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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Archon said:
I could be wrong, but I think Loras states his brother's better with a sword, whilst he is better atop a horse.
Garlan was the one who wore Renly's armor in the battle too, which is extra-respect points. Haha
Yeah, Renlys Ghost he was nicknamed, he actually slew the opposing commander in single combat as well.
Lancelot said:
Yeah, Renlys Ghost he was nicknamed, he actually slew the opposing commander in single combat as well.
Oh yeah, one of Renly's Rainbow Guard who joined Stannis. That's a feat, the guy had to have been pretty good to become a part of the new Kingsguard.
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Akio said:
Dueling will have little affect though, unless Daenna is captured by someone who allows trial by combat Nagito will never see a duel most likely. Your unlikely ever to get a fair trial with Kuriva faction so Gale is unlikely to see a fair trial by combat. In no other situation should there be a duel, how do you even rank that strength anyhow?
There are a lot of factors like armor and Valyrian steel and fighting style that will shift the battle dramatically. Desgran for example is a massive heavily armed monster with a Valyrian steel ax yet he might have an issue with my character who works around pure speed and skill. But the same time he loses to Roland's skill which counters his speed or would have trouble with armored opponents who can keep up with him due to weapon choice that he might beat otherwise. That's not even counting environmental factors or trickery. Strength is so hard to quantify as far as skill that I'm not sure its something we can even properly say and as far as rp wise the number can be kind of meaningless
Just throwing this out there. Desgran is want for neither speed nor skill if that was the impression you had. Acceleration is his issue, which doesn't have too much of an impact in close quarters combat unless somebody gets all wacky with their tactics and starts jumping around everywhere. I just felt I should clarify that in case you had the impression he was some lumbering moronic giant of a man.
Elendithas said:
Just throwing this out there. Desgran is want for neither speed nor skill if that was the impression you had. Acceleration is his issue, which doesn't have too much of an impact in close quarters combat unless somebody gets all wacky with their tactics and starts jumping around everywhere. I just felt I should clarify that in case you had the impression he was some lumbering moronic giant of a man.
Naw I imagined him quite fast but as far as combat Cayden has focused on his speed and in a fight he is constantly moving especially to flank to the back and such. He's fast, I never imagined him particularly slow, but Caydens speed plus his light armor makes him really hard to catch for a lot of armored Knights due to his tendency to always be moving.
Also, just want you guys to know that I the stuff about "the stag" wasn't just thrown into the mix then and there. I had this planned from the beginning and mentioned the stag dreams a few times before. Once after Aerea slept with Ser James ( I think ) and then once again when Vladan gave her milk of the poppy. I'm not good at foreshadowing, but I tried my best- haha.

Wonder what would happen if that information ever got out should she escape, Brandeon will want her head on a silver platter as might Kuriva and very few would trust her
TheAncientCenturion said:
I feel bad for her. You keep god damn torturing your characters!
Hopefully this is the worst she gets in a long time. . .
I know right, he has also encouraged me to ruin his characters lives in other situations if I get certain chances in the Reach lol

That's the worst thing that'll happen to Aerea for at least another little while. I won't give it away, but her next post will be of a much lighter tone.


Well, Lady Whent knows. And Lady Whent is a river lord, so if this info managed to get to anyone of importance, it would probably be to someone... like... her liege,
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TheFordee14 said:
That's the worst thing that'll happen to Aerea for at least another little while. I won't give it away, but her next post will be of a much lighter tone.


Well, Lady Whent knows. And Lady Whent is a river lord, so if this info managed to get to anyone of importance, it would probably be to someone... like... her liege,
Well that liege Lord may due do a heart attack at this current rate then the Riverlands are gonna blow up xD
Lord Walder Tully, knower of secrets, watcher of Storm's End.

Hopefully Aerea escapes Harrenhal and comes into. . Friendlier hands. The Reach is lookin' pretty nice, she was set to marry Lord Arren!
Archon said:
Okay, my bad. I poorly delivered my point, obviously certain unfairness is needed for the sake of realism because not everybody is the same. What I'm saying, is I think Jaime is the fine-line between playing an exceptionally skilled fighter, and playing a battle demigod - since by reputation - the very top tier were just that. I'm mainly speaking of skill as in, who'd win in a duel. I'm not saying I want everyone to be close in skill, it's just my own opinion that nobody should be excelling Jaime's ability in a duel.
Actually, Jester himself has said Nagito - and his equal, Gale Corbray by extension - are apparently considerably better than two-handed Jaime. I believe they are supposed to be the equivalents of Aemon the Dragonknight. If I was to base my characters off of book ones, then I'd say Rory is slightly below Sandor, and mountain Umber loses to anyone with a good combination of skill, and speed. I believe Martyn Lannster is supposed to be as fast as Jaime, and stronger than the Hound.

