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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer was so frustrated. First of all Dylan kept crushing on her and she did not even want to be near him. Second she was tired. Jennifer was miserable. Jennifer took a deep breathe "Okay so how do we make another puzzle. Like what do we need to make, get, or find?" Jennifer asked.
Dylan saw Jennifer was misseriable. He thought he should stop tring to ask her on dates "Okay I have an idea. The drawing In my notebook"
"Well it's the same thing that was on the top of the other one. Maybe if we place it on the ground, it might activate"
"That's a good idea it's worth a shot." Jennifer smiled she turned to Mr.Yaruki "Sorry but popping something up like saying we need to make a puzzle to stop your brother. I'm just going to start asking questions so I have an idea what to do, and it's going to be frustrating." Jennifer said.
"That just might work!" Jennifer smiled. "Dylan! Hey don't forget you can shift shape into animals and I have fire,air,earth power. Okay? Just in case we need to use them." Jennifer whispered so that the teacher wouldn't hear them.
Jennifer nodded and went to leave but turned around. "Hey are you coming with us?" Jennifer asked Mr.Yaruki. @the\-lich
Jennifer frowned. "What do you mean you lied?" Jennifer was getting a bit mad. All Mr.Yukari's been doing was lying. Jennifer wish he would tell the truth about everything to make things more easier.
Jennifer walked backed over and hugged him giving him a light kiss. "You earned it. Everyone lies somepoint in time, but that doesn't mean they loose trust or respect." Jennifer said smiling.
Jennifer smiled and got up. "So are you going to come help us or stay and rest?" Jennifer asked.

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