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Fantasy academy de feast

I heard a lot of yelling "i need to see what is going on" i ran out i couldn't catch with then so i went into the water and Quickly swam there "guys what is going on"
Jennifer stopped crying and wiped her tears. She didn't want Dylan to leave. She felt stupid this was all her fault and she left just cry. Jennifer got up and went back out. To see him the teacher and Lauren. "Oh no." Jennifer mumbled under her breath. "Dylan please don't leave please look I'm sorry look I'll make it up to you I promise." Jennifer said hoping he'd stay.
"Yeah and I knew it whenever I went to leave when you were in my room and she kissed your forehead and stroked your hair. NOW LET ME LEAVE!"
Mr yukari nodded "i see..well i am better, older...wiser strongar" he was using his silver tounge to get dylan angry, to show him the confidence he has.
Jennifer blushed and her eyes widened. He just did the worse thing anyone could've done to anyone on earth. Her eyes were getting watery. She wanted to run away and hide, but she couldn't. Not now not at least with the teacher around seeing her. She tried to ignore what he said but it was too late. "D..Dylan P..Please d..d..don't leave....." Jennifer said a bit quiet and her voice trailing off. She was so embarrassed and miserable she didn't know what to do.
Dylan rolled his eyes "Look what did I ever learn here I learned that your just gunna fail me anyway"

"Jennifer I like liked you and you knew it you could have said you wern't interested and you know what" Dylan felling remorseful "I, I, I'm sorry" Dylan began to tear up
Jennifer felt bad she gave Dylan a hug. She brushed her fingers through his hair. "Don't cry please! I'm sorry it was my fault." Jennifer said hugging him tighter.
"Yeah confidence like you even have any. Your scared of your brother. But okay lets start" Dylan teleported behind Mr.Yukari and then transformed into a tiger and pranced on his back
Jennifer got up and pushed both of them away. "Mr. Yaruki!! Dylan!! No please don't make him fight please!!!!! I don't either of you getting hurt!" Jennifer had tears streaming down her face. Jennifer couldn't take it no more. "Stop it!!!!!!! Okay please don't and please don't fight why do you all have to be like this your just.......

Jennifer couldn't talk anymore. She started running. She ran back into the school and slammed her door shut. She started crying. She hated her life and she wish everyone would leave her alone.
Mr yukari using only one hand pinned dylan down "your fast, but im wise" he kicked the tiger flying.

(Dylan go after her..dont fight hint hint)
Dylan ran after her but before he did he turned around "I'm sorry Mr.Yukari" Then he super spend to her room and knocked "Jennifer I'm SO sorry"

Dylan had tears coming from his face
Jennifer heard him. She had to open the door. "It...it..its okay Dylan." Jennifer said hugging him tight.
Heh" mr yukari smiled "heh....there thats confidence...fighting your fears...admit to her" he knew the whole time this would happen
"No your not. I'm the one I didn't mean to do that to you. I was just embarrassed and afraid you would tell or something. Then when you came back I couldn't face you. I just didn't want you seeing me cry. I'm so sorry!" Jennifer said.
"It's not your fault it's just, you, you have always been there for me and well I started to like you. I wanted to get to know you more that's why I asked you to the movie and the fair"
Jennifer laughed a bit. "It's no ones fault lets just leave it at that. We were both stressed an out and just got mad. I still love you as a friend though." Jennifer smiled.

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