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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

WanderingJester said:
I still don't consider Varic to be better than those two honestly. I think there's been inconsistency with who the better fighters in the Queensguards are and that Varic's actually third best fighter in there rather than first, which would put him slightly behind Martyn and Roland.
I am 100% certain that someone asked me to rank The Kingsguard/Queensguard in the original thread. And I distinctly remember having Varic at the top. He has always been at the top. I hope you guys don't think that I gave him a boost in power just because I decided to make him my own character. Because I wouldn't do such a thing. Varic has always been the best, for as long as I can remember.

I would take your advice on whether he is better than Martyn/Roland. Since they are supposed to be two of the best. Varic is an amazing swordsman though and was hailed as a child prodigy. He's only 18, so he still is sort of seen as one.

We can discuss it. I would like that. I just want you guys to know that Varic was always on the top of each incantation of that list I have made.
Hypnos said:
Well it's 11 v 31 at the moment from looking at the numbers so hopefully I have an edge there. I just need to kill Cethann and that's task complete, though obviously it'd be preferable if Alyn didn't die too.

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Yeah, Varic has always been on top. I'd consider myself one of the first people to join the RP and I remember Varic being on top.
Hypnos said:
Oh don't worry, Lord Baelor has a plan to keep the 'Celtigar' name alive.
You know, there's a wonderful maester at the Dreadfort who'd love to see Lord Baelor.

Isn't that right @Grave
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Akio said:
I doubt Roland will learn of it before Caydens men get back if that comes to pass. But if they have her and refuse to give her up what else can Caydens men do if they manage to catch up and want Aerea?
I mean lets face it, Cayden is weak af in Westeros, his own family hates him. Roland on the other hand is a lord with 3,800 soldiers at his command. If Roland wants you dead, even after the wedding while Cayden is running around getting his forces murdered in the Reach, Cayden is going to die. You vastly overestimate your character and his stance in the grand scheme of things ,especially right now considering he has no allies in Westeros and doesn't even have all of his mercenaries. Plane and simple if Cayden's men kill Roland's friend, Cayden will die because even if Roland couldn't accomplish it alone, Roland would go to Tiber and make whatever deal he would have to for Cayden to die.

You kill Roland's friend, Cayden dies, its a simple as that.
TheAncientCenturion said:
You know, there's a wonderful maester at the Dreadfort who'd love to see Lord Baelor.
And there's a wonderful person at Driftmark whom I'm sure would love to meet Vladan. His name is the Drowned God.
TheFordee14 said:
Did Braedon call his banners? Or am I just imagining that that happened? Because I am trying to think of a good reason why Keila is visiting Storm's End.
To inform Braedon that she and her house stands with the Baratheon's, even after Kuvira is calling for his head. That always works, right?
TheFordee14 said:
I am 100% certain that someone asked me to rank The Kingsguard/Queensguard in the original thread. And I distinctly remember having Varic at the top. He has always been at the top. I hope you guys don't think that I gave him a boost in power just because I decided to make him my own character. Because I wouldn't do such a thing. Varic has always been the best, for as long as I can remember.
I would take your advice on whether he is better than Martyn/Roland. Since they are supposed to be two of the best. Varic is an amazing swordsman though and was hailed as a child prodigy. He's only 18, so he still is sort of seen as one.

We can discuss it. I would like that. I just want you guys to know that Varic was always on the top of each incantation of that list I have made.
I never thought that actually, just that there's been things that have been inconsistent given the power level (hehe, over 9000) about who's on the Queensguard or not. I also distinctly remember a majority agreement that Gale would give Nagito a run for his money in a full fight, which means once he's dead people would hail him up there with Aemon the Dragonknight. Then the list goes down to around Martyn/Roland level and lower than them.

I understand that he had been hail as a child prodigy, but so have many in the Westerlands about Martyn, and I'm sure Roland's band saw him as the next great warrior to be undefeated ever/reclaim their lost home (got a new home, but yeah). Trevir and Tiberious probably impressed the hell out of every Vale lord at a young age in regards to their instincts in combat. I'm just saying everyone past a certain point in, if they have the sort of instincts the likes of Blackfish or Jaime (like how people viewed Loras in the books/shows), would be considered widely as some of the best in the world, what's separates them to me is what they've done (Roland with years of war and battle solely, Martyn killing Roger Reynes, Varic joining the Queensguard).

Fair enough, though I've always thought there was a more experienced Queensguard but not old enough that his body's starting to give out that's distinctly better than Varic. Guess I was wrong, but my reply was more "everyone calls Martyn/Roland/Trevir/Tiberious/Varic child prodigies, they wouldn't receive the type of training they did if they weren't considered that, we can't just make one better than the other just because one says it in the CS."
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Hypnos said:
And there's a wonderful person at Driftmark whom I'm sure would love to meet Vladan. His name is the Drowned God.
It's ashame, Baelor's converted to the Ironborn faith. He lost all prestige he once had.
Except there would be no logical way for me to spare him if they catch up. Caydens men have no idea who Roland is, much less who's he's friends with. Even Cayden himself just met him.
TheAncientCenturion said:
He looks like the Drowned God, nevermind.
More like a fish out of water, the man needs to be put out of his misery!
Akio said:
Except there would be no logical way for me to spare him if they catch up. Caydens men have no idea who Roland is, much less who's he's friends with. Even Cayden himself just met him.
Why would they even kill them?
Akio said:
Except there would be no logical way for me to spare him if they catch up. Caydens men have no idea who Roland is, much less who's he's friends with. Even Cayden himself just met him.
Regardless, roleplaying those mercenaries how you see logical is going to kill Cayden. Staying true to characters often gets them or others killed, its just the way GoT works.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Does it matter if it's all gone now?
Yes, you're admitting that a Baelor who does not worship the drowned God has prestige, and since our Baelor doesn't worship the drowned God...

Lancelot said:
More like a fish out of water, the man needs to be put out of his misery!
Codd is going to win the Kingsmoot because he's going to be talking about his great voyages and Siegfried won't be able to call him out on it because he's an idiot.

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