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Fantasy academy de feast

(Yeah push him that will just make it harder for him to run) Dylan pushed himself off the ground and tried to turn into a brid "Danget" Dylan used his super speed and ran outside
(Hey you have two second to live or die. What are you going to do aside from screaming lol) "Dylan!!" Jennifer shouted she quickly ran outside. She saw Zera standing there. Jennifer kept thinking fire...fire...fire. She started raising fire surrounding Zera like a dome. Hoping that would trap him.
"Mr.Yukari no!" Dylan teleports Mr.Yukari to his room "Don't risk yourself for me. This is my fight" Dylan teleports down to Jennifer "Jennifer go!"
"Are you kidding?!?!? He'll kill you!!!" Jennifer said. She started choking Zera. Taking away air from him and adding lots of smoke from the fire. "Look you and the teacher can get more done then I could! I can distract and hold off Zera. Trust me!" Jennifer said.
Jennifer didn't want the teacher doing this. She knew he was going to kill himself. Jennifer ran up and hugged him. "Be careful." Jennifer kissed him and ran back to where the puzzle was. She then saw Dylan. "So what do we need to do?" Jennifer asked.

he was sleeping and then travled out of his room. using his dark powers to spy on the group but he didn't see them and was worried. but he made some more dark jewles and placed them by dylans door as a present to him.
Jennifer sighed. "You know if we really had to do that. We could've helped him. Instead of leaving him to stop his brother himself." Jennifer rolled her eyes. She really thought this was a bad idea, but she wasn't going to question or do anything. At least not yet.

he went to the pool and dived in enjoying the water. but he wanted someone to talk to and every one was busy doing some thing
Jennifer sighed. "Yeah I know." Jennifer was stressed and tired. She really just wanted to get this done and over with.
Jennifer laughed a bit. She hugged Dylan. "Your not the cause of it. It's just I'm stressed out because of all what's been happening. I mean we set free a teacher's demon brother. Lauren's gone. Elsa's gone. Everything that can go wrong in my life always seem to happen. Aside from you trying to leave." Jennifer said. Quickly Jennifer covered her mouth. Her eyes widened. She didn't want Dylan to know what happened but she let it out. She hoped he didn't hear that last part.

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