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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheGreyEminence said:
@Hypnos , why is agnes so unhappy with her marriage anyway ? its not like i married her off to ramsay snow now is it ...
No. Rowan actually is probably one of the nicest people she could marry tbh
TheGreyEminence said:
@Hypnos , why is agnes so unhappy with her marriage anyway ? its not like i married her off to ramsay snow now is it ...
It's a long story really, the Tullys were at the queens corination where they were held along with some other important lords as suspects for an assassination attempt upon the queen which had taken place. Her father received a letter from Lord Helyon Tarly which pretty much said that he'd already asked Barba about marriage and she had said no, but he was going over her head and asking Walder anyway. Walder wanted Tarly support so he accepted and sent Benjicot and his daughters home back to Riverrun for the wedding, whilst he remained and waited for the queen. Almost as soon as they were back at Riverrun Helyon Tarly arrived and within almost an hour of meeting her future husband they were married, no planning, no getting to know each other, no talking before hand, Helyon Tarly got there, married them off and then took her back to the Reach within a single day, not the kind of marriage you expect (I mean compare it to the Lannister wedding which is lasting a week) She's pretty much on her own at Horn Hill, and her husband recently got called for a potential war, which could already leave her a widow, and as far as she knows her grandfather is on his death bed.

All in all it's been a bad month.
Hypnos said:
It's a long story really, the Tullys were at the queens corination where they were held along with some other important lords as suspects for an assassination attempt upon the queen which had taken place. Her father received a letter from Lord Helyon Tarly which pretty much said that he'd already asked Barba about marriage and she had said no, but he was going over her head and asking Walder anyway. Walder wanted Tarly support so he accepted and sent Benjicot and his daughters home back to Riverrun for the wedding, whilst he remained and waited for the queen. Almost as soon as they were back at Riverrun Helyon Tarly arrived and within almost an hour of meeting her future husband they were married, no planning, no getting to know each other, no talking before hand, Helyon Tarly got there, married them off and then took her back to the Reach within a single day, not the kind of marriage you expect (I mean compare it to the Lannister wedding which is lasting a week) She's pretty much on her own at Horn Hill, and her husband recently got called for a potential war, which could already leave her a widow, and as far as she knows her grandfather is on his death bed.
All in all it's been a bad month.
At least it isn't as bad as what will happen to the Greyjoys ;)
Hypnos said:
It's a long story really, the Tullys were at the queens corination where they were held along with some other important lords as suspects for an assassination attempt upon the queen which had taken place. Her father received a letter from Lord Helyon Tarly which pretty much said that he'd already asked Barba about marriage and she had said no, but he was going over her head and asking Walder anyway. Walder wanted Tarly support so he accepted and sent Benjicot and his daughters home back to Riverrun for the wedding, whilst he remained and waited for the queen. Almost as soon as they were back at Riverrun Helyon Tarly arrived and within almost an hour of meeting her future husband they were married, no planning, no getting to know each other, no talking before hand, Helyon Tarly got there, married them off and then took her back to the Reach within a single day, not the kind of marriage you expect (I mean compare it to the Lannister wedding which is lasting a week) She's pretty much on her own at Horn Hill, and her husband recently got called for a potential war, which could already leave her a widow, and as far as she knows her grandfather is on his death bed.
All in all it's been a bad month.
well , on the plus side we do have tarly support now , who cares if the young couple like each other or not .
TheGreyEminence said:
well , on the plus side we do have tarly support now , who cares if the young couple like each other or not .
That's the spirit I guess... Though we don't exactly have Tarly support either. Helyon Tarly tried to use the marriage to get the Riverlords to help put down an assault by the Ironborn on the Shield Islands, which would have been very inconvenient since we're trying to fight a different war, Barba turned him down and Lord Tarly hasn't been the biggest Tully fan since.
Hypnos said:
That's the spirit I guess... Though we don't exactly have Tarly support either. Helyon Tarly tried to use the marriage to get the Riverlords to help put down an assault by the Ironborn on the Shield Islands, which would have been very inconvenient since we're trying to fight a different war, Barba turned him down and Lord Tarly hasn't been the biggest Tully fan since.
well , you win some and you loose some rite . P.S Benji's wife is from which noble house btw ?
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Hypnos said:
That's the spirit I guess... Though we don't exactly have Tarly support either. Helyon Tarly tried to use the marriage to get the Riverlords to help put down an assault by the Ironborn on the Shield Islands, which would have been very inconvenient since we're trying to fight a different war, Barba turned him down and Lord Tarly hasn't been the biggest Tully fan since.
Tbh Helyon overreacted a bit, the Tully's border their enemies and have to worry about triple the numbers of the Iron Born.

