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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer hated herself. "It's nothing really. You just went for a walk. That's all." Jennifer lied she knew he probably wouldn't believe her, but that's all she could come up with.
"Oh. Well you see I wasn't with you, but you said you were walking. At least I thought. I might've miss understood you." Jennifer said hoping he would believe her.
Jennifer blushed a bit." Well see I thought you were and when I found you you just said you were walking. Which I guess I misunderstood that."
Dylan didn't beleave her "Okay whatever you say. You know I would miss this school if I left. Your here, Mr.Yukari, and then Dayeth"
Jennifer smiled hugging him. "Well then don't." Jennifer laughed. She thought in her head. "If only he knew." Jennifer thought. She was afraid. She didn't want the teacher bringing back Dylan's memory. If he did he would the to leave again and might hurt someone. Jennifer got up. "Well while I'm waiting I'm going down on earth for a walk." Jennifer said she turned around leaving. She wanted to talk to Lauren.
Jennifer walked around seeing the bright sun shine down everywhere. It was peaceful. Kids were playing. Families having fun. It was a nice day. Jennifer looked around and saw someone at the park. "Lauren? Is that you?"
Jennifer sat down next to her. "Look we need you back at the school. Right now the teacher is fighting Zera and I think both of us know how that's going to turn out, and Dylan lost his memory and only remembers what happened before him taking me to the fair and after he woke up. Why did you even leave the school? It's not like you to just walk away like that there has to be a reason." Jennifer said wanting some answers from her.
"1. im pretty sure Dylan told you when he came to visit me in the pet shop. 2. yes I do know how that would turn out. fine ill help that does not mean im staying" I said getting up
Jennifer smiled. "Thanks, but I do hope you change your mind and you will stay." Jennifer got up and started walking back to the school.
Dylan relized he wasn't at his room so he went back to the yard and saw Mr.Yukari fighting like a boss but he saw the girls walk in. Dylan ran over and hugged Lauren "Lauren your back!" Dylan smiled "Please tell me your staying"
Jennifer knew what he was getting at. She had to lie she couldn't tell him. She just couldn't take the risk of him leaving again. Jennifer slowly turned towards him. "Dylan you should know by now that I wouldn't lie to you at all." Jennifer lied hoping he would stop.
Jennifer's face turned red."Well remember when i said you were waking around earth. I was looking for you at school and the teacher was looking for you on earth. Apparently someone tried to hurt you and you passed out. That's probably why you can't remember some things." Jennifer said hoping he would believe her. @Cheesesandwitch
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