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Fantasy academy de feast

"Just go out and start earning trust from people i guess." Jennifer said walking away. She remembered the last time she spent time around humans. She was afraid something bad might happen, but she took a deep breath. This time she would have to do her best to get along with humans.
Rosey let go of him and nodded. "I have to go, Zera. Thank you for being so kind to be." She says smiling. "I have to go now..." She said walking away with her staff clanking the marble floor. "Good bye." She says waving, then turned heading to her dorm.
"Sure good idea!" Jennifer said. (Nooooooo I thought my character was prank-free!! Then u had to remind him. -_- )
Roses walked into her room and sat on her bed, placing her staff, leaning ageisnt the wall. She dressed into pajamas and crawled under her bed sheets. It was late, and she needed to sleep. Her eye kids grew heavy and she soon fell asleep.
Jennifer walked around through the city. "Great so now I need to gain trust. This is going to be fun" Jennifer sad sarcastically rolling her eyes. Jennifer hid through some of the alleys. It was getting late but she didn't want to leave unless she helped someone and gained there trust. She looked around nothing. "This is going to be harder than I thought." Jennifer waited for 15 minutes. Finally she noticed a girl walking home. It looked like she was going home from work. Then some guy started stalking her. Jennifer knew she shouldn't move unless she knew for sure he was going to hurt her. She then saw the girl turn around and get scared then seeing the guy pulling a gun out. Jennifer ran out and pushed the guy. Grabbing the gun pointing it at him. When the guy noticed it he ran away quickly. Jennifer turned around. "Are you alright?" she asked. The girl was in complete shock. "Yes thank you sooooo much. H...How did you know he was going to kill me??" she asked. Jennifer made an excuse. "I was taking a short cut from an alley and the saw the guy getting ready to get his gun out so I ran and pushed him." Jennifer said. "Thanks your the best. I'd love to talk, but I want to get home before anyone else tries to hurt me." The girl then walked away. Jennifer smiled and walked back into the school finding Dylan. "I think I earned some trust from one girl tonight boo yah!" Jennifer said smiling and laughing a bit.
"Good, I think I'm going to start practicing my shapeshifting" Dylan thought of a orange cat with a white chest and turned into it. He went up to Jennifer and rubbed against her leg "I'm just a harmless little cat who would want to hurt me"
Jennifer rolled her eyes laughing. She picked him up and help him like a baby. "Look I told you before I've seen humans kick and abuse animals. So yes there are some people out in the world who would hurt you." Jennifer placed Dylan back down so he could change back to a vampire.
Dylan rolled his eyes "Like I said I was a human once, I know that there are many kind people in the world" Dylan wanted to keep practicing so he turned into a beagle with brown and black spots
Jennifer sat down. "Look I wasn't saying all humans are bad. Okay I know there's some good people, but there's a lot that are nothing but big jerks." Jennifer sighed closing her eyes.
"Dylan I know you do. It's just...." Jennifer sighed. "Nevermind. I'm going to bed I'm getting tired. Night Dylan." Jennifer said walking away.
Dylan looked as she walked away. "Night" Dylan said quietly as his voice trailed off. Dylan walked to the class room and got back his room key and then walked back to his room. "I still need to go shopping, Maybe I should go to the store" Dylan walked to the store and grabbed milk, orange juice, bread, and peanut butter and jelly

Dylan went home and put the stuff he got away "Danget now I have no money" Dylan went to bed and the next morning wanted to see what Mr.Yukari wanted us to do next. Dylan went to class and Knocked on the door "Mr.Yukari, it's Dyaln"
Jennifer got in her room and got a shower. She then went to bed thinking about the last time she walked around a town like that. She then just stopped and went to sleep. Jennifer woke up still but in different place. "Oh no not another nightmare!" Jennifer mumbled. She looked around she was back in her hometown. Humans were walking everywhere. She looked at herself and where she was. "This looks familiar." Jennifer thought. She walked around some dark alleys. "Why does this look familiar?" Jennifer wondered. She then saw a small wall blocking it. She felt something was behind it. She jumped over and it was pitch black. "Hello?" Jennifer shouted. "Nice to see you again." a strange voice said. Jennifer turned around. She saw it was a friend of hers. "Hey haven't seen you in a while. Hey where am I? I feel like I should remember, but I just don't." Jennifer asked. "Look around you see nothing. Now lift this medal piece and it leads you to an underground tunnel." Just as her friend said it was a tunnel. Jennifer crawled down seeing nothing. She turned around to talk to her friend but he was gone. She still continued to walk. "Wait a minute now I remember me and my friends had a big bar down here." Jennifer said smiling. She then knew where to go. She looked around but nobody was there. No lights,people,bar table/stools,drinks, nothing. "That's weird what happened?" Jennifer frowned. "Ahhh!!" Jennifer screamed she felt something touch her. She then saw a light. It was a dark red light. Jennifer followed it. She then saw it was some sort of necklace. "This is cool!" Jennifer grabbed it to take it. When she pulled it didn't budge. "What the heck?" Jenifer said. She pulled again. Still nothing. "You know if you really add some force it might hurt." someone said. Jennifer scream backing away. "W..Who are you?" Jennifer asked. "Haven't seen you since a couple nights ago. You know you screaming about your sisters. By the way did you get my text message?" it responded. "Y...Y..You! Your the one that is always in my nightmare?" She said. The shadowy person nodded. Jennifer thought. "So what your not real. Your not even alive! So I'll be waking up now bye!" Jennifer said walking away. "Oh no no no. Why you leaving. The party is just getting started!" the shadow person said. Jennifer turned around and her old friends were back. There eyes though they glowed red and they started moving towards her. "Ahh!! Leave me alone. " Jennifer ran and ran. She then fell. She saw her old friends grab her and kick her. Jennifer soon let out a scream. Jennifer then woke up hearing her self scream realized it was a dream. Jennifer never felt so scared in her life. Jennifer turned around and saw a red necklace on her desk with a message. "I'll see you soon very soon! From, htaed." Jennifer freaked out. "It was a dream it was just a dream!" Jennifer sighed. "Great the whole school probably heard me scream." Jennifer got dressed and made herself some breakfast still tired from her nightmare. @the-lich @ashlyn heckman @Queen of Fantasy
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Rosey darted up from the bed, when she heard someone scream. She crawled out of bed and grabbed her staff. She walked out of her dorm and looked around. They scream echoed through the halls. She shook her head. "The nameless is just luring me..." She said sighing and rubbing her forehead.
Jennifer got dressed and left her room. She yawned still being tired. She walked into her classroom hoping to talk to Mr.Yukari and Dylan. She knocked on the door. "Hello anyone in here?"

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