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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
Ok. Think of it this way. Victarion literally tried to catch a sword with his bare hand.
The match is over before it begins, with Vicky's level of critical thinking.
The sword will melt this time!
WanderingJester said:
It can go either way. A shot or two to the chest of Siegfried with Rory's warhammer would be enough to kill the dude, or even a few shots around the body just to break a lot of important things like legs and arms then one more to the chest. This would go either way I suppose.
How long does Siegfried's battle rage last? I mean I can see Martyn just holding him off or keep dodging the guy until he slows from lack of adrenaline, then go in for the kill.

I still think any of the big men (Desgran, Dolar, to an extend Siegfried and Martyn) are really vulnerable to just getting stabbed in the back of the leg or something, Pippin Style. I'm sure just because Rory has a huge warhammer as his main doesn't mean he doesn't have a side arm or something, and I think Roland is skilled enough and Martyn fast enough to go behind one of the bigs to do this. Once that happens, the guy might as well be dead due to lack of Oberyn syndrome in this fight.
Desgran isn't really that tall, I believe hes under 7 feet tall, the thing is hes extremely heavy as he has a very similar body type to other Ibbenese people. Essentially hes built like a LOTR dwarf but hes almost 7 feet tall so I believe he weighs somehere around 350lbs if my memory of what @Elendithas said serves me right. But that doesn't mean hes slow, in fact hes a really skilled combatant who went undefeated in the fighting pit for 5 years I believe which is incredible. Trying to just step around Desgran and avoid him to get at the back of his legs like you would against Gregor or Dolar is just a good way to get split in half with a valyrian steel axe. Desgran is honestly one of the strongest combatants in the RP, even more so if you count his ax.
Lancelot said:
I think Siegfried would kill Rory honestly, Martyn and Roland would be more likely a stand-still.
At least IMO.
You're probably right, Rory's whole battefield presence is by being relentless like actual Robert, but Rory isn't on the level of actual Robert, Siegfried is stronger, and probably more wild. Though when you send two rabid animals at each other, neither come out unscathed. I think the winner of this fight would come out permanently injured or maimed.

Leusis said:
Meh, I'd say Roland would be the best one to fight Sigfried since hes the weakest out of him, Desgran, and Dolar and he fights more like a wild animal than using tactics and skill. Roland on the other hand could control the flow of combat the entire time and just wait for an opening and strike and Roland is still strong enough to not just be man handled.
I'd say Martyn would be best to fight Dolar because Martyn uses a greatsword so he'll have enough weight behind his blows to hurt the huge fucker but also not have to get within arms reach of him. Don't forget the fact Marttyn would be strong enough to actually defend himself from Dolar's attacks, though he'd likely struggle to do so since Dolar is so massive.

Rory would be best put against Desgran because, well, hes the only one with a warhammer so hes really the only one who could damage Desgran in his armor other than Martyn with his greatsword but Desgran is faster and more skilled than Dolar by a long shot so ending it in as few hits as possible is key. Sadly though I'd have to say because of the V-steel Desgran has a lead in this matchup though Rory could still obviously win as long as he doesn't get hit.

Any of these fights could go either way though and thats why I thought it was such a good match up. I mean watching Martyn and Dolar fight would be like the Clegane bowl we never got. Watching Rory and Desgran fight would be like watching Robert and I don't really know who Desgran is similar to, a faster and more skilled Gregor? Sigfried and Roland would be like watching Euron sending Victarion to kill Danny or something and Barry stepping in to defend her.
Yeah, I agree with this assessment. But I think Roland/Siegfried fight wouldn't be a factor in the victorious team. Since I think someone else would die long before Roland is able to dispatch a tired Siegfried. Martn vs Roland would probably last a moderate amount of time, but Martyn definitely has the skill and strength to just outmaneuver Dolar, and dispatch him. Desgran vs Rory will probably be the shortest fight, one hit from either and the other is done. Desgran probably takes it more often than not since he's not only stronger than Rory, but a V-steel axe is faster than a Warhammer and he's likely marginally more skilled.

