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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern A Summer to Remember

Character Sign-Ups

You may create up to three characters at maximum!

Feel free to add anything else about your character if you would like to go beyond the CS skeleton.

A like on your CS will equal acceptance.


Character Sheet





Personality (At least one paragraph):

History (At least one paragraph):

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Name: Elizabeth 'Liz' Hanningan

Age: 19

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: She's your typical teenage girl... except not at all. Quirky, sarcastic, and rather brash with her words, Elizabeth is what one would definitely label as a tomboy. Despite agreeing with this label herself, she still enjoys the 'girly-er' things in life such as long walks on the beach, slumber parties with friends, and watching terrible chick-flick meets com-rom movies. Classified as one of the nerdier girls and a little less than popular in her private school, Liz prefers staying at home and reading a coming-of-age novel rather than partying out with the jocks or the cheerleaders of her school. She prefers close, tight-knit groups over large party groups and hates ingenuity in people. Forced formalities of "How are you?s" and artificial smiles are her worst pet-peeves, preferring to be alone than mingle with pseudo personalities. Elizabeth has a soft spot if you can find it underneath her sarcastic, almost-offensive humor and is actually extremely sensitive if you get to know her well enough.

History: What's there to say? She has a mother, father, and an annoying little brother who's at the whopping age of 10 who decides to pester his big sister in his every waking moment. Her parents are there for her...sometimes. They mostly worked during her childhood, both valuing their careers with great weight, her mother being the State's Attorney and her father being the CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation. Well...she was the apple of their eyes for quite sometime...until she turned 9 when her baby brother was born. He stole the spotlight from her, pushing her on to independence at quite an early age, transforming her into the sarcastic, head-strong girl she is today. She keeps average marks in high school, due to her daydreaming instead of doing her math assignments. Elizabeth plans to go to a small, art college in Chicago.

Other: She owns a 4-year old St. Bernard dog named Bear, who she rescued when she was 16.





Xavier Bennet

"Yeah, that's the name."



"Too old for you."



"Everyone is unique on the inside..."



Xavier is a pretty thick-skinned guy. He doesn't really like to commit to anything. He didn't trust anyone, but he slowly began to when he met his biological father. He might seem pretty rude or maybe even uptight, but really he is just lonely. He hadn't really had much friends in a long time, but when he had he seemed to be completely different. Xavier was friendly and actually was a good friend.

Maybe this will happen again, or maybe it won't.

"What sort of question is that?"



Xavier hadn't really had a good life. He was born as a mistake to two abusing parents. All his life he was beat up by doing just one small mistake. He knew that what they were doing was wrong at a very young age, but what was he supposed to do. He feared of his parents and it pretty much stayed like that the whole time. Xavier had obicouslt tried to run away many times, but that usually resulted in them finding him and punishing him horrifyingly. It was painful and he didn't know why he hadn't just left this world already. One time, he actually tried but surprisingly his parents had stopped him. In the end, it turned out that they were lying to him the whole time and that he was adopted. Anything was better than knowing that they were actually his family. He reasearched and researched until he got his birth records and adoptions letters - Finally he found his biological father's name. Xavier got in touch with him and decided that he seemed very nice from his writings. His father invited him out to his summer house to bond, and he was actually excited about that.

"I don't like to talk about it."



- He smokes a lot.

- He sometimes takes drugs when it gets to bad.

- Xavier has scars on his body from his parents.

- He doesn't like anyone at the moment.


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~Delilah Muniere~


"Do you know why we bleed? Good, I don't know either."




~Sexual Orientation~

•Panromantic Asexual•


•Delilah, despite her looks, is extremely introverted and unable to function in social situations. She is intelligent however must consider her dull due to her nervous behavior and careful manner of speaking, Delilah is autistic and can come off as robotic or emotionally detached. She tends to distance herself from those she cares for and has an eccentric manner of speaking.•



•Delilah was isolated from others by her parents due to her autism, she had a certain fascination with music as well as literature and often studied in order to prevent boredom, she was educated from home and rarely went outside besides roaming around the grounds in order to establish some variation of sanity. As she grew older, she became even more introverted and often was incapable of handling loud noises or people and cut herself off from communicating with others completely. She excelled in her classes and was accepted at a prestigious College early due to her studious nature. She has a certain affinity for organized spaces and symmetry which was often a source of ridicule for her roommate which Delilah treated with polite indifference. A year into College, Delilah returned home immediately and vowed never to return which greatly upset her parents.•



