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Fantasy academy de feast

Dylan watched as the girl walked away and thought that she might want the art book so he went to her room door and slid the book under her door with a note that read- Thought you may want this I have to go shoping anyway I can get another notebook. Dylan forgot his journl was in it and walked to his room
Jennifer walked through the dark halls and looked around she then saw something. "What is that?" Jennifer looked as she put her hand through it. "It's some kind of portal thingy." Jennifer never went through one and was a bit scared. She looked to see if someone was watching. She took a deep breath and walked through. She saw a restaurant there. "Okay I have to be dreaming." Jennifer looked around. She didn't see anyone familiar there. In fact everyone there had horns. "Okay so this is some demon restaurant. Wierd." Jennifer then saw Lauren in the floor. "Lauren!!!!" Jennifer turned around walking out running. "Dylan!!!!!!" Jennifer ran seeing him."Dylan Lauren is in some restaurant and she's not moving or talking something's wrong come on." Jennifer grabbed his arm brining him to the portal.
Jennifer pulled him down towards the hallway. "Here it's through this portal. I saw it and look and she's over there. I need you to pick her up and get her to her room." Jennifer grabbed him and went through the portal and showed him where she was. @Queen of Fantasy
Dylan looked at her "It's this place you have to get out! NOW!" Dylan picked up Lauren and once he got her into the fresh air she was fine "Hey Lauren, you okay?"
Rosey sat outside the school, and wrote in her notebook. She loved drawing flowers, and trees. She continued to and she smiled while doing so.

(I'm not play Elsa or the other human rosey anymore. I need to keep with one character.)
Umm ok I need to find zera" I walk around the school till I found zera. " I can't believe you. I was dying and you just left me there
Jennifer helped Lauren to her room and went in her room to rest. She noticed Dylan's notebook. "Aw come on!!! Why must I be tempted?!?!?" Jennifer couldn't read his journal again but she couldn't help wondering. Thousands of questions filled her mind she had to. Jennifer locked her door and opened it up. "Let's see." Jennifer started reading some pages quickly. "Okay crush thing. Teacher thing. Terrible dinner. Okay Tuesday. Um.... I hate this school. Hate myself. I can't express my feelings for Jennifer because I'm worried and afraid." Jennifer's eyes widened. "I can't take it anymore it might be best if I just left the school." Jennifer closed it. She held tears back. "So that's why he left." Jennifer said under her breath. She shook her head and laid the journal on her bed opened. Along with the notebook. She looked at the time and left the school and went down to earth. She went through the back alleys and lifted a medal handle opening an underground tunnel. Jennifer walked in shocked. Then noticing her friend. "Hi! Long time no see junior." Jennifer laughed. Junior laughed and smiled they chatted the whole night. "So would you like a drink?" He asked. "Hmmm ...... Well okay just a little bit of mix berry wine please." Jennifer said she watched as he got her drink. Jennifer took a sip and saw the time. "I have to leave it was nice seeing you again! Here." Jennifer smiled handing him some money. Jennifer left back to school sipping in her drink.
Dylan walked back to his room and saw gems on his door "Dayeth must have done this" Dylan smiled as he walked to Dayeths door and there was a note that read- Dylan I am going to get something to eat. I will e back when the sun rises. Dylan smiled and left a note- Come to my room when you get back. Dylan walked to his room and went to bed
Dylan woke up the next day and went into the woods to do his art "oh that's right I have my book to Jennifer" Dylan teleported to the store and bought himself a notebook and some more color pencils an then teleported back to the woods "man I hate to teleport but it was worth it to get to do my art"
Rosey crawled out of bed the next morning, seeing it was a Saturday. She smiled and grabbed her staff, and grabbed her satchel make of trees branches, leaves, anything. She walked out of her dorm and in the hallway, with her staff clanking the floor.
As Rosey walked she was reading a book she was writing, to make sure she didn't misspell anything, and used correct grammar. Because she was so busy, she bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry, my friend!"

" you can say what ever you like but just to let you know you took away my trust" i walked away and slammed my door behind me


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