Overall, my money's on Desgran dispatching Rory, before going against Martyn who by this point has probably defeated Dolar. Whilst those two fight, the Siegfried/Roland duel is likely coming to a close with Siegfried getting increasingly tired.
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Leusis said:
Desgran isn't really that tall, I believe hes under 7 feet tall, the thing is hes extremely heavy as he has a very similar body type to other Ibbenese people. Essentially hes built like a LOTR dwarf but hes almost 7 feet tall so I believe he weighs somehere around 350lbs if my memory of what @Elendithas said serves me right. But that doesn't mean hes slow, in fact hes a really skilled combatant who went undefeated in the fighting pit for 5 years I believe which is incredible. Trying to just step around Desgran and avoid him to get at the back of his legs like you would against Gregor or Dolar is just a good way to get split in half with a valyrian steel axe. Desgran is honestly one of the strongest combatants in the RP, even more so if you count his ax.
I think there's an overestimation on how fast that axe would swing. I would also argue that while there are many types of opponents that Desgran's fought in the fighting pits, none were as skilled as Rolan or genetically built as Martyn. It's not like the thing's un-dodge able, with Roland's size and skill or Martyn's speed the first swing to miss (if it doesn't kill the opponent) the follow through would give him enough time to hamstring the guy (quite a quick and small motion if you know where the tendons are. Dwarves have tendons and nerves running through their bodies too, and once you cut those the limb's pretty much useless. Not saying that takes away from Desgran's abilities (the chances of taking out an opponent in first swing is still massive) just that that the back of the leg method would still be one of his weakpoints.
Archon said:
You're probably right, Rory's whole battefield presence is by being relentless like actual Robert, but Rory isn't on the level of actual Robert, Siegfried is stronger, and probably more wild. Though when you send two rabid animals at each other, neither come out unscathed. I think the winner of this fight would come out permanently injured or maimed.
Yeah, I agree with this assessment. But I think Roland/Siegfried fight wouldn't be a factor in the victorious team. Since I think someone else would die long before Roland is able to dispatch a tired Siegfried. Martn vs Roland would probably last a moderate amount of time, but Martyn definitely has the skill and strength to just outmaneuver Dolar, and dispatch him. Desgran vs Rory will probably be the shortest fight, one hit from either and the other is done. Desgran probably takes it more often than not since he's not only stronger than Rory, but a V-steel axe is faster than a Warhammer and he's likely marginally more skilled.

Overall, my money's on Desgran dispatching Rory, before going against Martyn who by this point has probably defeated Dolar. Whilst those to fight, the Siegfried/Roland duels likely coming to a close with Siegfried getting increasingly tired.
Siegfried has his insane strength, experience and berserker rage (not sure if berserker rage cancels the experience out lol.)

I would thing Siegfried Vs Rory would be a good one, close one even but If I had to put my money on one of them it would be Siegfried.
Lancelot said:
Siegfried has his insane strength, experience and berserker rage (not sure if berserker rage cancels the experience out lol.)
I would thing Siegfried Vs Rory would be a good one, close one even but If I had to put my money on one of them it would be Siegfried.
I agree with you!

Siegfried does what Rory does, just better. It'd be like Gregor Clegane vs The Greatjon.

For all the Greatjon's incredible strength, and pure ferocity, he is simply outclassed in both departments by Gregor. I just think Rory's warhammer would mean Siegfried is likely going to come away from that fight with some serious damage.

Hypnos said:
This is why I'll never make a warrior character, you guys think way too much into these hypothetical situations.
It's a fun thing to do.
Hypnos said:
This is why I'll never make a warrior character, you guys think way too much into these hypothetical situations.
Idk, I actually enjoy hypothetical scenarios and battles, it is half the fun for me :)
WanderingJester said:
I think there's an overestimation on how fast that axe would swing. I would also argue that while there are many types of opponents that Desgran's fought in the fighting pits, none were as skilled as Rolan or genetically built as Martyn. It's not like the thing's un-dodge able, with Roland's size and skill or Martyn's speed the first swing to miss (if it doesn't kill the opponent) the follow through would give him enough time to hamstring the guy (quite a quick and small motion if you know where the tendons are. Dwarves have tendons and nerves running through their bodies too, and once you cut those the limb's pretty much useless. Not saying that takes away from Desgran's abilities (the chances of taking out an opponent in first swing is still massive) just that that the back of the leg method would still be one of his weakpoints.
I'm not saying its not one of his weaknesses, I'm just saying it would be a hell of a lot harder than hamstringing Dolar.

