lord Anubis[/URL]
Kain did not notice the presence of his sibling his mind was currently pre-occupied. Flashes of a memory long since passed one he hated remembering. By the time his sibling had walked away it was to late to respond. When he turned to look upon her at first he did not recognize her. Then a memory triggered a girl about 4 years old standing next to his father ares. Kain was first introduced to his father at the same time to his sister at this time. He had never lived with them being raised in a normal human family. It was at this point he understood why he enjoyed fighting the thrill of battle. From that point he trained with his human father who was a soldier in the american military.

After a second he returned to normal looking away from his long since lost sister. He arrived at the training area walking over to a small area containing various practice dummies arranged in battle formations. In one quick motion he unsheathed his sword and took a normal stance his sword reflected the light from the sun, and it gave a faint dark aura a sliver of blood lust could be felt from it.

-Valentina whipe her sweat "alright alright im here" she said as she panth a little and walk in the entrance of the canteen

Valentina was in wide eyes as the food loooks delightfull "wwwwoooowwwww yyyuuummmyy" she said as her lip water "cmon serena" she said as she ran in the food section to pick something to eat "ooohhh just in time" she said as she brush her hands togerther and get a plate

Aides chuckled to himself. This school was very weird, hopefully more excitement would come soon. Where was Zeus's son? Would he get to actually fight Kier? "Alright let's get going Miles." The Demi god set off for the main office to finally get the damn wi-fi password. He walked in sign and literally right before them, a sign with it on there. "How did I honestly not see this when I came in here earlier.." Aides shook his head. "Alright, were good to go now then."


Serena looked at the various foods with wide eyes. There was certainly a wide selection, and she wasn't sure which she should pick. Due to habit and how she was raised, she just kind of mentally skipped over all of the "overly fancy" dishes. While they tasted
amazing, she was just more drawn to the simpler foods. Although, at the same time, simple didn't mean artificial. To sum it up, the girl preferred food that included natural things and not complicated to make.

So, basically, in the end she just settled for a sandwich.

@Astaroth Suzumiya

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"Huzzah!" the male would exclaim in a joking manner, keeping the password in his memory so that he could log in later. Heading for the exit, he held his arm out sarcastically to the other. "Shall we skip arm in arm to victory, Aides?" Miles joked, a grin on his face.

[QUOTE="Iak Destler]Keir started to get a little annoyed with this son of Zeus "for 1, you're not my mother, ya got that? And 2 if you think I was in a position to hurt myself against him you need to think again."Keir snatched his Prawn crackers from Deacon and sat down at his computer, waiting for the last of his games to finish downloading.

"One, your not immortal. Two, I don't care. I was there, and I didn't want any part in that. Three, I don't need Aides barging into our room to kill you because you pissed him off. I much rather not have to clean blood off of the damn carpet because your an instigator. Understood? You may like conflict, but I don't need it while I'm in the vicinity, or while I'm your roommate, so if you could hold off on trying to get yourself killed that would be nice." Deacon was fuming, he didn't like people acting so disrespectful or purposefully making matters bad. And that's exactly what Keir was doing.
-Valentinas violet eyes were glowing in delight of the food "aaaaawwww yeah time to dig in" she said as she grab the meats in her plate then she get another plate and get some fruite's then another plate for the vegtables and 2 plates for rice she then look at her right and saw varius kind of drink as her lips water "OH SWEET MOTHER OF ZEUS!!!" she scream and get many glass and shove them in

she then take a seat and place all her food in the table and leave a space for seren "Serena right over here" she said with delight as she grab some meat and start eating like a hungry wolf she then stop and look at Serena and blush

she then again acted a little bit rough but then again she like eating rought shes just not sure if this new friend of her like it so she take one meat and bit one as she chew properly

she realy cant help it eating proply isnt her thing "sorry Serena royal eating isnt my thing" she said as she then again eat like a very hungry wolf

As Whitney arrived towards her dorm room so she can put her stuff away, her stomach started to growl since the horse ride made her a bit hungry.