Ruth Hamilton







Ruth has always considered herself to be one of the guys. She enjoys pastimes such as skateboarding, gaming, and watching whatever sports game happens to be on the television (although aside from the skateboarding thing, she isn't much of an athlete herself), and is hardly afraid of a little blood, sweat, and dirt. She's a bit of an airhead and slow to catch on to things most of the time, but she has a generally friendly disposition and is hardly ever seen without a smile on her face. However, she has an overly acute sense of justice and often gets involved in battles that aren't hers to fight because of it, but is quick to forgive. Ruth can also be a bit stubborn at times, and doesn't deal well with being told that she's wrong unless a person has substantial proof.


Ruth grew up in a happy, loving home under the care of her two adopted mothers. No matter what, the two of them, knowing that her heart was always in the right place, supported their daughter in all situations. In school, she was always popular enough and always found herself hanging out with the guys (She had a group of female friends at some point, but she just didn't seem to share their interests.) With this however, came a fair share of problems. There were times when her male friends were hesitant to have a girl in their midst, especially as they grew older, and she increasingly found that they didn't want her around as much. In addition, due to her fairly oblivious nature, she is often the butt of group jokes, as the others feel that she wouldn't understand that she's being made fun of. In reality, though, she always does, and although she laughs along with them, it's obviously taken a toll on her over the years. At the moment, Ruth really has no idea what she wants to do with her future - although she has considered things such as tattoo artistry and owning her own skate shop - preferring to live day-to-day.


She really wants to get a tattoo for her eighteenth birthday, she's just not sure what of quite yet.


Kara J. Mckenzie

: 18

Gender; Female

Sexuality; Heterosexual

"i think everyone is attractive but I like boys"

Description Of Appearance

Brown hair, blue eyes, tan skin... is that enough?"

Kara has mid-length, brunette hair which cascades down to her chest. With it she has a light tan complexion and navy eyes which often stare in to the emptiness of daydreaming. She's tall for her age, at 5"11 and has a rather skinny figure. Often you will find her in mid laugh or deep conversation, for she is very optimistic and always looking for the best in everyone.



"Uhm, I guess you could say I'm organised?"

As stated previously, Kara is optimistic and always sees the glass as half full. She is determined to accomplish whatever challenges life throws at her and help everyone else along the way. However, this sometimes proves a difficulty, because although she is clever and can sense when she's unwanted, she doesn't like giving up on people.

Overall, she is a witty, sarcastic but compassionate individual, who will do anything for those that she loves.


+ art

+ rock music

+ coffee

+ loyalty

+ heart to hearts


+ dishonest people

+ discrimination (racists/homophobics/transphobics)

- attention seekers

- sea food

- hypocrites


She's autophobic,


Kara was brought up with two mums and at times this caused her harassment at her old school by ignorant people. However, bullies don't tend to stick upon one topic they pick out on all your flaws and soon enough she went through a dark phase. A year ago, Kara was diagnosed with clinical depression and started self harming. Yet her friends and parents stuck by her, it was never easy but they made it a whole lot easier. Nowadays, she's off her medication and tries to stay optimistic. Her parents sent her away to a new school to get her away from the past but it still lingers. Nevertheless it isn't all dark and gloom because she uses her experience to help others in need and stand up for others. She accepts the past because it made her the girl you see before you today.


-She has 2 tattoos: on her hip and ankle.

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Character Sheet

Name: Aki Tanaka

Age: 18

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/61h1fbpAOXL._SY355_.jpg.37bcc1e806bb24be38331e3d294a6859.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/61h1fbpAOXL._SY355_.jpg.37bcc1e806bb24be38331e3d294a6859.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: heterosexual

Personality (At least one paragraph): Aki is usually quite, always thinking, and always analyzing. Aki is the type to rather read and study about history than play video games or socialize but he isn't shy and could easily make friends, he is very confident in his ability to make friend's but deems it pointless to have them as there not necessary for his survival, he can be mistaken for arrogant and anti-social but on the inside he is over worrying and always over thinking everything, he would probably take a bullet for you if he has a bullet vest on. Many mistake him for 'EMO' but he isn't Emo.

