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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
That'd be an interesting adventure. The Ironborn attacking an island of cannibals.
. . You should lead them there.
Maybe Siegfried will send her there when he kicks her out of her home :) )))))))
Akio said:
Baby dragon, wuh..
Maybe thats when Cayden can meet the Black Dragon in the chaos
The Winner of the Kingsmoot will receive a Dragon Egg along with the Driftwood Crown.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Her home's a ship
Aye, she will make a fine sacrifice to the Drowned God, they will need Kingsblood and Haelga happens to be related to the last King...

At least you will be at home as an oarsmen in the drowned gods watery halls right?
TheAncientCenturion said:
Viserys is probably prettier than their women, so that might happen. And I am afeared for that day.
Honestly if Cayden follows Viserys to betray him when he finally does I can't wait to see Viserys face
Oh wait, Conns bastard daughter you say?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1467405657222.jpg.2147d887d6a8b13ec1eb82e0d232ec22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1467405657222.jpg.2147d887d6a8b13ec1eb82e0d232ec22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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TheAncientCenturion said:
"Did he really just betray me? Honestly, I can't. . .What?"
it'd be very perplexing at first.
lol true, especially after they go so far in possibly doing a lot of damage to prepare for his rule, Cayden sudden betrays and severely injures his empire from the inside, especially considering how successful Cayden is Viserys might have given him a great deal of power
Akio said:
lol true, especially after they go so far in possibly doing a lot of damage to prepare for his rule, Cayden sudden betrays and severely injures his empire from the inside, especially considering how successful Cayden is Viserys might have given him a great deal of power
Aemond would likely be a bigger catch for Viserys than Cayden tbh, and luckily for him Aemond is with various members of the Golden Company at the minute.

Albeit as enemies but a larger threat just came in attacking both of them...
Akio said:
lol true, especially after they go so far in possibly doing a lot of damage to prepare for his rule, Cayden sudden betrays and severely injures his empire from the inside, especially considering how successful Cayden is Viserys might have given him a great deal of power
Yeah, if he betrayed them at a crucial battle or began to raid their territory, he'd just. . . be screwed.

JustWhipIt said:
Oh my fucking god. I'm actually... writing something right now.
Don't. You. Tease. Me.
Lancelot said:
Aemond would likely be a bigger catch for Viserys than Cayden tbh, and luckily for him Aemond is with various members of the Golden Company at the minute.
Albeit as enemies but a larger threat just came in attacking both of them...
Aemond however as long as he follows his brother will likely stick with Kuriva right now and Cayden knows Viserys pretty personally so its just easier for him to get involved with Viserys forces and as a skirmish commander hes incredibly difficult to beat

TheAncientCenturion said:
Yeah, if he betrayed them at a crucial battle or began to raid their territory, he'd just. . . be screwed.
Don't. You. Tease. Me.
I could just imagine if they took Kingslanding after a long battle and Viserys sits on the iron throne and sighs in relieve thinking wars almost done... only to realize the previously allied dornish have taken highgarden, are currently raiding all over the west and reach and Ibbens have landed at stormsend. just a situation where all his armies are away thinking hes secure and then just a savage stab in the back to his seats of power
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Akio said:
Aemond however as long as he follows his brother will likely stick with Kuriva right now and Cayden knows Viserys pretty personally so its just easier for him to get involved with Viserys forces and as a skirmish commander hes incredibly difficult to beat
I could just imagine if they took Kingslanding after a long battle and Viserys sits on the iron throne and sighs in relieve thinking wars almost done... only to realize the previously allied dornish have taken highgarden, are currently raiding all over the west and reach and Ibbens have landed at stormsend. just a situation where all his armies are away thinking hes secure and then just a savage stab in the back to his seats of power
Aemond has a very successful career in the greatest heavy cavalry sellsword company for years and years along with being the General for quite a few of those and still has large influence in them. I am sure Aemond has met Viserys more than Cayden has.
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
Too bad he's a bastard Valyrian
He's legitimize himself when he's king, don't you worry.

Akio said:
Aemond however as long as he follows his brother will likely stick with Kuriva right now and Cayden knows Viserys pretty personally so its just easier for him to get involved with Viserys forces and as a skirmish commander hes incredibly difficult to beat
I could just imagine if they took Kingslanding after a long battle and Viserys sits on the iron throne and sighs in relieve thinking wars almost done... only to realize the previously allied dornish have taken highgarden, are currently raiding all over the west and reach and Ibbens have landed at stormsend. just a situation where all his armies are away thinking hes secure and then just a savage stab in the back to his seats of power
He'd turn his attention from killing all the Ironborn to making sure every Dornish soul is in chains.
Lancelot said:
Aemond has a very successful greatest in the creates heavy cavalry sellsword company for years and years along with being the General for quite a few of those and still has large influence in them. I am sure Aemond has met Viserys more than Cayden has.
I did the math one day. I think when Aemond was the CG, Viserys was rising through the ranks.

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