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Fantasy Academy for future gods/goddesses (3 spots left)

Briar looked at her" grampa will do that for me if i get bullied i don't want mom to yell at me she's scary when she's mad" she say" okay i go to my dorm but i don't have a roommate yet" she say to her" why do i get panic attacks i mean you don't have one or big brother he don't have one i'm the only i feel like i'm the wierd one in the family" she say she smiled when whit was tryping to make her feel better about the bullies messing with her
"...It would be better if either grandpa or me use his lightning bolt, since we both want to protect you from harm, Briar." said Whitney. "Then don't sleep in the library, and I secretly do get panic attacks too, Briar. It's just not very noticeable like you keep doing, since I hide my panic attacks on the inside pretty well."

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Briar looked at her big sister" um how do you hide it i want to hide my panic attack i don't want mom to see me like weak" she say as she smiled looking at her sister" you grampa and mom is worried about me i'm happy that everyone is worried about me" she say as she saw the library" yay library" she say excited
"You can hide your panic attacks by imagining that their head is mom's head. If that doesn't work then you shove a book in their face, so they can't see you do a quick panic attack behind the book. If one and two doesn't work then imagine that you are in the library, and do one and two again if needed." said Whitney. "Of course, we worry about you, Briar, since we really do care about you. Mom also cares about me too, but we both care about you more, since you makes us very happy."

Whitney and Briar entered the library, and Whitney got the book that she wanted.

Valentina yawn and decided to go to her dorm to take a nap "a nothing to do today even brother is being a mute to me" she said as she put her both hands to her face and open her dorm and when she reach her bed she lay down grab her katana and fell asleep.
Blackrose7 said:
"You can hide your panic attacks by imagining that their head is mom's head. If that doesn't work then you shove a book in their face, so they can't see you do a quick panic attack behind the book. If one and two doesn't work then imagine that you are in the library, and do one and two again if needed." said Whitney. "Of course, we worry about you, Briar, since we really do care about you. Mom also cares about me too, but we both care about you more, since you makes us very happy."
Whitney and Briar entered the library, and Whitney got the book that she wanted.

"Whitney! Briar!" Theodore jogged down the hallway to catch up with his sisters in the library. Once he got to them, he took a deep breath and rearranged his glasses. "How are my two favorite sisters doing?" He had a box under his arm while he talked.
Briar just looked at him" big brother" she say as she hugged him" i like library" she say as she got 6 books as she didn't want to leave she love sleeping in libraries as she smiled she yawned a bit rubbing her eyes
"We are doing fine, Theodore. We are just getting a book here, and Briar also wants to sleep in the library. But I told her that she can't sleep in the library, since not only will it be cold here, but she will be late for school if she does sleep here. Mom will also be angry with her if she does end up sleeping in the library, because she sees everything." said Whitney, as she saw Briar yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Oh. You aren't definitely not going to sleep here, Briar." said Whitney, as she started to shake Briar so she won't fall asleep here.

@Zeldafangirl @GeoStone
Briar just look at her sister" why so strict like mom" she yawned as she rubbed her eyes" can we eat dinner big bro big sis" she asked tiredly she start to close her eyes a bit wanting to sleep but got shook again" i'm fine what time do school starts tomorrow" she asked @Blackrose7 @GeoStone
"Someone needs to be the strict one here, since mom isn't going to there to help you all of the time, Briar. Plus the last time you tried to sleep in a library, you ended up being sick because of the cold there." said Whitney. "We can eat dinner now, Briar, and I am also being strict because I care about you, and I don't want to see mom being angry with us, since I also get in trouble if I don't take care of you properly."

Whitney then looked at her schedule to see what time school starts. "It seems it starts at 12:00 am." said Whitney.

Briar look at her" okay okay i get it i sleep in my dorm did you know my room is next to yours my dormnumber is 9" she say as she streatched causing her fall off of the chair" owie" she grumble" wait what if i get in trouble how can mom yell at me i mean i can't hear her than how can she yell at me" she asked @Blackrose7
"Oh. That is easy, since mom can tied a message on her spear, and throw it towards your location. She won't hit you nor anybody else of course, and you will definitely know when it's coming." said Whitney. "I don't know that your room was next to my room, Briar, and it will be ten times easier to put a ice cream cake in your room now."

Whitney picked Briar up from the ground, since she didn't know if Briar would sleep on the ground if she didn't pick her up.

Briar got picked up as she was bored she was really light she sighed" can we go back to school since i don't want mum mad at me for sleeping in library plus i don't want to get sick on my first day of school" she say" have you ever got in trouble with mum" she asked her sister
Five four three

Danny beamed as the school came into vision. A new place! New people! That meant he could re-use all of his old jokes and pass them off as new! Perfect. Plus, it would allow him to show of his musical talent, something that wasn't seen as important back at home.