History (At least one paragraph): Aki's life was normal, he had many friends in the early stages of life, his parents where always out to sea for there job so he lived with his grandparents, life was good you could say. But on unfortunate day in his 6th grade his right eye was batted by a tree branch that he landed on why playing with friends in the woods. The branch although not fatal, ended the the way Aki thought, he gained a big scar which went across his right eye but not far enough to be seen past the hair he grew to cover it up, the eye that was his turned white due to blinding.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/platinum-blonde-short-cosplay-wigs-for-font-b-men-b-font-Korean-handsome-boy-short-straight.jpg.8f6409fe30fd6a6765c03c30e9ba5bb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67071" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/platinum-blonde-short-cosplay-wigs-for-font-b-men-b-font-Korean-handsome-boy-short-straight.jpg.8f6409fe30fd6a6765c03c30e9ba5bb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He covers his Right eye with his hair so no one can see his scar and whitened eye.



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Logan Rousseau ♡

♡ 18-years-old ♡

Homosexual ♡

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nsae9dAe8H1swjlvlo9_540.jpg.2a7bdec3318c557fd1bf4aac94dc4794.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67072" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nsae9dAe8H1swjlvlo9_540.jpg.2a7bdec3318c557fd1bf4aac94dc4794.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

♡ Personality ♡

Looks can be deceiving and Logan is the best example of this. Always being adorned in floral patterns and pretty colours doesn't equate to a sweet persona for him. Getting Logan to talk is a challenge in itself and when he does decide to speak up, it's usually not anything that nice. Due to his background, he has a bit of an attitude and lack of trust. He isn't mean-spirited or offensive, but getting a smile or sign of interest from him is difficult. Under his cold exterior is a nervous and anxious being. Having just moved from Belgium, the language barrier gets in the way sometimes as well. There are some perks to this closed-off human, though; below all of the scowls and cold shoulders is a sweet and kind person. Though he may have trouble showing it, Logan cares for most. He knows what it feels like to be in a dark place and doesn't want anyone else to have to suffer like he did years ago. Logan struggles with depression, though that's not something he'd tell you unless you two were close. Most see him as a loner and he typically is. He has a passion for art, however, and will talk about that with anyone.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nsae9dAe8H1swjlvlo2_540.jpg.24fcd30758321245effe0d540d8dfae4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nsae9dAe8H1swjlvlo2_540.jpg.24fcd30758321245effe0d540d8dfae4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

♡ History ♡

Logan was born in Belgium to parents that he never got a chance to know. Instead, he was raised by his four older brothers, which went smoothly up until he was 12. Around that time, Logan's eldest brother, Joshua, had gotten into drugs and did a complete flip personality-wise. He went from a caring leader of their home to an abusive deadbeat. Logan's other brothers were old enough to leave, but being so young, he was stuck with Joshua. He spent the next six years of his life surrounded by complete horror. Thanks to the poor decisions his brother made, Logan developed depression and contemplated ending his life multiple times while staying with Joshua. Right before he actually tried, thing started to look up for him. Logan rekindled with his brother, Justin, and opened up to him about what he had gone through while he was gone. Justin tried his best to get him out of the situation he was in and succeeded after a long journey. Logan currently lives with Justin and is very close with him. He considers him to be his best friend and the two enjoy painting together. Trusting people is still a hard thing for Logan, however. In an attempt to help him become more social, Justin decided to bring Logan along with him to his summer house in America.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nq3vfcMoTQ1qel8u1o1_500.jpg.ac27b354fba5a423c047c7f7384bfef7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nq3vfcMoTQ1qel8u1o1_500.jpg.ac27b354fba5a423c047c7f7384bfef7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

♡ Other ♡

• Logan has a fairly thick French accent.

•He has multiple tattoos on his arm to hide scars.

•His nose is pierced as well as his lip, though he barely wears that one.

