A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

"It looks like some random mutant bat thing!" she screamed, as she crouched low, "just let's run," she bolted, dragging Icarus behind her, still crouching low.
Koala lurched from her sleep from the city's screeches. "Night Riders..." She debated on going into the city to help, she had already encountered one a few nights before and it nearly ripped her arm off. Her body shuddered as she felt the bandage on her left arm. "I guess playing a little more hero wouldn't hurt." She dug a hole deep enough to bury her sack and went back into the city search for anyone ignorant enough to wander out alone after dark. Avoiding them in the forest was hard enough but she couldn't imagine how easy it could be to get trapped in one of the city's alleys. "Oh wait I can," she chuckled, disappearing into the night of Aramontis
Dometris slept peacefully, satisfied by the screams of his city below. He was not a violent man, not that he considered himself to be anyway. He lost his temper occasionally but he just considered himself as misunderstood. That was why he had collected his pets over the years. He had thought they could make him feel important, loved. But they had all disappointed in the end.


Kailynne bit her lip lightly, her pointed fangs flashing in the light.

'If you like, one of the others could go get her. Although they might have trouble getting her to come of her own free will.' She said, her heart going soft for the young girl Jezabelle had mentioned. 'It just occured to me.. I don't know your name.'


Icarus followed her, ducking low as the bat creature screeched again and the sound of beating wings slowed overhead. Suddenly more wings could be heared. He shuddered.

'Well whatever it is, we need to escape before it becomes an open party.' He said in a low and panicked voice. He saw a light at the end of a street and headed for it, tugging her along.

'Come on! Let's get out of here.'

(I may not be online tonight guys, sorry)
( :( Mummy!)

Jezabelle smiled and said "That would be great, my mother isn't gentle." she shuddered and said "If i give you a petal and send her a message she will come wilingly." she smiled and then said "But, my name is Jezabelle"

Kailynne smiled.

'Then do so. My friends will meet her at the edge of the city. She will not be in harms way as long as they are with her.' She assured her, her eyes flashing warmly.
Marlin crawled out of his hole in a tree, searching the area for any hostile beings.He sighed in relief that it was clear.He hopped out of his hole,his small form scurrying across the ground to his usual spot,a berry bush.He drew his knife and started to cut berries off.
Echina didn't personally like to be dragged, but two things lay okay in this particular time. A) There were stupid mutant bat things, and B) she didn't really like to be attacked by said mutant bat things. So she allowed herself to be dragged to the light.
Amelia flicked her black rabbit ears back and forth, listening to every sound in her path. The voices of people she didn't know rang in her ears, causing her to stumble back a little from the amount of sound. Thinking there was no danger at all, she walked forward, shoving through the crowds of creatures and people. Someone grabbed her arm and yanked her backward, causing her to fall and slam her head on the stone road.

She gasped out in pain, her head buzzing at what had just happened. It happened so fast..

"Hey! Rabbit girl! Got any money on you?" An angered voice yelled at her. Her sight was blurry, so the creature's face that had knocked her down was un-seeable.

"I.. I don't have any right now.." She murmured, her voice coming out like a weak whimper. Her head throbbed as she felt a large pool of blood form around her. The stranger gasped and stepped back at the sight of the blood.

"I didn't do it! She fell down on her own!" He screeched, than darted off in a matter of seconds. Creatures around her were whispering and staring at her, not knowing what to do with this girl. Her blurry eyes just glanced around, pleading everyone in a small whisper for help.
The moogle stuffs his mouth with the berries and stores a few more in a pouch.Marlin scurries off to the West where he planned on trading the berries in the market.After all, times are tough for him,mentally and physically.
Amelia's soft chocolate colored eyes began to flutter shut, and her vision was filled with blackness. She was badly injured, even from that small fall, she was quite delicate and broke easily. She whispered two last words before she fell into unconsciousness.

"Help me.."
Alice had given up in the city, it was too vast, and Medusa couldn't have thrown her body there. As she wandered through the city, night animals were swarming the forest. She saw a girl lying on the ground and said, "Hey, get up." She poked the girl, because there was nothing she could do, if you couldn't grasp something, how were you going to carry her?
(Okay guys, I've been pretty leniant thus far, but we gotta try putting more detail into our posts. Not trying to be a major GM-Zilla here but we can't have a decent rp without decent posts. i know it's hard to think sometimes but please please please try. Paradise, great first post. [MENTION=1533]9RedXIII[/MENTION] please give a little more detail, and involve yourself with the other characters, Paradise is lying uncoscious in the street, give her a hand or something. I don't mean to be rude, but we need more depth. Don't worry, my posts do too.)

Icarus stambled through the half open door, pulling Echina through with him as he did so. He could have sworn he felt the creatures' breath on their necks as they tumbled into the safety of the light. As they made it through, the door was closed, just in time it seemed as a thud echoed throughout the building, the only sign they had to let them know that the beasts had very nearly had them. The moment they were safe Icarus turned to the girl, panting heavily.

'I'm so sorry. If I had've known what the darkness held I wouldn't have brought you here. Are you okay?' He asked, checking her over for injuries now that they were definately safe. As he moved his arm a searing pain shot through his shoulder and he let out a hiss of pain, turning to see a deep, bloody gash in his shoulder.

