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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Offer Blackfyre, sword of Aegon the conquer, the entire thing his house is named for and the greatest weapon of house Targaryen, so Tiber has to declare himself publically the enemy of every other faction to take it? Technically he's offering what Tiber could take to. Viserys took no bread and salt and met Tiber with a sword on his lap.
I don't know whether to be impressed by Viserys boldness or amazed at his stupidity, that sword is the Strongest thing that binds him to the throne
Akio said:
Offer Blackfyre, sword of Aegon the conquer, the entire thing his house is named for and the greatest weapon of house Targaryen, so Tiber has to declare himself publically the enemy of every other faction to take it? Technically he's offering what Tiber could take to. Viserys took no bread and salt and met Tiber with a sword on his lap.
Sure, if he's a cynical asshole.

Ideally Tiber would begrudgingly accept Viserys' deal, keep the sword and stay quiet, and move when the dust clears. If Viserys' loses? Make up an excuse for how you now have a Valyrian steel sword. If he wins? You now have a king who feels indebted to you.
Akio said:
I don't know whether to be impressed by Viserys boldness or amazed at his stupidity, that sword is the Strongest thing that binds him to the throne
It's Big Army Diplomacy. Birth right already fucks him. He's no Blackfyre, the entire Blackfyre House was supported because people thought Daemon was the legitimate king and his brother (who's name I forget) was a bastard. Viserys adopted the Blackfyre surname. He has no claim. He's desperate, been in Westeros for quite some time, sold valuables and waste Golden Company coin for nothing so far. He has to come home with something. And the only way he is winning the throne will be with an army, not a sword from a very, very distant ancestor.
TheAncientCenturion said:
It's Big Army Diplomacy. Birth right already fucks him. He's no Blackfyre, the entire Blackfyre House was supported because people thought Daemon was the legitimate king and his brother (who's name I forget) was a bastard. Viserys adopted the Blackfyre surname. He has no claim. He's desperate, been in Westeros for quite some time, sold valuables and waste Golden Company coin for nothing so far. He has to come home with something. And the only way he is winning the throne will be with an army, not a sword from a very, very distant ancestor.
You say that like that sword isn't such a big thing in history anyone who wields it, especially someone who seems so Targaryen, would inspire confidence like Aegon the Conquer returned. But hey it's your sword
TheAncientCenturion said:
It's Big Army Diplomacy. Birth right already fucks him. He's no Blackfyre, the entire Blackfyre House was supported because people thought Daemon was the legitimate king and his brother (who's name I forget) was a bastard. Viserys adopted the Blackfyre surname. He has no claim. He's desperate, been in Westeros for quite some time, sold valuables and waste Golden Company coin for nothing so far. He has to come home with something. And the only way he is winning the throne will be with an army, not a sword from a very, very distant ancestor.
Daeron the good i believe it was
Akio said:
You say that like that sword isn't such a big thing in history anyone who wields it, especially someone who seems so Targaryen, would inspire confidence like Aegon the Conquer returned. But hey it's your sword
Give a sword to a middling swordsmen to hope the Houses that previously supported Blackfyre rebellion help him.

Give the sword to the richest man in Westeros with a mobile army ready, and hope to make an ally of him.

It's not a perfect choice, but Viserys is in a hard spot here. He has to make sacrifices.

Lancelot said:
Daeron the good i believe it was
Daeron the twat.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Give a sword to a middling swordsmen to hope the Houses that previously supported Blackfyre rebellion help him.
Give the sword to the richest man in Westeros with a mobile army ready, and hope to make an ally of him.

It's not a perfect choice, but Viserys is in a hard spot here. He has to make sacrifices.

Daeron the twat.
You are lucky Bloodraven isn't around to put the fear in you... (or is he?)
Lancelot said:
You are lucky Bloodraven isn't around to put the fear in you... (or is he?)
He'd of already killed Viserys if he were around. . .

He'd probably of killed every other figure who might oppose the Targaryen's too.
TheAncientCenturion said:
He'd of already killed Viserys if he were around. . .
He'd probably of killed every other figure who might oppose the Targaryen's too.
He would... if he wasn't hold up in an old weirwood tree :)
TheAncientCenturion said:
. . .Is he also after a dragon queen in the east?
He isn't giving away Dawn. . .
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57577378.jpg.367e30dc378d286dc14c30985db81eb9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57577378.jpg.367e30dc378d286dc14c30985db81eb9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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TheAncientCenturion said:
. . .Is he also after a dragon queen in the east?
He isn't giving away Dawn. . .
Dawn is the coolest sword in history, didn't exactly do much in history though. Hope Tiber at least talks to Cayden
TheAncientCenturion said:
Daenna-bowl is commencing! Cayden in one corner, Desgran in another. And a wild Kraken has appeared!
It ended the long night. That's pretty important.
That was light bringer so I believe
TheAncientCenturion said:
But Dawn IS light bringer. . .
Is that actually a theory? Dawn was made by a falling star so it's said. Light bringer was made by a black Smith for 100 days and he cut his wives heart out with it
Akio said:
Is that actually a theory? Dawn was made by a falling star so it's said. Light bringer was made by a black Smith for 100 days and he cut his wives heart out with it
Lightbringer is a myth...
Akio said:
Is that actually a theory? Dawn was made by a falling star so it's said. Light bringer was made by a black Smith for 100 days and he cut his wives heart out with it
I'm convinced of it tbh. Dawn was forged by a meteor, but said to match Valyrian steel, spell forged (likely blood magic made) weapons that can puncture clean through mail and never loses an edge.

The only way for Dawn to match that is by magic, it would check out if Dawn was Light Bringer, considering the fact that LB is magical and the obvious similarity in names.
I've really been sure about magic in the GoT universe until I saw that white walker raise an army of dead people. Makes me want to give Adrian pyromancy with quite a bit of pyromania
TheAncientCenturion said:
I'm convinced of it tbh. Dawn was forged by a meteor, but said to match Valyrian steel, spell forged (likely blood magic made) weapons that can puncture clean through mail and never loses an edge.
The only way for Dawn to match that is by magic, it would check out if Dawn was Light Bringer, considering the fact that LB is magical and the obvious similarity in names.
Yeah but there are rumors from Blackfyre being Light bringer or even see Davos. Not convinced

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