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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Also, Viserys wants genocide against the Ironborn? Shame Haelga is in the castle as we speak...

Wouldn't it be awkward if Haelga were too... Barge in?
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Also, Viserys wants genocide against the Ironborn? Shame Haelga is in the castle as we speak...
Wouldn't it be awkward if Haelga were too... Barge in?
Not as awkward as if Ravenna barged in I'm sure xD , just a Black Dragon sitting at the table having a conversation with the Lord of Casterly Rock while Martyn's testing Aegon the Conqueror's sword.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Also, Viserys wants genocide against the Ironborn? Shame Haelga is in the castle as we speak...
Wouldn't it be awkward if Haelga were too... Barge in?
No. Don't, Stop. Go back to the fooking drowned god.
Damn it I still don't know how to beat and offer of that sword, one in hand 2 in a bush after all
TheAncientCenturion said:
No. Don't, Stop. Go back to the fooking drowned god.
Tiber: How would we kill all the Ironborn?

Viserys: Well first off we-

*Door bursts open*

SirDerpingtonIV said:
Too bad. Happening now.
And Ravenna is just going to run around and make a fool of herself.
There are two Lionguards outside the office and two in the doorway inside, not discouraging you, just a heads up that they're there. xD
Lancelot said:
Viserys want's genocide against Ironbron?
Shame on you
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Tiber: How would we kill all the Ironborn?
Viserys: Well first off we-

*Door bursts open*

SirDerpingtonIV said:
Too bad. Happening now.
And Ravenna is just going to run around and make a fool of herself.
God damn Ironborn. All you people know how to do is actively make life worse for everyone else!
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Too bad. Happening now.
And Ravenna is just going to run around and make a fool of herself.
Perhaps she should join Lyonel in his pissed parade. He has already disrupted the peace, talk shit to the Mountain Lions face and spat on the Lannister name.

Surprised they didn't seize him tbh.
Lancelot said:
Perhaps she should join Lyonel in his pissed parade. He has already disrupted the peace, talk shit to the Mountain Lions face and spat on the Lannister name.
Surprised they didn't seize him tbh.
Just because there's no immediate consequences doesn't mean it's been forgotten (Unless his father hears of it and sends some reparation or something idk). A Lannister always pays his debts.
WanderingJester said:
Just because there's no immediate consequences doesn't mean it's been forgotten (Unless his father hears of it and sends some reparation or something idk). A Lannister always pays his debts.
Ehh. Lyonel has bigger worries when it comes to his family like

lol hopefully Caydens own transgression has actually been forgiven. Because apparently I'm already pretty fucked negotiation wise
Akio said:
lol hopefully Caydens own transgression has actually been forgiven. Because apparently I'm already pretty fucked negotiation wise
He could probably... Cut a deal with Viserys and betray him later.
Akio said:
lol hopefully Caydens own transgression has actually been forgiven. Because apparently I'm already pretty fucked negotiation wise
Cayden really needs to keep his microtransgressions in check, literally such a privileged bigot like oh my god.
Akio said:
lol hopefully Caydens own transgression has actually been forgiven. Because apparently I'm already pretty fucked negotiation wise
Cayden didn't verbally spit in the Lions face, just indignant about the situation at hand. Why did you think Martyn said it would be overlooked if he went to bed early? At the end of the day he defended himself, and the majority of the fault lies with the sellswords for sneaking knives into Casterly Rock, and worse, starting something in the middle of one of Lord Tiber's wedding feasts.
TheAncientCenturion said:
He could probably... Cut a deal with Viserys and betray him later.
At this point this is where I'm leaning, given that I'm not in the position to bear Viserys offer, I have nothing myself to offer sword wise. Also if Arren publically declares for Viserys and so the the Lion does that mean the war will end or never start?

(Till some of the Reach rebels)
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