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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Archon said:
Rory was disinherited; but that doesn't change the fact that by right, the Stormlands are his, he still has a strong claim through blood, and age.
Based on your own words earlier in response to Akio; the proof of Kuvira's illegitimacy is almost worthless, so that would make Kuvira - in the eyes of the realm - the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Rory shares some similarities with Stannis, his indestructible sense of Justice isn't one of them; in that regard, he is more in on the middle ground. Is he just? Yes, like Stannis? No.

Stannis may have chose Robert in the rebellion, but the hate between Braedon and Rory is far stronger than it ever was between Stannis and Robert; they never hated one another, simply held no love.

In Rory's mind, why should he follow, and devote, all his recourses to a man who not only openly despises him; but is actively making it known Rory's loyalty has a very high chance of NOT being rewarded. Renly and Stannis did not hate each other; yet Renly betrayed Stannis all the same, and Stannis had him killed by blood magic.
But him being disinherited does change the fact that Rory is the rightful Lord of Storm's End in the same way Sam's Night's Watch Vows which effectively illlegitimize him means he's no longer the rightful heir to Horn Hill, or Jaime's Kingsguard vow means that he's no longer the rightful Lord of Casterly Rock. That's how illetimisation works

Honestly I've completely forgotten what we were talking about, I don't actually disagree with Rory's desire to rise up against Braedon since they're both being assholes to each other. It's your character after all.

Please don't leave though, we need you!
He's still the rightful king of the public perceives all other Targs to be bastards. Osmund would have no right or power taking the throne from him, posthumously
TheAncientCenturion said:
He's still the rightful king of the public perceives all other Targs to be bastards. Osmund would have no right or power taking the throne from him, posthumously
To be honest it depends on the exact details of his being disowned, which we don't know. If he just said that he couldn't have Storm's End, then Rory is the rightful king, if he said that Rory is no longer able to consider himself his son the Rory has no claims to any titles except Dragonstone which was awarded to him personally.
I mean, all these discussions about claim and such would be irrelevant if the guy who makes "the claim" just shows up with a large enough army and kill anyone who doesn't agree with him, right? Idk I'm just rambling here...

Hypnos said:
Well maybe Cayden should have a bit more faith in his sister to not marry off her own family to horrible people, she's not an idiot, nor does she have no regard for her family. You talk as if Cayden's sisters are going to be dragged off screaming but the likelihood is they'll suck it up and do it for the betterment of the entirety of Dorne rather than just themselves. Marriage is not dangerous if handled correctly and Cayden needs to understand that they're not receiving a death sentance, most men wont murder their wives for the actions of their families, especially not if they were the mother of their child or pregnant. I find it odd that Cayden can still claim to care for his people if he'd rather thousands die than his sister's be married to someone of high birth and be waited on hand and foot yet still be unhappy..
What is wrong with Braedon? What's wrong with Viserys? Hell what's wrong with Kuvira? Most of them have done barely anything wrong and even what they have done wrong is not public knowledge, none of these people are viewed in a particularly bad light and Cayden is even 'friends' with Viserys. What makes Daenna better than any of them, I would say that she'd do a far worse job leading the kingdoms than someone who's been the heir for her entire life and raised for rulership, the leader of the most powerful free company and the lord of an entire kingdom.

Braedon is the rightful lord of Storm's End by the words of Lord Osmund Baratheon, his brother is the rightful heir to the throne since Rory was removed from the line of succession, he may not have liked his father but if he was like Stannis he would do his duty and suck it up. Stannis chose his blood over the king during Robert's rebellion and did not give up on him even after months of starving and being neglected at Storm's End.

If Rory respects the mad king just because they had a shared hatred for Osmund and he gave him a castle then he's a far differant person than I thought he was.
Brandeons a mopey Stag, he's 'friends' with Viserys the mercenary but does not believe peace is possible with Viserys the King, and while Kurivas own issues are not so public he talked to Daenna who told him about her. Daenna thus far doesn't have any experience ruling true, but she is willing to learn, is kind, and thus far has shown some ability to inspire loyalty and being willing to negotiate fairly. She's untapped potential sure, but with help she can be a fine ruler.