•Logan's favourite flower is a white chrysanthemum due to their symbolism with death in Belgium.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n8d1dgWQSZ1rl403yo2_500.gif.550a393aa574bf09d3fb9c7f43694e1d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n8d1dgWQSZ1rl403yo2_500.gif.550a393aa574bf09d3fb9c7f43694e1d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Carmen Vehemente

Age: 18

Sexuality: Straight

Personality (At least one paragraph): She is shy mean and sarcastic due to her bloody and gory past. She only is nice to her dog, Teddy. She has no friends whatsoever but is somehow popular at her school which somehow bothers her and no matter what can't become unpopular. She use to have an amazing boyfriend but cheated on her because she was too ugly for him, since then she had avoided any type of relationship except with her dog

History (At least one paragraph): When she was 5, her parents were murder in front of her and became a orphan. She started to sell small items she made which her small items she sold went ballistic and created a company out of it. She now runs Vehemente Co. by herself and she's fine with that and her native tongue is Spanish since she was born and lived in a small town in Spain

Other: She has a Ying yang tattoo on her right shoulder.

Now lives with her Aunt Mary and Uncle Alexander

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Elliot Wellington

Yeah...like the Beef Dish






Personality: An English exchange student, Eli usually handles all situations about as chipper and ubeat as he can. He doesn't have any qualms with people on first glance and is generally viewed upon as a nice guy. Sure, he has his moments where his humor can be just a tad bit too dry, but it gets across that he is more humorous than pious. In fact, the only character flaw he has is the fact that he eats way too much food; sweets in particular.

Think "This Is How We Do"

History: He's that guy...the type who never had anything really horrible happen in his life. He's not extremely wealthy, but born into some money. Now, this isn't to say Elliot's life is perfect. His parents are divorced. But, it doesn't make him feel like the world is crumbling(sure it sucks, but it is what it is).

His family was never attacked by ax murderers, he wasn't abused as a kid. He's exceptionally normal.

And it sucks.

So Eli planned a trip to the States. Maybe he'll find love. Maybe a best friend.

Maybe he'll stay.


Currently Slacking very well, thank you.



Kai Aquino




Homosexual, though he's still in the closet about it since he doesn't quite understand his own feelings just yet...


Kai is a very youthful spirit, out to play and have fun. He's not a complicated person. Honestly, out of all of his friends back home he definitely qualifies as the lovable idiot of the group, though they're not all that intelligent either. He enjoys messing around and doesn't take himself seriously in the slightest. His oblivious demeanor has gotten him into a lot of trouble because he can never quite read the situation unfolding around him, though he never means to offend anyone with his blunt comments. He's kind of like a large child, having no filter but is still completely innocent. In school , he's not so bright When he's tired, he's cranky. When he's drunk, he's emotional and honest. He's surprisingly good with finances, probably because he's had to monitor his own at home. Kai, on a day-to-day basis, does his best to be the life of the party and the sole person to drive negativity away. He plays up the easy-going Hawaiian lifestyle to a tee.


Born in Hilo, Hawaii to a set of loving Filipino parents, Kai had an easy childhood. Sure, they were far from rich, and one could even say that they weren't even middle class. But the boy's mother and father made sure that their two children could at least live comfortably, though it might have meant sacrificing their own comfort. Even when his father passed away and money was tighter, Kai wasn't pressured by his family to step up and become the man of the house. Sure, he took on some part time jobs and his younger sister started babysitting more often, but neither of them minded if it meant helping out their hardworking mother. His relatives on both sides, there being many of them in the Philippines and the States, all helped out however they could. Kai wasn't the brightest, but he has managed to work his way through the K-12 school system in his area and has decent grades. With his senior year of high school coming up and college not in his sights, one of his uncles on the mainland thought it'd be nice for him to get away from home and help out at the local restaurant he owns to learn about the business. So, having made sure to pack extra gaudy Hawaiian shirts for parties and the like, here he is.


Kai is a frequent party-goer, but he tries not to get to involved in the bad stuff that happens so often at parties. He's only gotten drunk once or twice, but normally tries not to drink much at all since he has low tolerance. He never ever goes near cigarettes and drugs, though. Even this idiot at least knows that much.

