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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
. . .Wait.
Why weren't you getting us spoilers/why aren't you getting us spoilers then? A lot of the filming goes on in NI. . .
Because I am scared to go outside? :DDDDD
TheAncientCenturion said:
Wait, are you British. . ?
Of course. You just gotta be a solid debater/speaker. Viserys is going to point out a few critical errors Tiber missed, to try and even the deal.
Point out some errors in the Warden of the Wests thinking.. Be careful you dont get respoited easily, something tells me Tiber thought out his reply @WanderingJester
Akio said:
Point out some errors in the Warden of the Wests thinking.. Be careful you dont get respoited easily, something tells me Tiber thought out his reply @WanderingJester
He did say that Blackfyre was priceless but then contradicted himself saying It wasn't worth the gold and blood of Westermen... but that is being nitpicky
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He also ridicules the Tyrells for reasons unknown and the reasons are highly hypocritical and make little sense. So viserys could push that
Akio said:
Point out some errors in the Warden of the Wests thinking.. Be careful you dont get respoited easily, something tells me Tiber thought out his reply @WanderingJester
Lancelot said:
He did say that Blackfyre was priceless but then contradicted himself saying It wasn't worth the gold and blood of Westermen... but that is being nitpicky
It's something he may not care enough to defend, but I got dis. Tiber, I hope you're ready for the negotiations of a life time!

Also Viserys might want to go and see Kuvira. For reasons.
TheAncientCenturion said:
It's something he may not care enough to defend, but I got dis. Tiber, I hope you're ready for the negotiations of a life time!
Also Viserys might want to go and see Kuvira. For reasons.
Just so you know Hightowers are known Blackfyre loyalists and the heir is at the wedding *wink* *wink*
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Lancelot said:
He did say that Blackfyre was priceless but then contradicted himself saying It wasn't worth the gold and blood of Westermen... but that is being nitpicky
TheAncientCenturion said:
It's something he may not care enough to defend, but I got dis. Tiber, I hope you're ready for the negotiations of a life time!
Also Viserys might want to go and see Kuvira. For reasons.
Oh god please
TheAncientCenturion said:
Wait, are you British. . ?
Of course. You just gotta be a solid debater/speaker. Viserys is going to point out a few critical errors Tiber missed, to try and even the deal.
Crap, totally forgot the condition for the Ironborn genocide. Just edited that in now. Sorry Centurion.
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WanderingJester said:
Crap, totally forgot the condition for the Ironborn genecide. Just edited that in now. Sorry Centurion.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/927.jpg.6aa48bfcd83d576a5530e134f6d67e80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/927.jpg.6aa48bfcd83d576a5530e134f6d67e80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lancelot said:
Just so you know Hightowers are known Blackfyre loyalists and the heir is at the wedding *wink* *wink*
Oh, I gotcha. Viserys should go find Barbra Tully.

Akio said:
Oh god please
What's wrong?

WanderingJester said:
Crap, totally forgot the condition for the Ironborn genocide. Just edited that in now. Sorry Centurion.
No man may tell Viserys who he can and cannot wipe out. This is unacceptable.

Lancelot said:
Heeeey, that's perty good.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh, I gotcha. Viserys should go find Barbra Tully.
What's wrong?

No man may tell Viserys who he can and cannot wipe out. This is unacceptable.

Heeeey, that's perty good.
He's automatically making an enemy of ALL the Ironborn.

Including Haelga and her merry band.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh, I gotcha. Viserys should go find Barbra Tully.
What's wrong?

No man may tell Viserys who he can and cannot wipe out. This is unacceptable.

Heeeey, that's perty good.
Oh no, he can go ahead with that, just not with Lannister forces at the frontlines for the assault. The Westerlands will provide logistics and auxiliary support!

Anyways looking forward to reading the response tomorrow. For meows, TO BED!

TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh, I gotcha. Viserys should go find Barbra Tully.
What's wrong?

No man may tell Viserys who he can and cannot wipe out. This is unacceptable.

Heeeey, that's perty good.
Do not start a war with the Iron born, you know how that will end.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1467405986617.png.c02c761f74a2c24adc8b76f823416118.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1467405986617.png.c02c761f74a2c24adc8b76f823416118.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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If Haelga's dead, the sunset sea passage dies with her. That makes Viserys's proposal a little less promising, considering all the possible riches that would go down the drain.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
He's automatically making an enemy of ALL the Ironborn.
Including Haelga and her merry band.
WanderingJester said:
Oh no, he can go ahead with that, just not with Lannister forces at the frontlines for the assault. The Westerlands will provide logistics and auxiliary support!
Anyways looking forward to reading the response tomorrow. For meows, TO BED!

Lancelot said:
Do not start a war with the Iron born, you know how that will end.
View attachment 309044

I fully expect the Ironborn to put up no resistance once the Redwyne fleet smashes their remnants. The Lannisters won't even be needed.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I fully expect the Ironborn to put up no resistance once the Redwyne fleet smashes their remnants. The Lannisters won't even be needed.
Well well... Aemond may have a gift for the Redwyne fleet.

Not to mention if Siegfried wins the Kingsmoot the fleets of Westeros won't be in the safest position lol
Lancelot said:
Well well... Aemond may have a gift for the Redwyne fleet.
Not to mention if Siegfried wins the Kingsmoot the fleets of Westeros won't be in the safest position lol
It's a good thing the Ironborn aren't a particularly numerous people then. .
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh, I gotcha. Viserys should go find Barbra Tully.
What's wrong?

No man may tell Viserys who he can and cannot wipe out. This is unacceptable.

Heeeey, that's perty good.
Do you really need Kuriva yelling for a Waters head during the wedding, seems a little chaotic

TheAncientCenturion said:
I fully expect the Ironborn to put up no resistance once the Redwyne fleet smashes their remnants. The Lannisters won't even be needed.
The Redwyn fleet about to fight the Lannisters?
TheAncientCenturion said:
It's a good thing the Ironborn aren't a particularly numerous people then. .
Lets see how that matters when you meet 1000+ ships of veteran sailors on the sea...
Akio said:
Do you really need Kuriva yelling for a Waters head during the wedding, seems a little chaotic
The Redwyn fleet about to fight the Lannisters?
It'd be so much fun though.

Lancelot said:
Lets see how that matters when you meet 1000+ ships of veteran sailors on the sea...
1000 ships? You goin' to Mereen?

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