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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer thought something was wrong with Dylan. "Well I don't think I have a piece for it, but you never know it could be hiding here somewhere without me even realizing it." Jennifer laughed a bit. Jennifer opened the door wider to let Dylan in. Jennifer then turned around looking for it. She then saw something shine in her eyes. "Ow!! What the." Jennifer found a small piece. She then turned towards Dylan. "By any chance would this be it?" Jennifer asked.
"Uh yeah, how'd you find it?" Dylan scared considering the fact that the piece's ONLY shine when someone with special powers could have the shine in there eyes (Only when Dylan finds or is near a piece dose his eyes shine so now I have to fit you in my plan :( )
"It just shined in my eyes. I think the light from my lamp hit the piece and it just reflected off to me." Jennifer replied. "If you don't mind me asking why do you needs these pieces so badly?" Jennifer asked curiously. ( hey I have to leave my parents want to so some games with me. Happy New Year's Eve! Love u guys!)

(Kay back!!! ( :P ))
" I need them because well there important for some reason got 3 already and the pieces are wired every time I found a piece it would shimmer in my eye so that's why i was wondering how you found it so easily"
Jennifer thought Dylan was crazy but she trusted him enough. She nodded her head in understandment. " hey do you want help looking for more pieces?" Jennifer asked.
Jennifer laughed a bit and smiled. "Of course we can silly" Jennifer said laughing. "Hey does anyone else know about this puzzle piece thing?" Jennifer asked curiously.
"Mr.Yuraki? Maybe he knows what it is and what it's for did you ask him. Oooh maybe he has a piece for it also. " Jennifer said excited just waiting for a fun adventure like this.
"Well sure lets go ask him" "After I put this piece in the star" Dylan supersped to the star an put the piece in " DA DA DA DA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" The tower yelled loud enough that when Dylan super sped back to Jennifer she was on the ground "Are you okay!" Dylan yelled loadly conserned if his actions had hurt the girl-:4/5:
"Yeah I'm fine." Jennifer laughed a bit. "Hey how about we walk over to Mr.Yuraki's room and ask him instead of running fast there because there is no way I could keep up with you." Jennifer laughed as she got back up on her feet. She then started walking towards Mr.Yuraki room.
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