He's also very loyal to his family, so many things can happen when they're involved...​
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Kadyn Avanti







Personality (At least one paragraph):

Kadyn is very cool headed. she recognizes people's body language and nervous tells extremely easily. She's a perfectionist, however, which makes her difficult to work with. She keeps an outwardly professional demeanor towards others and usually holds company at a distance, as if it were safer that way.

History (At least one paragraph):

Despite Kadyn's desire for order and peace, she's grown up in a huge pandemic of a house hold, having a big (VERY big), loud, Italian family. Her parents were immigrants, and she's lived her life being doted on after they struck big. she's intelligent for her age, keeping a strict and high GPA until graduation. She has an older sister currently studying abroad that she'd never felt all that close to, despite a deep desire to feel a better connection. Upon hearing about a trip to the lake house, she was thrilled to believe she'd get the summer to simply enjoy herself in peace and quiet.


Although her upbringing was quite loud and crazy, she herself never felt drawn to a loud crowd or a noisy area. She's always much more content with a book and a soda. Her perfectionism often gets her into arguments despite her ability to keep her temper, as its not always her desire to listen to the common suggestion to "relax" and to "live a little"
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Hardy Alex Drees






Personality (At least one paragraph):

Drees tends to take things lightly. He isn't that serious when it comes to troubles. Instead, he jokes and lightens up the mood. That's because he doesn't like to dwell over things too much. He's more of a casual person. When things hit him in the face, he stands up and laughs. But he's not all that stupid and unserious. Behind that shell, there is a more clever and hardworking person. He likes to get the job done with the most precision there is. If there is no focus, he might as well be doing his job lousily. That is why his motto is: when you do something, try to be an expert at it.

History (At least one paragraph):

Drees grew up with four siblings. Each had given him a hard time except for his mother. She had been the most kind to him. On the other hand, his father had been tough on him. But all of that yelling and sternness didn't go wasted for nothing. It had shaped him into the smart person he is. And combines with the kind person his mother made him, he became a better person, in his eyes at least. But school was never easy. Kids kept taunting him about his name, calling him Hard-D, so he let people refer to him as Drees.


Drees is half Dutch, but has no specific accent to him.​
Azaelia Meadow Cormona

"The Flower Child"

“She was free in her wildness. She was a wanderess, a drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city.”
Roman Payne

  • General Characteristics

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Zee.gif.67be29c4db43cf5248d770a632b054fa.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Zee.gif.67be29c4db43cf5248d770a632b054fa.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Azaelia Meadow Cormona

    Nickname: Zee

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Date of Birth: 7/8/1997

    Place of Birth: Wales (has a Welsh accent)



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Name: Kaede Allison Fletcher

Age: Eighteen years of age


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Kaede can seem a little bit introverted to blatant strangers, but after she is at least acquainted with a person, she isn't afraid to strike conversation. She is lively and chatty, particularly with people she is friends with or has an interest in. Negative traits of hers would include her bluntness and mild pessimism at times. Her occasional, completely honest remarks sometimes upset others. However, she has begun to learn to watch her tongue more carefully.

Hobbies/Pass-times: Playing guitar, listening to music, coming up with riffs - everything music, pretty much. She also enjoys to sit and catch up on television with her cat Pookie, or go for walks.

History: Kaede's father had always played classic rock in the house and in the car when she was growing up, which quite possibly was the reason she developed an interest in this genre of music. Her parents had also dabbled in music, so they wanted to give their daughter as much of a chance to experiment as she ages as possible. Because of this, there was almost always instruments around the house. The guitar was the one that stood out to her most.

Kaede was never the best when it came to schoolwork and subjects such as math or science. Her main focus was generally on music, so her grades aren't always too impressive. Soon, she will need to decide what college to enroll into, or whether she is serious about pursuing music as a career. That's exactly why her family have brought her on vacation; to allow her some time to relax and weigh out her options before her final school year.


ktulu is my name - recycling characters is my game
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Aiden Larkson







Personality (At least one paragraph):

Aiden can give off a cold and hostile impression, mainly because his default facial expression looks serious. He is distrusting and suspicious of others with a cynical outlook on life. He can be considered a typical "bad boy" since he does not care about following rules or the law, especially if he disagrees with them. He is spontaneous and impulsive as he is sensation-seeking and fun-loving. Whether it be cliff diving or trying the latest drug or skateboarding in the middle of the street, he is always willing to try new things and keeps an open mind.