‘I should go get a snack from the cafeteria.’ thought Whitney, since even though she doesn't like it when someone is waiting to meet her. She should at least satisfy her stomach first.

Whitney went to the cafeteria, and saw two girls eating there.

‘Great, two people are eating at the cafeteria already. As long as they don't talk to me, I will be fine since I just want to finish reading that hunger games book.’ thought Whitney.

Whitney got a salad and a sandwich from food section since it is going to be her snack.

@Anyone mostly Astaroth Suzumiya and Aridis
(back lolz)

While valentina was eating her food she look at the new girl arive thoe she look like a book worm shes kinda cute in the other way she then thought if she like to read book cuz she makes book of her own reaserch about whats happening in the world she also wonder if she is nice and kind.

she got back to her eating session she have thought she will talk to hewr when shes done eating thoe just like her father told her many times "VALENTINA HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL U NO TALKING WHILE EATING!!" as she gulp her food and laugh "oh dad even when im here at school i always remember what u thought me" she said as she continue eating...

she then look back at serena while she grab an apple and start munching on it.

@Blackrose7 @Aridis
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Keir put his headphones on and sighed "whatever, ya freak" He opened one of his games and zoned out thinking, 'well the thought was nice, but I guess it won't ever be... At least now I get to have some fun.'
"Gods. This guy says me on edge... One friend. One close... Friend all I wanted. And he insists in being an asshole." Deacon was angry and upset at the same time. He wanted one friend, maybe more than just a friend. But if Keir was going to he an asshole he wasn't having any part of it. Atleast I can write in peace. Without distractions.

Deacon grabbed his Chinese food and started to eat while grabbing his laptop and starting it up. He had been working a story that he wished to publish someday. He had a multitude of back up plans. If one thing didn't work out. The next hopefully would.
Briar went to the cafteria as shse saw her sister as she try to scare her big sister" BOO" she say as she laughed" how much longer with this hat i'm tired of wearing it hurts" she whined a little" whit" she say pouting
Whitney was about to punch Briar because of her instincts, but she stopped herself before she could hit her. "Briar! Please don't sneak up on me like that again, since I was about to punch you." said Whitney. She turned around from her seat so she can look at her sister, since Briar was complicating that the helmet was hurting her neck. "Mom said that you can take it off now since she is happy." said Whitney, since Athena used her telepathy to say that to Whitney in her mind.

Whitney then rubbed Briar's neck with her hands, since she definitely needed a good rub on her neck.

Briar just looked at her sister as she was getting a rub on her neck" yay" she say as she smiled" i'm sorry i scared you it was just a joke i'm sorry" she say pouting a little as she was looking at the other girls as shse was nervous about talking to new people as she" i miss mom" she say to her @Blackrose7
"It's ok now, Briar, since not only I have forgiven your silly little mistake. But you aren't going tp sneak up on me again, because I would end up punching you in the face by accident." said Whitney, who was still rubbing Briar's neck. When Briar ended up saying that she miss mom, Whitney just put one of her hands on Briar's head. "I miss her too, Briar. But anyway, want to get some ice cream, since I did said that I would get you some." said Whitney.

Briar looked at her sister" okay I won't do it again i promise i pinky promise" she say as she smiled" ice cream yay" she say as she smiled" do you know who is your roommate yet" she asked as she grabbed her hand" come lets get ice cream" she say excited" when do i get a phone like you do mom won't let me since i'm the young one" she say briar

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Whitney was happy that Briar was making a promise of not to scare her again. "I don't know who my roommate is yet, Briar, since I just came here for a little snack." said Whitney, as she took Briar to get some ice cream. "Mom said when you are 17. You can get your phone, Briar." said Whitney, since mom thinks that Briar will be distracted if she gets one now.

Briar just smiled" okay thats fine i don't mind now let our ice cream" she say as she put her hoddie up as she smiled as she looked around" wait i got to wait 2 years for a phone mom is so strict" she say as she laughed" i love my sister" she say as she looked around" honestly i don't even know my roommate either" she say to her @Blackrose7
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