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Fantasy academy de feast

dayeth he had saw the young thing run past and chaged into a more relistic shape and followed the young thing. he hated running in the daylight.

he got to the young things door and knocked. he was trobled why was the young thing running in the first place. he thought to himself I need to get out of this daylight.

my name is dayeth, and I was wondering why you were running and if you would show me around can I come in .
Jennifer saw both of them gone and sighed. "Really? Okay I'm on my own getting Lauren back... great!! This day just keeps getting better and better." Jennifer sighed. "Of course Lauren can make her own descions if she wants. Besides Elsa is running around breathing fire at everybody. Might as well get Dylan and the teacher." Jennifer sighed. She started walking away and went back to the school knocking. "Dylan I need your help." Jennifer said.
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it is ok I was just wondering thats all. and thank you for showing me around the school. I am new to this world and don't know where to go to my classes. who is this he point to the other person in the room.
"That's Mr.Yukari.... Your teacher. I'll go get him a key and then I'll be back" Dylan grabbed on to the boys wrist and sped to the classroom. Then he went in the room and grabbed him a key "Okay this is the classroom but class was dismissed already but go find your room witch is 221 and then tomorrow after class I can show you around. Well actually thats a few doors down from mine so I'll take you there. Dylan grabbed the boys wrist again and super sped to his room "Okay here you are" Dylan walked back to his room "Okay sorry about that Mr.Yukari now what kind of tatto do you want?" @the\-lich

he realy didn't like the room but opened the door any ways. he also didn't like how rough the boy was with him. but he would see if any others were nice here. he wouldn't eat anyone at this school for he didn't need to eat for two thousand years.
"Yeah sure let me scetch something up" Dylan started drawing and when he was finished he showed it to Mr.Yukari "Is this good?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-19_12-40-9.jpeg.8be43d2d8dd9022acbc999b8f035532b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-19_12-40-9.jpeg.8be43d2d8dd9022acbc999b8f035532b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Okay if you want" Dylan pulled out his colored pencils and colored the teeth gold and the snake black and he put some dark green scales for a surprise "What about now" Dylan showed the picture to Mr. Yukari (I can't show you a colored version sorry) @the\-lich

he walked into the room and layed on the bed. he thought the bed need some thing. so he used one of his dark powers to create a few dark gems to decorate his room. the dark gems were black, red, and purple. he placed them on the dresser and bed and then fell asleep on the bed.

he woke up 10 muniets later and walked out of the room. he wanted to go for a walk and strech for he couldn't sleep with all the noise. so he changed from into a dragon which he was and flew to the top of the bell tower to look down on the school.
Jennifer opened Dylan's door. "Dylan?" Jennifer looked and saw him and the teacher. "Sierously Elsa is running around in her dragon form breathing fire at everyone and your getting a tattoo?!?!?" Jennifer said a bit upset.
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he saw the comeion happening on the grounds and went to see what was happpening. maybe he could help maybe not he wasn't the helping type. he transformed into a crow and flew down and the traformed into a thing that looked human but was not and he walked up. but when he saw it was another dragon he walked the other way.

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