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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
I did the math one day. I think when Aemond was the CG, Viserys was rising through the ranks.
Well then, I am sure Viserys has heard rumours...

Perhaps look up to him? (:*)
Lancelot said:
Aemond has a very successful career in the greatest heavy cavalry sellsword company for years and years along with being the General for quite a few of those and still has large influence in them. I am sure Aemond has met Viserys more than Cayden has.
They're different in that regard, Cayden is one of the better skirmish and light calvary commanders nad Aemond is a really good heavy one. But hes not likely to have influence among the mercenaries at the moment nor does he need it becase most mercenaries follow the Lannisters

TheAncientCenturion said:
I did the math one day. I think when Aemond was the CG, Viserys was rising through the ranks.
Lancelot said:
Well then, I am sure Viserys has heard rumours...
Perhaps look up to him? (:*)
The difference is Cayden and Viserys were both commanders at the same time and both controlling some of the biggest mercenary companies at the time its likely they met on almost every field etheir together or against. They know each other well, at least to an extent
Akio said:
They're different in that regard, Cayden is one of the better skirmish and light calvary commanders nad Aemond is a really good heavy one. But hes not likely to have influence among the mercenaries at the moment nor does he need it becase most mercenaries follow the Lannisters
The difference is Cayden and Viserys were both commanders at the same time and both controlling some of the biggest mercenary companies at the time its likely they met on almost every field etheir together or against. They know each other well, at least to an extent
The Velaryons don't let loyalty slip away from them easily, the current CG of the Windblown is loyal to Aemond and was in fact hand picked, also many of the Lieutenants are his friends.
TheAncientCenturion said:
We do need to have the three meet up, just because I feel like they might get each other more than anyone else in Westeros.
Probably, its a bit different in the constant danger and warfare of a mercenary then the civility and supposed honor of Westeros, the political climates and way wars are carried out are so far different, which is gonna be part of the reason why Cayden will have a somewhat hard time talking with nobles now, because its almost like they speak different languages
Just saying a contract doesn't decide the loyalty inside the company...

And not all companys share the GC no breaking rule
Lancelot said:
The Velaryons don't let loyalty slip away from them easily, the current CG of the Windblown is loyal to Aemond and was in fact hand picked, also many of the Lieutenants are his friends.
Loyalty is good and all but their mercenaries, buying them from the Lannisters is no easy task, though Cayden may help with that. Imagine Viserys losing all the mercenaries mid campaign xD
Akio said:
Loyalty is good and all but their mercenaries, buying them from the Lannisters is no easy task, though Cayden may help with that. Imagine Viserys losing all the mercenaries mid campaign xD
I wasn't planning on buying them, there is such thing as a betrayal.
Not to mention having to deal with the fucking mongrels that are the Company of the Cats daily...

smh what were the Lannisters thinking when hiring both of them.
And House Velaryon isn't exactly poor.

Not to mention the very rich contacts Aemond has in Lys and Volantis
Lancelot said:
Same can be said for the Red Spears, and yet they are blindly following whatever Cayden and Daenna does for free?
Cayden has been rewarding them for years, and is still paying them well. The only ones in Westeros are his personal guard many who are personal friends so arent likely to betray him easily. Indeed some of the Red Spear could probably be bought, their just not and Westeros and by the time they are Cayden will make sure the rewards are big to keep them on
Akio said:
Cayden has been rewarding them for years, and is still paying them well. The only ones in Westeros are his personal guard many who are personal friends so arent likely to betray him easily. Indeed some of the Red Spear could probably be bought, their just not and Westeros and by the time they are Cayden will make sure the rewards are big to keep them on
And you think Aemond would not be able to blow Caydens "rewards" out of the water?
Lancelot said:
And you think Aemond would not be able to blow Caydens "rewards" out of the water?
Not if he lets them pillage freely in Westeros during the war (something hes never let them do before) and/or is workign with the Lannisters
TheAncientCenturion said:
I will add this to the list of shit I'll reply to. Tomorrow. Sunday. . . Monday. .. Eventually.
But I gotta hit the hay. See you guys, eventually!
But but you must reply to the Lannisters so Cayden can converse rip

Good night
TheAncientCenturion said:
I will add this to the list of shit I'll reply to. Tomorrow. Sunday. . . Monday. .. Eventually.
But I gotta hit the hay. See you guys, eventually!

i will be waiting
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Braedon glanced over to Lord Walder in the distance. “The Crown—their greatest threat is a handmaiden and their most powerful weapon is an old lord.”
Is that anyway to speak about the guy that is providing the majority of your army?

Albert looked at her for a while, trying not to be caught staring, as she seemed lost in all that was happening around her.
Albert Lannister is playing a dangerous game, he best keep his hands of the Tullys if he want to keep them.

your mother and i completely loathe each other
Is this how you console your daughter, by telling her that you and her mother never really loved each other. Next thing you know you'll be talking about how grandpa and grandma secretly hate each other and how true love isn't real...

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