'Damn,' He cursed softly. 'One of them must've got me. With the adrenaline rush I didn't notice it.'

(sorry guys, was busy)
(Lol thanks:P Oh, and since Amelia is, well, unconscious? I can't really roleplay her until someone helps out or something lol. So I'm stuck for now xD )
(ok thanks for the help) Marlin rushes through the streets, avoiding the rushing feet of the taller beings in the bustle of the city.He doubted that anyone noticed him pass by,for he was only about two feet tall.The Moogle notices a human collapsed on the ground.He rushes to Amelia's side. "Are you ok,Kupo?" he then notices she's out like a light.
After wondering the streets for hours and running for cover after running into a hear of night riders koala went back to the lighter parts of the city more bruised than ever. She wasn't paying attention as she ventured further away from her latest attack which is why she tripped over a panicked little white creature. "Hey! y-" thats when koala noticed the girl passed out in blood next to her feet. She jumped up staring at the white creature. She had never seen one before, "what did you do to her???". Koala stood poised and ready to defend.
"I found her like this,Kupo!" The Moogle says, even more panicking.Marlin's mind was racing,thinking that he was probably a cop or a thug he tensed in preperation to draw his knife.He stares up at Koala studying her face for hostility.
Komala looked down at the creature seeing the fear in its eyes and relaxed. Something this panicked couldn't have done this...at least on purpose. "alright, alright just put the knife down. We have to take care of her before she bleeds out or something. Please tell me you live in the forest or at least know it well? I can care for her there if you can help and need something. Komala picked her up and walked for the city gates. "help me dig up my sack and you can have as much as you need to fill that belly." she laid the girl down then pointed where they had to dig.
Marlin began digging,stopping every once and a while to see if anyone is watching.His white fur turning a light brown from the dirt and dust."How deep did you bury it,Kupo?" he asks,exhausted from digging
"Not much further, stop your complaining." It had finally reached the sack an she heft it along with the creature onto her back then picked up the girl. "Rest. It's a long trek to my hut and I'm assuming you won't mind going there. It's safe but very far. Eat what you wish out of the sack," and with that she began her long trek through the forest not stopping until they had arrived. Komala placed down the sack and creature inside by the door an the girl on the table. "Make yourself at home," she yawned as her ears went back then she set to work cleaning the girls gash.
"Thankyou" Marlin says graciously.He yawns and eats the rest of the berries he harvested earlier."Kupo,Kupopo,I'm bored" He begins to float around in circles.
"Well since you're bored go get me these leaves," hands him a sketch. "just scream or something if something tries to kill you. There are lots of things would find you a nice treat," she shoved him out the door and wrapped the girls head. 'Domenix or domtris or whatever his name has been cooking up too much trouble for my liking and we all need to get out of here. Hopefully this girl can help me get out but I won't know anything until she wakes up.' Komala was patiently waiting as she heard battering wings and sinister chuckles. The darkness sprites are out that's odd. Hope that little thing can take care of himself. She shrugged and continued her medical duties.
The Moogle floats through the forest,inspecting the leaves and examining the drawing to compare it.*how many of these leaves does she want?* he asks in his head.He finds a tree with the leaves depicted in the drawing.Marlin quickly begins picking the leaves and storing them in a pouch he carries around."I guess i should return to whatever her name is"
Amelia's eyes suddenly shot open and she quickly sat up, breathing heavily as if she was having a scary dream or something. She closed her eyes and tried to calm her heart, which was about to burst out of her chest. Since she was part rabbit, she got scared very easily. Even the slightest of fear can send her heart racing.

Her soft eyes darted around the clearing, not knowing where she was. She turned and noticed a Furrie next to her.

"Do you know where I am?" She asked quietly, gripping her head in pain as it began to throb. She laid back down and stared up at the ceiling in confusion.

"What even happened..?"
Komala paced around the room. That thing hadn't gotten back yet and the girl was still knocked out on the table. She was getting nervous that they had gotten to her too late...She sat upside down in the chair calming herself. There was no need to worry herself over a girl she couldn't have saved or a...whatever it was that could have gotten eaten in the forest. Curse her stupid habits of protecting things she felt she could help.

Komala jumped from the chair her fur bristling. "We saw you in the market on the floor and bloody so I brought you back here to my hut where you could be taken care of." she stated shocked at the rabbit ears she hadnt seen before and the sudden movement from the body she thought was dead only a few moments before. "Just call me Komi. Who are you?"
Amelia flicked her black rabbit ears back and forth, adjusting to the sounds around her before becoming completely comfortable. She blinked her eyes softly at her, sensing that she was a little shocked that she was part rabbit. But she seemed to ignore that and listen to Komala's words.

She looked away from the Furrie's gaze and stared at her hands, remembering what had happened.

"One of the creature's had pushed me down and was demanding me for money. But I said I didn't have any. He ran off when my head began bleeding out." She murmured, stilling flicking her ears back and forth.

Than she met her gaze again and gave her a small smile.

"Nice to meet you, Komala. My name's Amelia." She nodded at her slightly and than grinned.

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