Not to mention the Reach has more than triple than the iron born.
Lancelot said:
Tbh Helyon overreacted a bit, the Tully's border their enemies and have to worry about triple the numbers of the Iron Born.
Not to mention the Reach has more than triple than the iron born.
Which is exactly why I said I wouldn't do it. Tarly men are good and all but they're not exactly 45,000 men good.
Hypnos said:
House Mallister of Seagard one of the more powerful Riverlands houses and my personal favorite house in all of ASOIAF.
Would agnes have any idea about how bad the situation between her parents are right now , cus benji is whore mongering all over the place right now - altough it hasn't lead to any bastards , yet .
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TheGreyEminence said:
Would agnes have any idea about how bad the siituation between her parents are right now , cus benji is whore mongering all over the place right now - altough it hasn't lead to any bastards
She'd probably know that they aren't too fond of each other, though I doubt she knows much about her father's other activities. She likes both of her parents so learning that they hate each other may upset her a bit.
Hypnos said:
She'd probably know that they aren't too fond of each other, though I doubt she knows much about her father's other activities. She likes both of her parents so learning that they hate each other may upset her a bit.
Well she needs to grow up !! the world isn't just full of rainbows and roses .
Lancelot said:
It seems the more we hear from the Tully's the more we hear it is lies when they say Family. Duty. Honor
Well I don't think so, they may complain about it, or be upset, but the Tullys are still doing what they can for family. Agnes may not like Rowan but she still married him, Benjicot may not be a fan of his wife but they're still together. One has to honour ones duty to their family and that is what the Tullys do.

TheGreyEminence said:
She isn't my daughter !!! shes a disappointment !!! I WANTED A SON .
Sucks to be you then, Walder had three children all of which were sons, mayhaps it is Benjicot that is the disappointment, being unable to produce a strong male Tully heir. Perhaps I should make Lothar my heir, he has a son does he not?
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Hypnos said:
Well I don't think so, they may complain about it, or be upset, but the Tullys are still doing what they can for family. Agnes may not like Rowan but she still married him, Benjicot may not be a fan of his wife but they're still together. One has to honour ones duty to their family and that is what the Tullys do.
Well said !!!

Hypnos said:
Sucks to be you then, Walder had three children all of which were sons, mayhaps it is Benjicot that is the disappointment, being unable to produce a strong male Tully heir. Perhaps I should make Lothar my heir, he has a son does he not?
Wow , walder's spitting fire today isn't he ?
Hypnos said:
Well I don't think so, they may complain about it, or be upset, but the Tullys are still doing what they can for family. Agnes may not like Rowan but she still married him, Benjicot may not be a fan of his wife but they're still together. One has to honour ones duty to their family and that is what the Tullys do.
Sucks to be you then, Walder had three children all of which were sons, mayhaps it is Benjicot that is the disappointment, being unable to produce a strong male Tully heir. Perhaps I should make Lothar my heir, he has a son does he not?
Yes... Agnes honouring her duty to her husband and not finalising the marriage.

Benjecot honouring his duty to his wife by laying with other women...
Lancelot said:
Yes... Agnes honouring her duty to her husband and not finalising the marriage.
Benjecot honouring his duty to his wife by laying with other women...
Honouring their duty the family proper, blood is everything.

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