And he cares about his people sure but there is still a sense of dissociativeness to him and the Dornish people. He loves Dorne as a whole and the ideals it represents of freedom and unswavering will, to the point you can say that's what he lives his life by. No matter how it's put to him he still sees marrying his entire family off for peace like property is something he dispises which is party why I said he'd be willing to break up Agnes's relationship with no qualms. It's basically a step below slavery to him why he likes the Dornish idea of paralamors in dorne because that's allows you to have your freedom and why he would hate his own marriage less. But in his mind Elia is selling her family for peace and putting them in possible danger even if it isn't assured and he won't stand for it. If wealth and high privilege were all it took to live a good life Agnes would be thrilled with her marriage right now, her husband is kind, she's lady of a castle, and has some degree of wealth yet she's basically depressed. It's infringing on the freedom he feels dorne represents and separates his family apart from each other. If Elia just declared themselves neutral and sat in Dorne honestly he would have little real problem with in and would probably just leave dorne be. It's the marriages that are his problem
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Hypnos said:
But him being disinherited does change the fact that Rory is the rightful Lord of Storm's End in the same way Sam's Night's Watch Vows which effectively illlegitimize him means he's no longer the rightful heir to Horn Hill, or Jaime's Kingsguard vow means that he's no longer the rightful Lord of Casterly Rock. That's how illetimisation works
Honestly I've completely forgotten what we were talking about, I don't actually disagree with Rory's desire to rise up against Braedon since they're both being assholes to each other. It's your character after all.

Please don't leave though, we need you!
True, true, I'm not an idiot I promise - I know what "disinherited" means but in Rory's mind he is the rightful heir - and even being "disinherited" gives him an incredibly strong claim on the Stormlands.

But... Braedon started it!

TheAncientCenturion said:
Bend the knee my lord, lay your sword down by my feet.
WanderingJester said:
I mean, all these discussions about claim and such would be irrelevant if the guy who makes "the claim" just shows up with a large enough army and kill anyone who doesn't agree with him, right? Idk I'm just rambling here...
Having a claim just means that the person with the biggest army can sleep soundly at night thinking they've done the right thing and not just slaughtered thousands for power. Plus it helps to gather support and consolidate rule once you've actually won the throne. There's nothing to stop anyone from declaring themselves kings right now but there will always be those honourable people who put a lot of stock in blood.

Akio said:
Brandeons a mopey Stag, he's 'friends' with Viserys the mercenary but does not believe peace is possible with Viserys the King, and while Kurivas own issues are not so public he talked to Daenna who told him about her. Daenna thus far doesn't have any experience ruling true, but she is willing to learn, is kind, and thus far has shown some ability to inspire loyalty and being willing to negotiate fairly. She's untapped potential sure, but with help she can be a fine ruler.
And he cares about his people sure but there is still a sense of dissociativeness to him and the Dornish people. He loves Dorne as a whole and the ideals it represents of freedom and unswavering will, to the point you can say that's what he lives his life by. No matter how it's put to him he still sees marrying his entire family off for peace like property is something he dispises which is party why I said he'd be willing to break up Agnes's relationship with no qualms. It's basically a step below slavery to him why he likes the Dornish idea of paralamors in dorne because that's allows you to have your freedom and why he would hate his own marriage less. But in his mind Elia is selling her family for peace and putting them in possible danger even if it isn't assured and he won't stand for it. If wealth and high privilege were all it took to live a good life Agnes would be thrilled with her marriage right now, her husband is kind, she's lady of a castle, and has some degree of wealth yet she's basically depressed. It's infringing on the freedom he feels dorne represents and separates his family apart from each other. If Elia just declared themselves neutral and sat in Dorne honestly he would have little real problem with in and would probably just leave dorne be. It's the marriages that are his problem
Braedon isn't generally mope though, he's a very popular man and has the love of the people, you only know he's mopey because you've seen him be confronted by his distant brother who may or may not have a stronger claim to his castle than he does. Viserys may be an experianced military ruler but that does not necessarily mean he can't handle peace, Cayden has only even seen Viserys in the context of battle and leading a free company, he doesn't know the sort of man he is. How would Daenna know Kuvira is mad, it's all well and good for us to say she is because we can read her thoughts and internal monolouge but she has done nothing so far to suggest to the outside that she is anything more than a peaceful queen (Except maybe the thing with Ser James but technically he should have been executed for breaking his oath anyway so she let him off lightly)

So he'd go against his family's wishes even if they were perfectly okay with it and start a war because of his personal morale code? That seems a bit extreme. Agnes is unhappy but she's willing to put up with it for the good of her family, that is something Cayden should just accept that his sisters may be willing to do. He might be selfish but they might now be.
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Hypnos said:
Having a claim just means that the person with the biggest army can sleep soundly at night thinking they've done the right thing and not just slaughtered thousands for power. Plus it helps to gather support and consolidate rule once you've actually one the throne. There's nothing to stop anyone from declaring themselves kings right now but there will always be those honourable people who put a lot of stock in blood.
Braedon isn't generally mope though, he's a very popular man and has the love of the people, you only know he's mopey because you've seen him be confronted by his distant brother who may or may not have a stronger claim to his castle than he does. Viserys may be an experianced military ruler but that does not necessarily mean he can't handle peace, Cayden has only even seen Viserys in the context of battle and leading a free company, he doesn't know the sort of man he is. How would Daenna know Kuvira is mad, it's all well and good for us to say she is because we can read her thoughts and internal monolouge but she has done nothing so far to suggest to the outside that she is anything more than a peaceful queen (Except maybe the thing with Ser James but technically he should have been executed for breaking his oath anyway so she let him off lightly)