Aiden has built rigid walls between himself and those around him, but underneath his cold exterior lies a very warm and kindhearted man. He offers unconditional loyalty and care to those close to him, and can become quite protective of them. He is a strategic thinker and prefers to make decisions with logic and rationality rather than with his emotions.


Aiden grew up with two happy parents in an upper-middle class family. When he was 5, his mother gave birth to two twin sisters, to the family's delight. However, when he was 15, one of his 10-year old little sisters was diagnosed with leukemia and died six months later. As a result, Aiden got a tattoo of falling leaves on his back because he and his sister used to go to the park together to watch the leaves fall once autumn hit. After his younger sister's death, the entire family became extremely protective over the twin sister and feared that she too would be diagnosed with leukemia.

Because this tragic death occurred during his adolescence, it took him a long time to recover from the emotional toll. He began to resort to drinking, smoking, and drugs as a way to escape his inner turmoils. This is how he began to become involved with the wrong crowd, as he has been arrested quite a few times. However, he knows that his family is also going through tough times as well, so he tries to keep up a good front at home. As a result, his parents have decided to take him and his little sister on a family vacation to the typical summer lake house before he goes off to college in the fall.


smoking, drinking, trying new things, skateboarding, playing video games, listening to music (especially EDM), going on adventures, getting an adrenaline rush


studying, paying attention in class, seeing anything bad happen to his younger sister, uptight boring people, judgmental people, arrogance


PM me or tag me in the OOC! :)


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Character Sheet

Name: Michael Knowles

Age: 19



Personality (At least one paragraph): Michael's mood can depend on his current situation. If he is kickin' it and relaxed, he's a really easy-going guy. However, constant boredom at his hometown has made him a bit of a thrill-seeker. He's almost always on the search for another adventure. During his adventures Michael is more wild and amped up. But when it comes time to be serious, he can do that too. Michael learned a good work ethic long ago, and knows how to be a hard-worker. The only other important part to his personality is his temper. He learned to have mighty control over it through interaction with his mother's various boyfriends. But when he does lose control of his temper...Well, when it rains, it pours.

History (At least one paragraph): Michael is from Dothan, Alabama. Population: Jack-shit. He'd been a small-town boy his whole life. His life was just as you'd expect with any southern boy. Extremely boring at most times, with bursts of dangerous hijinks at other times. His dad was out of the picture. Michael's family was just him, his momma, his sister, and an endless stream of his momma's boyfriends. His family didn't have much money, but nobody around him did.

He got his first job at thirteen, collecting worms to sell as live bait to the gas station that was walking distance to his house. Second job at fifteen, doing landscaping. And finally his third job at eighteen, as an assistant mechanic at an auto-repair shop. Michael was able to save enough to buy himself an old Toyota truck at the very end of his highschool career. Now, the summer after his senior year, he plans on taking a well deserved break at the lake.


Name: Sage Rainbow Brookehaven

Age: 17

Appearance(Realistic): Sage stands at a proud height of 5'6", with a wiry but angular build. His skin is tanned from spending most of his time outdoors, be it hiking, swimming, or just traversing his town. He has a smattering of freckles across his face and shoulders and low brows. Sage prefers to keep his hair long, and generally wears it up in a ponytail or pigtails; it's an unintentional ambre from his bleached tips to the dirty blonde growing out at his roots, and he will occasionally dye the tips whatever color his fancy takes him. He has yellow brown eyes and thick, stubby eyelashes that make him look like he's wearing eyeliner (which he does, sometimes).

Sage likes comfort over fashion with his clothing; he dresses in loose fitting t-shirts and jean shorts as a rule, and tends to stick to the same beat up pink vans that he's had since his first day of highschool. He also wears a rose quartz crystal necklace and has a nose ring on his right nostril that he did himself one night with a safety pin and some ice. He has one stick and poke tattoo of a strawberry as a tramp stamp, courtesy of a man he met on the beach one drunken night.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Despite the lifestyle he leads, Sage is a relatively gentle person; however, this shouldn't be mistaken for passivity. Sage is incredibly passionate about what he believes in and refuses to be walked over. His strong intrinsic values have gotten him in trouble many times, as has the fact that he never really learned how to interact in professional situations.