Also, I think this civil war just needs two sides so that we can pit two groups of the best fighters in Westeros against each other Tower of Joy style. Like have Kuvira hidden in some tower protected by some of the queensguard and some PCs and have all the other PCs try and win that battle so they can capture Kuvira. Tiberious, Trevir, Varic, Gale, Albert, Cayden VS. Rory, Roland, Martyn, Sigfried, Ravenna, Bedivere (thats how you spell his name right?)
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Hypnos said:
This is why I'll never make a warrior character, you guys think way too much into these hypothetical situations.
We like talking about which character would beat who, its fun.
Leusis said:
I'm not saying its not one of his weaknesses, I'm just saying it would be a hell of a lot harder than ham stringing Dolar.
Also, I think this civil war just needs two sides so that we can pit two groups of the best fighters in Westeros against each other Tower of Joy style. Like have Kuvira hidden in some tower protected by some of the queensguard and some PCs and have all the other PCs try and win that battle so they can capture Kuvira. Tiberious, Trevir, Varic, Gale, Albert, Cayden VS. Rory, Roland, Martyn, Sigfried, Ravenna, Bedivere (thats how you spell his name right?)
I think Bedivere wins considering he is a necromancer plague jedi.
Leusis said:
I'm not saying its not one of his weaknesses, I'm just saying it would be a hell of a lot harder than ham stringing Dolar.
Also, I think this civil war just needs two sides so that we can pit two groups of the best fighters in Westeros against each other Tower of Joy style. Like have Kuvira hidden in some tower protected by some of the queensguard and some PCs and have all the other PCs try and win that battle so they can capture Kuvira. Tiberious, Trevir, Varic, Gale, Albert, Cayden VS. Rory, Roland, Martyn, Sigfried, Ravenna, Bedivere (thats how you spell his name right?)
My moneys on Team 2 quite handily.

Team 1 has Cayden.
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You need to send Varic against Roland for any reason possible. From what I've gathered they're the most skill based fighters in the rp, no super agility, no super strength, nothing like that, just pure swordsmanship. Though I'd say since Varic is younger and lighter hes probably more agile than Roland while Roland is probably stronger. But still, that fight would go down in the history books like Duncan the Tall VS. The Laughing Storm.
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Leusis said:
I'm not saying its not one of his weaknesses, I'm just saying it would be a hell of a lot harder than hamstringing Dolar.
Also, I think this civil war just needs two sides so that we can pit two groups of the best fighters in Westeros against each other Tower of Joy style. Like have Kuvira hidden in some tower protected by some of the queensguard and some PCs and have all the other PCs try and win that battle so they can capture Kuvira. Tiberious, Trevir, Varic, Gale, Albert, Cayden VS. Rory, Roland, Martyn, Sigfried, Ravenna, Bedivere (thats how you spell his name right?)
It'll end with the survivor walking in on Braedon and Kuvira getting it on in the tower, all the while mutually sending mouth attacks at each other's airways. The survivor, unless it's Rory, would be all like:

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WanderingJester said:
It'll end with the survivor walking in on Braedon and Kuvira getting it on in the tower, all the while mutually sending mouth attacks at each other's airways. The survivor, unless it's Rory, would be all like:

What if it's Rory?

WanderingJester said:
It'll end with the survivor walking in on Braedon and Kuvira getting it on in the tower, all the while mutually sending mouth attacks at each other's airways. The survivor, unless it's Rory, would be all like:
I wonder how Siegfried would react...

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