So he'd go against his family's wishes even if they were perfectly okay with it and start a war because of his personal morale code? That seems a bit extreme. Agnes is unhappy but she's willing to put up with it for the good of her family, that is something Cayden should just accept that his sisters may be willing to do. He might be selfish but they might now be.
Yeah I figured. Though still, if the proper incentives are given, people (who are left alive) would probably stay loyal, given the vast amount of rewards they've received for their loyalty versus the punishment dished out to those who weren't. I understand what you mean though. Easier to be like "your family backed mine in the past, so support me and I'll back yours back when I'm on the throne or something something honor something."

Also, I feel like the idea of a possible parody tab for this RP is very rich, especially since Centurion and I joked about it quite a bit as to have abridged version of the RP. We can also have a "Cinema Sins" or "How it should've ended" type as well in there xD
WanderingJester said:
Yeah I figured. Though still, if the proper incentives are given, people (who are left alive) would probably stay loyal, given the vast amount of rewards they've received for their loyalty versus the punishment dished out to those who weren't. I understand what you mean though. Easier to be like "your family backed mine in the past, so support me and I'll back yours back when I'm on the throne or something something honor something."
Also, I feel like the idea of a possible parody tab for this RP is very rich, especially since Centurion and I joked about it quite a bit as to have abridged version of the RP. We can also have a "Cinema Sins" or "How it should've ended" type as well in there xD

Hypnos said:
Having a claim just means that the person with the biggest army can sleep soundly at night thinking they've done the right thing and not just slaughtered thousands for power. Plus it helps to gather support and consolidate rule once you've actually won the throne. There's nothing to stop anyone from declaring themselves kings right now but there will always be those honourable people who put a lot of stock in blood.
Braedon isn't generally mope though, he's a very popular man and has the love of the people, you only know he's mopey because you've seen him be confronted by his distant brother who may or may not have a stronger claim to his castle than he does. Viserys may be an experianced military ruler but that does not necessarily mean he can't handle peace, Cayden has only even seen Viserys in the context of battle and leading a free company, he doesn't know the sort of man he is. How would Daenna know Kuvira is mad, it's all well and good for us to say she is because we can read her thoughts and internal monolouge but she has done nothing so far to suggest to the outside that she is anything more than a peaceful queen (Except maybe the thing with Ser James but technically he should have been executed for breaking his oath anyway so she let him off lightly)

So he'd go against his family's wishes even if they were perfectly okay with it and start a war because of his personal morale code? That seems a bit extreme. Agnes is unhappy but she's willing to put up with it for the good of her family, that is something Cayden should just accept that his sisters may be willing to do. He might be selfish but they might now be.
They would all have to individually convince them that what they are doing, and even then he wouldn't be happy with it and likely leave house Martell so he can watch them himself without having Elia on his back and still be able to help Daenna where he can
WanderingJester said:
"Wait, does this guy sleep with his horse or something?"
"Is he... trying to get it on with a 15 year old? That's statutory rape."

Archon said:
"Is he... trying to get it on with a 15 year old? That's statutory rape."
"How has he lasted this long in a near 100 man melee with light armor and a spear?"


"How has no one Oberyn him by now? Get your Mountain on people! You're trained knights in plate armor fighting some prancing dude!"

WanderingJester said:
"How has he lasted this long in a near 100 man melee with light armor and a spear?"

"How has no one Oberyn him by now? Get your Mountain on people! You're trained knights in plate armor fighting some prancing dude!"

"Did he just... enter a city with 2,000 men, and break into the Prince's house for his own personal party? I mean, even if the Prince has no power, that's blatantly illegal and disrespecting to the thousands upon thousands who live there. And yet he managed to, get away? Who would let him get away with that sh#t? Even the weakest military in the world has more than 2,000 men. Shouldn't the capital - where they are - have at least 5,000 men? And wouldn't the city be huge? And wouldn't the Red spears be drunk out of their minds? HOW ARE THEY NOT DEAD?!"

