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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer didn't want to do this she really really didn't want to do this but she couldn't hurt his feelings. "Sounds like fun!" Jennifer said smiling.
Rosey woke up from a terrible dream. She had a dream were she was taken from her room by the nameless. She jumped out of bed, grabbed her staff and ran out panting. "I've got to find help." She stopped in a large corridor and sighed. "What am I doing? It was a dream." She mumbled. She started to explore more, since she wanted to forget the awful dream. She stumbled across someone trapped in ice, she gasped. "How could anyone ever live through such a thing! Who would do this." She walked over and touched the ice, which became warm and melted away in a soft motion. As the man fell onto the ground, she ran over. "Are you alright?!" she said trying to help him up.

Dylan knew she didn't want to do this but didn't want to say he did "So I was wondering if you liked Mr.Yukari?"
Jennifer face turned bright red. "Um..... What do you mean? Like as in like like like a friend or like like like as a crush?" Jennifer kind of got worried what his answer might be.
Jennifer wanted to die. She blushed and her face was red. Anyone could tell that she did have a crush. "I like him as a friend. I.... I sort of do like him as a ....a crush. Why do you ask?" Jennifer said a bit scared.
"When Mr.Yukari was in my room ad you told me to go lie down, I kinda couldn't sleep so I started drawing and heard your conversation with yourself"
Jennifer blushed some more. "What all did you hear me say?" Jennifer asked while playing with her hair trying to see if that could help herself stop blushing.
"Oh only that you knew I had a crush on you and that you didn't have a crush on me you had a crush on Mr.Yukari
Jennifer started blushing and didn't know what to say. She felt embarrassed. She didn't want Dylan knowing that she didn't have a crush on him and that she had a crush on the teacher. Jennifer pushed him down. When he fell she saw a necklace the looked like it belonged to Lauren. She grabbed it. "Don't tell anyone!!!!" Jennifer turned around and ran to her room. Locking her door crying.
Jennifer on her bed crying heard someone knocking on the door. She knew it was Dylan. She stopped crying and stood still. She couldn't see him or talk to him let alone let him in. She just couldn't. She looked at Laurens necklace and hid it. Staying quiet hoping he would leave.
Then after two hours of sitting in the woods crying he teleported back into school and knocked on Jennifers door

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