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Fantasy academy de feast

( There was three in the puzzel Luaren had one and jennifer was in her room so I nocked and jennifer found it under her bed and the you (The-lich) have one can you not give it to me without a struggle I have a plan to fit jennifer in and when I ask you how you found it say it was in the miidle of the floor I need this to work out)

"Okay then grab my wrist" Jennifer grabbed Dylan's wrist and he teleported to the class room. Jennifer and Dylans eyes shimmered and they looked at each other and said "Theres a piece in there"

" Hey next time don't teleport me anywhere please." Jennifer said rubbing her head feeling a headache starting. "Let's just get in an get the piece. Then tomorrow maybe we can start back up." Jennifer yawned. She was starting to get tired.
Jennifer opened the door and saw that Mr. Yukari was still there. " Excuse me Mr.Yukari?" Jennifer said getting his attention.
Mr yukari hid the piece in his pocket "ahem...yes jennifer" his devil tounge slithered out a tiny bit, as he blinks softly.
Jennifer blushed a bit and was about to talk but she didn't see Dylan. She turned around seeing him hiding behind the door. "Would you get in here!" Jennifer laughed a bit as she grabbed him and brought him in. "Mr.Yakari me and Dylan have been looking for pieces to... well a puzzle and we both think one is in here we were wondering if you found one or not." Jennifer asked even though she had a feeling he did have it.
(LOL!! Just choose who's reply thingy u want to continue with. What to choose what to choose lol( :P ))
Hm its my demon fang necklace...." he turns back around" pulling out the string showing a tooth. "Ya see" he secretly tucked the piece away, and pulled out the tooth from his sleeve
Jennifer blushed not knowing what to say. Jennifer tried to not make herself look nosy or anything. "That's cool. Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking?" Jennifer asked trying to not look or act like an idiot.
Jennifer blushed a bit more. "Oh" Jennifer laughed. " Well sorry for bothering you, but we have to go now. I'd like to get some sleep before class tomorrow." Jennifer yawned. "Night Mr.Yakari. Come on Dylan" Jennifer said waving for Dylan to come out and leave.
Jennifer closed the door and stared at Dylan. "You know friends do back up friends especially when there trying to make themselves not look nosy or friends can help by trying to change a subject or something."Jennifer sighed." You know he has it right? He was lying to us I just know it. He just seemed to be acting different I don't know maybe I'm going crazy." Jennifer laughed a bit. "So what now?"
I ran and saw that the four pieces were there wondering how I quickly picked it up and went to my room and locked my door behind me
(What do you mean you picked the four piece's up)

" I know I'm sorry I don't like confrintation and I didn't want to start a fight" Dylan said upset "I know he has it but later we can see if we can do anything to get the piece" "Well I have my notebook and I don't know why but I drew that star at the end of the school and when I put in the piece's the color of the purple points turn yellow. If I cut out one point in my book maybe I can put it in the puzzel and it will finish it" Dylan opened his note book and showed her the picture
"Oooh that's a really good drawing! Yeah that's a good idea lets try it."Jennifer said walking away from the classroom.
(I'm gunna ignore that because the pieces shouldn't be taken out)

"Thanks" Dylan tried to cut through piece of paper but the sissors broke "I don't think it's gunna work"

Dylan turned around and opened the door "Mr.Yukari can I see your necklace?"


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