The lack of discipline in his home led to Sage not being the most considerate person. He does what he wants when he wants, be it cooking in his underwear at four in the morning with the stereo blaring or taking two weeks off of school to 'find himself'. He's not mean to others, and couldn't imagine actively trying to bring someone down, but he doesn't really see what the big deal of anything is. In his life, nothing has a lasting effect; whether or not he cleans his room, whether or not he goes to school, whether or not he tries at anything doesn't seem to matter, since his parents won't do anything anyway.

Aside from that, Seth is a calming presence to be around. He's always up for any adventure and his favorite thing to do is go somewhere new with a bottle of whiskey, a pack of cigarettes, and some new friends. He's free with his affection and his love, and has never had a serious romantic connection before.

History: As detailed by his name, Sage's parents were tree-huggers. Before they had him, they traveled around in his dad Ash's old volkswagon bus following various bands and enjoying life to it's fullest. One night they enjoyed life a little too much and Juniper, his mother, got pregnant. They set up shop right then and there. Ash got a job as a bagger for a Trader Joe's and Juniper sold hemp jewelry online. They got a small house together, and nine months later they were made parents.

His parents never really got the hang of the whole responsibility thing. Their policies of free love and free thought were intrinsic in raising their child, which led to Sage seeking out his own form of alternative lifestyle. He got in with a party crowd in his 10th grade year of highschool and spent his nights in abandoned warehouses, steel lots, and alleyways. Sage took up drinking and smoking in a big way and hasn't given up either since.

His parents thought that this summer would be a good way for him to have his own detox in nature, since they were against saying no to him partying anymore (or saying no to anything, really). They sent him to live with his grandfather Ben, who is Juniper's father and hasn't had much contact with the family since Juniper left home with Ash. Ben owns a small but respectable bait and tackle shop near the lake and has set Sage up to work there part time. Ben doesn't approve of Sage's drinking and smoking, and hopes that he can help to straighten the kid up the way he never managed to with his own daughter.
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Name: Tommy Ross

Age: 18


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/elgort.jpg.a473368e5af719c5b1a1bffeaaa006e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/elgort.jpg.a473368e5af719c5b1a1bffeaaa006e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Ansel.gif.a0408b1b969ebc31773666180a5f1e60.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Ansel.gif.a0408b1b969ebc31773666180a5f1e60.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


6' 4" (1.93 m)

Hair Color-

Dark Brown

Eye Color-

Light Brown

Sexual Orientation-



Tommy is very loving, fun and cool. He likes to be physical with girls. He can persuade nearly anyone he meets to do almost anything he wants.Tommy is very funny, smart and likes to stay active.


Tommy grew up in a nice home in the suburbs, not to rich and not to poor. He had both a mom and a dad who took care of him, spoiling their first born son, Tommy. Tommy has loving yet unknowing parents about his life. They just know about him being captain of the soccer team and make a 3.8 GPA. He has two younger sisters who he adores and would do anything for. When Tommy was growing up, he went through girlfriends easily. He enjoyed having a girlfriend at all times and attracted men and women both from his looks and his cool, fun and loving persona.Though he only liked girls. When he made honor roll he was given a Camaro as a present.


He bites his lip and rakes his hands through his hair when he is nervous.

He likes to play things cool around people, and is known as the popular guy.​



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Name: Jessie X. Sparrow

Age: 16

Appearance(Realistic): (Profile pic)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality (At least one paragraph): Jessie is perky, sometimes described as too perky. She likes to be ridiculous and doesn't really give care to anything she doesn't like. She is athletic and is pretty decent at anything sports related, although not so much in school. She somehow wants to find a guy and get in a relationship, but she's no expert.

History (At least one paragraph): Jessie's parents were killed in a test site accident when she was 4 so she had nobody to live with but her inattentive sister. She pretty much lives on her own, returning to her sister's place every night. Nowadays she just talks to anyone she sees, tries to make friends, and overall just make the most of her life. She has many certifications, most of which are military related.

Other: None!

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