Two one

Finally, he was face to face with the gate. He looked it up and down, admiring it's size. Then, he made a joke, which came to no surprise. "Man, the girls here must love their gates! Oh well, you wanna go buddy?" He asked to the thing separating the real world from the school. Once inside, it was completely different. "Well, I won't do a certain sort of fighting against you. Fencing! You look you have years of it!" With a small chuckle, he lightly punched the gate and followed the path. It was straight for a while, letting Reecey get a view of the trees around him. SO many places for pranks and such! Finally, it began to curve towards a building. The brick was a peach colour, which showed he was right about the age of the school. "You need sun screen my friend! Getting a bit tanned! Any longer out in the sun, you'll look like that one guy from the first Star Wars. I mean, number one. Now what was his name again...? Ah yes! Darth Maul!" With a grin he walked around to the door way where he just stood.
"Ok, and we can leave Theodore alone at the library too, since he is probably busy with something by now." said Whitney, as she was leaving the library with Briar, since they already got their books. But when Briar asked Whitney if she ever got in trouble with their mom, Whitney just standed still like a statue. "...You really don't want to know about that, Briar." said Whitney, since her punishments was far worst than Briar's punishments, because she is the first child of Athena.

Briar just smiled" ok i won't ask you about it again" she say still getting carried" hello i'm 15 i can walk don't make me more tired" she say to her " um since i don't have any electronic how will i wake up" she asked looking around as people laughed at her since she was getting carried she was a bit embarrassed
"Oh sorry, Briar." said Whitney, since she was a bit embarrass with carrying Briar around, because of her sleepiness. She putted her down, and glared at the people who was laughing at her little sister. 'I wish that I can cut them up into tiny little pieces with mom's spear for laughing at Briar but I won't, since I don't want to get in trouble for doing that.' thought Whitney.

Briar just smiled as she ignored the people who were laughing at her she was skipping as they were heading to the school she put her cat hoodie her favorite" meow" she giggled
"Aw crap...bolts stripped. Along.with the coroded pipe and Shot transmission this isnt gonna be easy...damn..."the teen growled,pulling himself free from under the car. An old 1990's herse. He growled,scratching his scalp,his jacket laying on the pavement next to him.what was he going to do
Briar looked at her as she smiled at her sister" um sis do you think you can come to my dorm i'm super nervous about meeting my roommate pleeeeeeease" she asked a bit scared @Blackrose7
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Whitney just smiled when Briar started to act like a kitten. 'Oh Briar. Your innocent cheerful self always brighten up my day. I hope she doesn't change that part of herself when she gets older, since she just makes both Theodore and my world a bit brighter.' thought Whitney, since Whitney was very different when she was little.


Whitney didn't have anybody to talk to when she was little, since Briar was just a baby at the time. Theodore tried to talk to Whitney a few times, but he never could made her happy like Briar was able to do. Whitney would also sit at a empty cafeteria table by herself at her old school, since not only she didn't have any friends. But she doesn't start trying to make some new friends until she joined the academy for future gods/goddesses. The other kids would also pick on her for being the smartest girl in their class, and Whitney would try to sleep in the library like Briar tried to do, since she would cry all of her pain and sadness out from there.

~Flashback ends~

"Of course. I will come with you, Briar, since I am not sure if your roommate is going to be nice to you or not. Maybe they aren't there yet, so you can the room all to yourself until they do arrive." said Whitney.

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Briar just looked at her sister" okay lets go okay" she say as she smiled to her sister" come on" she say pulling on her hand as she got pushed down as her favortie pin came off the one her mother gave to her as a bully stepped on it causing it to break" no no no you meanie" she say tearing up" mom gave me that pin now its broken" she say tearing up as she picked up her favorite pin" YOU"ll pay for that" she yelled as she got ontop of the bullie as she was punching him like crazy she was angry with him @Blackrose7
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"Alright Briar." said Whitney, as she followed Briar towards school. But when Briar got pushed down because of a random bully, Whitney completely snap, since she was now angry at this bully for messing with her little sister. 'Mom...send your spear now please, since I want to bring justice to this bully for messing with Briar.' thought Whitney. Athena knows that Whitney wasn't going to harm the bully, since she can clearly hear Whitney saying that she is going to scare the bully with her spear. So Athena send the spear to Whitney's location, and Whitney picked the spear from the ground. "Briar. Can you stop hitting this bully, since I can deal with him." said Whitney, as she pulled Briar away from the bully, and then grabbed the bully with her bare hands, so she can lift the bully towards her face. "Listen to me, you little brat. How dare you bully my sweet little sister like this. She didn't do anything to you, and you just had to bully her, because you don't know how to deal with the pain in your horrible life., and you are also just jealous that she is having a happy life with her family and not you. Stay away from her, or I will beat the living crap out of you with this spear!" said Whitney angrily. She putted the bully down, and immediately took Briar back to school, since Whitney didn't want to have to deal with the bully even more.

Briar was still pouting as she was grumbing to herself" my pin" she pout grumbling" but he broke my pin the one mom gave to me its special to me" she say as she finally got to her room as she looked around as she sit on the bed she just put her face on the pillow' mama my pin' she thought trying to cummicate with her mum maybe she can send her a new pin or something it felt weird that she didn't have the pain on anymore she notice someone in the room beside her sister @The Unamed Character @Blackrose7
Michi placed her armor and bags down. She was trying to find her key to the dorm. "Ugh.... where is it..." she said with a sigh as she checked her pockets and bags

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