Archon said:
"Did he just... enter a city with 2,000 men, and break into the Prince's house for his own personal party? I mean, even if the Prince has no power, that's blatantly illegal and disrespecting to the thousands upon thousands who live there. And yet he managed to, get away? Who would let him get away with that sh#t? Even the weakest military in the world has more than 2,000 men. Shouldn't the capital - where they are - have at least 5,000 men? And wouldn't the city be huge? And wouldn't the Red spears be drunk out of their minds? HOW ARE THEY NOT DEAD?!"
Just for a bit of variety, gonna slip this one in.

"Oh, I get that you're the Queen on the Iron Throne or something, but given the fact that you have less than ten Queensguard with you, is it really a good idea to walk into some guy's castle and start demanding things from him? Especially since the same guy also has an army of near 40000 troops in the very castle you're standing in right now as well as just outside?"


And back to it:

"Really? You request a meeting with the richest man in Westeros and then when he shows up you don't even have the proper identification to prove to him who you say you are? I mean my twelve year old niece gives better presentations in her class, and she uses powerpoint."


"I'll say it again: she uses POWERPOINT and she does a better job than Cayden Martell."

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WanderingJester said:
Just for a bit of variety, gonna slip this one in.
"Oh, I get that you're the Queen on the Iron Throne or something, but given the fact that you have less than ten Queensguard with you, is it really a good idea to walk into some guy's castle and start demanding things from him? Especially since the same guy also has an army of near 40000 troops in the very castle you're standing in right now as well as just outside?"


And back to it:

"Really? You request a meeting with the richest man in Westeros and then when he shows up you don't even have the proper identification to prove to him who you say you are? I mean my twelve year old niece gives better presentations in her class, and she uses powerpoint."


"I'll say it again: she uses POWERPOINT and she does a better job than Cayden Martell."

To be fair if I was prince of Dorne I wouldn't be thinking about how I would identify myself as prince of dorne.
Lancelot said:
To be fair if I was prince of Dorne I wouldn't be thinking about how I would identify myself as prince of dorne.
Nah it was more of the fact that he speaks for Deanna Targaryen and House Martell, even though technically (to Tiber) he has no authority to speak for either of those powers.
WanderingJester said:
Just for a bit of variety, gonna slip this one in.
"Oh, I get that you're the Queen on the Iron Throne or something, but given the fact that you have less than ten Queensguard with you, is it really a good idea to walk into some guy's castle and start demanding things from him? Especially since the same guy also has an army of near 40000 troops in the very castle you're standing in right now as well as just outside?"


And back to it:

"Really? You request a meeting with the richest man in Westeros and then when he shows up you don't even have the proper identification to prove to him who you say you are? I mean my twelve year old niece gives better presentations in her class, and she uses powerpoint."


"I'll say it again: she uses POWERPOINT and she does a better job than Cayden Martell."

I've just realized the sheer amount of "Dings!" this roleplay would collectively get, I'm pretty sure every single character in the roleplay would get at least two.
Archon said:
I've just realized the sheer amount of "Dings!" this roleplay would collectively get, I'm pretty sure every single character in the roleplay would get at least two.
Especially the dead ones :P
Wonder how that negotiation would have gone if I said that he had those papers in him, really should of >.>
Akio said:
Wonder how that negotiation would have gone if I said that he had those papers in him, really should of >.>
Probably not much better, can't imagine how big Tibers ego is at this point with all these LOSERS begging for his help.

Thank god for Siegfried he will show Westeros how to pray.
WanderingJester said:
Especially the dead ones :P
I don't think anyone is near Cayden yet in "Sins" though I will admit, Akio has more posts as Cayden than probably any other character. xD

Much more to "Ding".

Like "This guy is planning to overthrow his sister? With no support, wealth, reputation or recourses since he's been away from the realm for years? ...Why? So his other sisters don't have to get married? And he can force his country to go to war against a far superior enemy which also removes their only advantage which is home-field advantage?

That's f#cking stupid.

In what world would this plan work? How does it work? It has no aim, or basis!"

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Akio said:
Wonder how that negotiation would have gone if I said that he had those papers in him, really should of >.>
Note: If you haven't seen CinemaCins, you should totally check it out.

It's great - and I'm sure there are plenty of reasonable solutions to most of the things that are criticized, but that's part of the fun. :P
Archon said:
I don't think anyone is near Cayden yet in "Sins" though I will admit, Akio has more posts as Cayden than probably any other character. xD
Much more to "Ding".

Like "This guy is planning to overthrow his sister? With no support, wealth, reputation or recourses since he's been away from the realm for years? ...Why? So his other sisters don't have to get married? And he can force his country to go to war against a far superior enemy which also removes their only advantage which is home-field advantage?

That's f#cking stupid.

In what world would this plan work? How does it work? It has no aim, or basis!"

ICly Cayden isn't planning shit yet, mainly because with Wolfie's posting rate I'll never get to have a conversation with Elia. @LittleWolfie

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