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Fantasy academy de feast

Feather heard the sound of wings and twitched her ears. Her tail curled over her paws as she was soothed, recognizing her friend. She kept gazing at Zera, her eyes glowing and her smirk widening.
Luna walked next to her sharp shifting friend and looked at what she seemed to be so interested in, "question, what exactly happened here?" Luna asks confused at a boy laying on the floor with broken bits of a wall around him.
Feather rose to her paws, her tail still twitching as she hopped up and sat down on Luna's shoulder. She meowed into her ear. "From what I can tell." She began, her voice enchanting. "Someone was possessed, thrown through a wall and well.." She purred. "Put to place..." She now stood on Luna's shoulder, her tail and whiskers twitching while her eyes were deep in thought, still directed at the boy laying on the ground. "Then again..." She hissed as she looked over at Zera, her teeth bared. "I could be wrong.."
"Hmmm interesting" she replyed turning her attention to Zera "excuse me, but did you do this to the boy?" She asked as politely as she could, then she started petting Feathers back lightly.
Feather purred, blinking once before continuing to stare at Zera. It must have felt uncomfortable, but it's what she aimed for. She laid down on Luna's shoulder, her black pelt smooth and soft. She fluffed up her tail and her chest fur, seeming bigger. As a cat, she was quite small, being able to just stand in a human's palm, though she never did, unsettled at the thought. She had never liked humans, she found them rather disturbing and rarely ever made notice of herself in presence of a human. She hissed at Zera, unsheathing her claws, careful not to let them hurt Luna. Her tail lashed and her ears fell back as she growled. "Please can I attack someone..." She meowed into Luna's ear as she crossed over behind her back, sitting down on her other shoulder.
Feather hissed but stayed put, not disobeying her orders. Her pelt grew dark until it became a matted black, her eyes turning green as she blinked. She meowed and laid down, her tail and whiskers twitching, her claws unsheathed, her teeth bared in a snarl. She perked her ears, any move, and they were going down..
Feather purred, her body still tense. She lashed her tail. "Well?" She hissed at Zera. She stood up again and stroked her head against Luna's, before sitting once again.
Johnson laugh's "Why Zera I didn't know you'd hurt Dylan while I'm in his body" Dylan's mouth turn's to an evil smile
Feather tensed and meowed. "One move and you're going down big boy.." She hissed as she hopped down on the ground, lashing her tail.
Jennifer turned seeing two girls there. She noticed they were both new and they seemed upset. She walked over towards them "Don't go near them." Jennifer warned the one girl. Jennifer sighed she didn't want to leave she wanted to help. She was worried about the teacher and Dylan. "Look I can see your new here. I'll show you around and get you your rooms and I'll explain on the way." Jennifer said hoping they would listen.
Feather looked at Jennifer in her cat form and raised her eyebrows. "Excuse me miss... But we are in the middle of business.." She hissed and took a step towards her, tail lashing, gaze blazing, claws shining and teeth bared. "Please can I.." She murmured to Luna. "Oh please..."

Jennifer went in front of her. "I'm sorry to say but you can't be in here right now. You need to go now." Jennifer glared at her. She was starting to dislike this girl.
Feather smiled, her teeth shining. "Oh who should I.... Who?..." She circled the group, ignoring Jeniffer.. "How about the possessed big boy?.." She chuckled as she approached Dylan. She grinned. She sprang back up Luna's shoulder. "But then again.. Time is precious... Now, can we hunt?.. I," Her eyes flashed yellow. "I am hungry..." She hissed into Luna's ear.
Lizzy got tired of waiting in her room she went down the hall to explore and sees Jennifer with 2 other girls "uhhhh.... Hey." she said "who are you two?" She asked confused.
Feather smiled and purred. "How nice.." She hissed. She hopped off Luna's shoulder and bounded outside, morphing into her wolf form as she headed towards the woods. She caught the scent of squirrel even before reaching the treeline. As she did, she immediately found the squirrel, which soon laid in her jaws. She padded back towards the house and laid down outside on the grass, devouring her prey.

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