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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
At this point this is where I'm leaning, given that I'm not in the position to bear Viserys offer, I have nothing myself to offer sword wise. Also if Arren publically declares for Viserys and so the the Lion does that mean the war will end or never start?
(Till some of the Reach rebels)
I have the feeling we're never going to get a conclusion to the Reach.
Akio said:
At this point this is where I'm leaning, given that I'm not in the position to bear Viserys offer, I have nothing myself to offer sword wise. Also if Arren publically declares for Viserys and so the the Lion does that mean the war will end or never start?
(Till some of the Reach rebels)
If the Lion declares for the Black Dragon, that means they have what they want with the Reach. It won't be a problem like that.

SirDerpingtonIV said:
They'll probably let her know that he's busy at the moment. If she persists long enough, they'll probably knock on the door or something before Haelga knocks it down xD
TheAncientCenturion said:
I have the feeling we're never going to get a conclusion to the Reach.
WanderingJester said:
If the Lion declares for the Black Dragon, that means they have what they want with the Reach. It won't be a problem like that.
They'll probably let her know that he's busy at the moment. If she persists long enough, they'll probably knock on the door or something before Haelga knocks it down xD
Honestly if Visery as both the Reach and Lannisters trying to stop him would be damn near impossible, or at least very difficult for the current quarrelsome factions
Akio said:
Cayden is waiting for his brothers reaction so please!
(see i can do it to
It hasn't even been a day!

And i stayed up all night for a D&D session so.... yeah
Akio said:
Honestly if Visery as both the Reach and Lannisters trying to stop him would be damn near impossible, or at least very difficult for the current quarrelsome factions
Yeah, if only Viserys wasn't leading it. He's the same guy who constantly makes battles harder on his side just to win more glory. .

Lancelot said:

But seriously, I hit brick walls when I try to write that. And work was a bitch the past two days, this week was my final week. I'll now be free-ish to get to it by the 4th, at the latest!
Lancelot said:
It hasn't even been a day!
And i stayed up all night for a D&D session so.... yeah
Just saying demanding posts when you have to reply yourself is yeah
WanderingJester said:
If the Lion declares for the Black Dragon, that means they have what they want with the Reach. It won't be a problem like that.
They'll probably let her know that he's busy at the moment. If she persists long enough, they'll probably knock on the door or something before Haelga knocks it down xD

Alright, I understand.








TheAncientCenturion said:
Yeah, if only Viserys wasn't leading it. He's the same guy who constantly makes battles harder on his side just to win more glory. .

But seriously, I hit brick walls when I try to write that. And work was a bitch the past two days, this week was my final week. I'll now be free-ish to get to it by the 4th, at the latest!
Well he could litterly point and an almost 150,000 man army would walk through most armies
Akio said:
Just saying demanding posts when you have to reply yourself is yeah
It was mostly a joke...

And trust me I know when I need to post. I just think way too much about some of them like this one.
Akio said:
Well he could litterly point and an almost 150,000 man army would walk through most armies
Uh, here's a better way of putting it.

If there was a room full of lego's, all over the floor, and a pair of shoes right at the door. He'd walk bare foot through the lego's just to say he did it. Now apply that to the army. Sure, he's done some good, a few great things. But. . He ignores the safer, easier options for his personal satisfaction and acknowledgement.
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Lancelot said:
It was mostly a joke...
And trust me I know when I need to post. I just think way too much about some of them like this one.
Dont think do much, just put yourself into the mind of the character, so you are the character for a few moments, and just write
TheAncientCenturion said:
Uh, here's a better way of putting it.
If there was a room full of lego's, all over the floor, and a pair of shoes right at the door. He'd walk bare foot through the lego's just to say he did it. Now apply that to the army. Sure, he's done some good, a few great things. But. . He ignores the safer, easier options for his personal satisfaction and acknowledgement.
So hes an ego hog, an arrogant ego hog xD
TheAncientCenturion said:
Like Alexander the Great marching his army through a desert, ego hog!
If only Cayden had more troops, maybe he'd actually be able to piss Viserys off enough they could trick him into a mistake, and Viserys can find out how hard it is to fight without blackfyre if Cayden gets close
Akio said:
If only Cayden had more troops, maybe he'd actually be able to piss Viserys off enough they could trick him into a mistake, and Viserys can find out how hard it is to fight without blackfyre if Cayden gets close
Probably easier to fight with than a spear...
At this rate Cayden will need to start this rp's brotehrhood without banners with less Resurrection
Akio said:
If only Cayden had more troops, maybe he'd actually be able to piss Viserys off enough they could trick him into a mistake, and Viserys can find out how hard it is to fight without blackfyre if Cayden gets close
Oh, an easy way to piss off Viserys is to betray him. Betray him and make it hard for him to sell you into slavery? He'd be down right Cersei levels of pissed off.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh, an easy way to piss off Viserys is to betray him. Betray him and make it hard for him to sell you into slavery? He'd be down right Cersei levels of pissed off.
Something I'm really debating on doing, getting into his service might not even be that hard considering his previous experience with him and if he asks for rewards for his deeds he can get rather high despite his limited troop count and set up a big ass betrayal
Lancelot said:
dont worry 6am here ;(
Wait, are you British. . ?

Akio said:
Tiber reacted much more critically then i thought he would, do I have a chance?
Of course. You just gotta be a solid debater/speaker. Viserys is going to point out a few critical errors Tiber missed, to try and even the deal.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Wait, are you British. . ?
Of course. You just gotta be a solid debater/speaker. Viserys is going to point out a few critical errors Tiber missed, to try and even the deal.
Indeed. Northern Ireland in fact.

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