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Fantasy academy de feast

Tears streamed down Jennifer's face she felt so guilty hurting him. " No..no., but Dylan's uncle he showed me him killing his father and I didn't know what to do." Jennifer sighed. "I don't know exactly what happened. I just want him back." Jennifer's looked down to the floor. Not wanting to see Zera. Jennifer turned. "..L...Lizzy just please go...go back..please." Jennifer stammered.
Jennifer turned around and realized Dylan know about that. She walked over and hugged him. "I'm so sorry Dylan, but he did."
Jennifer sighed. "She was lying then. I'm sorry Dylan." Jennifer hugged. "I'm sure the teacher had some good reason for doing it." She whispered into his ear.
Zera looks "your father...drain 456 humans clean of blood, he over took the blood count....my brother tried to offer peace but he refused"
Jennifer's eyes widened. "So you mean to tell us that after Dylan's father refused he kept going and going draining blood from humans..........so that means your brother had no choice but to kill him because of that?" Jennifer asked.
(Well Lauren and Dylan got out of the dream world Zera found out Yukari was dead and Dylan just found out that Yukari killed his dad) "I'm know Yukari wouldn't do something like that without a reason" Dylan whispered back. Dylan ran over to Lauren and took the candel out of his hand. He waved the candle over his body and handed it to Zera "There now when you find Yukari you can bring him back to life"
"Okay. Well I think I'll like your idea better than Dylan using the soul candle." Jennifer turns towards Dylan. "No offense." Jennifer said. She turned back to Zera. "So exactly what do we need to do?" Jennifer asked curious.
Jennifer thought for a moment. "Johnson? Oh that must be Dylan's uncle." Jennifer thought. She looked back at Zera. "Exactly how? None of us knows where he is right now....Of course right now he could be sucking blood out of humans. This might be easy." Jennifer said.
Dylans eye's shinned green "I have to go I will see you later"

(When Dylan's eyes shine green his uncle is controling him)

Feather walked through the woods in her fox form, her ears twitching, alert for any sound. Her red tail swept across the grass, making a soft sound. She had walked for months, but she felt that she was close. She turned into her cat form and sprang up the nearest tree, hopping from branch to branch. Feather heard a sound and stopped abruptly. She perked her ears and slid out to the edge of the branch, her tail and whiskers twitching. "Hmm..." She murmured to herself before continuing to the next branch. She came up to a building and heard a wall crash. She clenched her jaw and narrowed her eyes. "Must have hurt.." She hissed before hopping down the tree and rising into the air as she turned into a falcon, soaring through the clouds. She dove down and landed outside of the building. She turned into her cat form once again and sneaked inside, her steps light as she approached the group. She looked over at the crumbled wall and smirked as she saw a boy lying in the ruins. She sat down and licked her paw, meowing as she stroked it over her head. Her blue gaze bore into Zera's and her teeth shone in the light.


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