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Fantasy academy de feast

Rosey sat there, with her head in her hands. "This has gone far enough." She says standing up. "I can't stay here. The weed is here! If I stay too long he'll kill me!" She says walking out of the doors. But she suddenly stopped... When she heard whispers. It was making her not wanted to leave. Her head turned towards the double doors that led to the weed. She took a step closer, it was hypnotizing her. She opened the doors and started walking down them, slowly.
Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Well you took my answer." Jennifer laughed a bit. "Easy demons can possess people, walk through walls, they have wings, and a tail." Jennifer then thought. "Hey if this is a defense lesson shouldn't you try punching us?" Jennifer asked.
Rosey reached the hallway... She was walking down it, with empty eyes, not a shine to be lit...

(Here's the story guys!)

Guardians of the forest always have to face the weed, even at a young age. If they met him more than 10 times, the 11th time they hear his whispers, he summons them to him so he can destroy the guardians. The only way they can stop this, is by the love of their life, come to awaken the guardian, and the guardian and their love, destroy the weed once again, until he reaches full strength again after 100 years...

And that is what's happening to Rosey.

As she walks down the hall very slowly, the whispers get louder, this time saying, "Let go..."
(Guys, I'm going to break it to you. Rosey likes Zera. If you read her story of the guardians, Zera is the only one who can stop her from death, so what um planning is that as she gets closer everyone starts to hear the whispers. AND! everyone tries to break the hypnotizing, but only Zera can. That alright???)
Jennifer laughed a bit. Then she stopped she heard something. It sounded like someone whispering she ignored it, but it sounded real close but no one was there. It started giving her a headache. She had to get out of the classroom. "I need to get a drink I'll be back." Jennifer walked out getting a drink still hearing the whispers. She had to follow it. When she did she noticed two doubled doors. "Strange." Jennifer thought she looked in there. "Hello?" She saw Rosey walking. "Rosey what are you doing down here I don't think we're aloud here." Jennifer said a bit worried.
Rosey stopped and slowly looked at Jennifer. She spoke with a million voices. "You need to help Rosey..." Says the voices of past guardians. "She will die if she continues. She will not stop unless her love comes to stop her. Only then will she be free from the weed's grasp." The voices died down, and she closed her mouth, turned her head forward and began walking slowly once again.
Jennifer was scared now. Her friend was acting wierd. She ran out and got the teacher." Mr.Yukari some thing is wrong with Rosey. I heard some noises and I saw these doubled doors and Rosey was there. When I went to talk to her it she it... You need to see it for yourself." Jennifer said grabbing his arm pulling him to the doubled doors. @the\-lich
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"Look Rosey is down there and she's talking wierd. Just get her out please I'm worried about her. Something isn't right." Jennifer said a bit worried.
Rosey continues to walk, but stops again, then turns her head towards Mr. Yukari and repeats what she said to Jennifer."You need to help Rosey..." Says the voices of past guardians. "She will die if she continues. She will not stop unless her love comes to stop her. Only then will she be free from the weed's grasp."

@the-lich @MagicalFlower


"Well I guess class is over" Dylan stood up and walked out the room and bumped into a set of double doors. His curiosity got the best of him so he walked in to se Mr.Yukari, Jennifer, And Rosey "Uh,hi"
Rosey was almost at the bottom of the stairs, but because she was walking so slow, it was possible to find Zera before she dies.

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