I'm not talking about a warrior's ability to turn the tide of a battle. This is purely in relation to dueling from my pov.
Yes, you are correct in regards to my character.

Leusis said:
I honestly never took that whole as fast as Jaime thing with Martyn seriously. I will forever see him as just a quicker and slightly stronger Sandor. Just as I see Roland as a younger Selmy who is still a good distance from his peak. I also took Nagito with a grain of salt because jester has contradicted himself. He says Nagito would fall to 20 men, exactly what it took to capture Jaime, though he says he's better. I go by examples rather than what people say.
20 men in the midst of a battle, with distractions in regards to both protecting the Wolf King from everything else while Jaime rushed his guards with his crew (I believe). In my scenario, all 20 of those men have their sights on killing Nagito alone. Vastly different circumstances.
WanderingJester said:
Yes, you are correct in regards to my character.
20 men in the midst of a battle, with distractions in regards to both protecting the Wolf King from everything else while Jaime rushed his guards with his crew (I believe). In my scenario, all 20 of those men have their sights on killing Nagito alone. Vastly different circumstances.
Nagito is lucky his katanas are Valyrian Steel, otherwise I believe those 20 men would probably kill him.

Correct me if I am wrong but katanas would be shit against westerosi armour and weapons.
They would indeed be shit.

Also, if anybody calls bullshit on what Roland did in that last post, I would just like to remind you that I was assuming he was super tired from fighting Lyonel and only got more tired and injured as things went on. I'd assume if Roland got tired enough a swine herd would beat his ass, so the only reason that went down like that was because the guy was very tired, not because I think Roland is the most badass man whos ever lived (even though he is)
Leusis said:
They would indeed be shit.
Also, if anybody calls bullshit on what Roland did in that last post, I would just like to remind you that I was assuming he was super tired from fighting Lyonel and only got more tired and injured as things went on. I'd assume if Roland got tired enough a swine herd would beat his ass, so the only reason that went down like that was because the guy was very tired, not because I think Roland is the most badass man whos ever lived (even though he is)
I will back you up on that, the fight Lyonel had was supposed to be close and evensoit likely would have drained the most out of both men.
For the argument earlier about King's Landing and who would win the siege the Riverlords have actually been mustering their men and if anyone can be bothered to read through over three hundred pages of chat I told Centurion that they were raising quiet a while ago. On another note I'm pretty sure they were supposed to be raising at Harrenhal, though I guess with recent events it may be better if I changed that to Maidenpool or somewhere else.
Lancelot said:
Nagito is lucky his katanas are Valyrian Steel, otherwise I believe those 20 men would probably kill him.
Correct me if I am wrong but katanas would be shit against westerosi armour and weapons.
Hey that's why theirs certain factors to this stuff. Valyrian steel allows him to get through armor with a very quick weapon when he himself is already blindingly fast. That's a matter of luck as well. Though he's also a beggar who doesn't speak anything but Yi Ti

Lancelot said:
I will back you up on that, the fight Lyonel had was supposed to be close and evensoit likely would have drained the most out of both men.
Yeah I could see it happening. Good thing though Cayden gives no fucks about personal insults (you tend to go through worse then being spit at when your fighting with mercenaries) otherwise Roland might have an enemy in Cayden. He already pissed off treasure by hurting two of his friends in a major way.

Meanwhile Cayden would probably laugh at Roland's actions regarding lot trickery, probably saying something along the lines of he thought he went to war before and lost some of those knightly dreams of fairness.
Lancelot said:
Nagito is lucky his katanas are Valyrian Steel, otherwise I believe those 20 men would probably kill him.
Correct me if I am wrong but katanas would be shit against westerosi armour and weapons.
Oh, they would kill him regardless. They'll also die in the successful attempt on his life, but he would be just as dead as those 20 men.

Also, sorry guys. I'm really busy this week/end. I'll try to get out what I can but if I can't it'll have to wait until Monday or something.
Akio said:
Hey that's why theirs certain factors to this stuff. Valyrian steel allows him to get through armor with a very quick weapon when he himself is already blindingly fast. That's a matter of luck as well. Though he's also a beggar who doesn't speak anything but Yi Ti
Yeah I could see it happening. Good thing though Cayden gives no fucks about personal insults (you tend to go through worse then being spit at when your fighting with mercenaries) otherwise Roland might have an enemy in Cayden. He already pissed off treasure by hurting two of his friends in a major way.

Meanwhile Cayden would probably laugh at Roland's actions regarding lot trickery, probably saying something along the lines of he thought he went to war before and lost some of those knightly dreams of fairness.
Roland does what he has to during war, but in a tournament he fights fairly and with honor, seeing Cayden throw dirt in an opponents face was very dishonorable to him. And if Cayden wanted to say anything about Roland seeing war and losing knightly honor he'd politely remind Cayden that he could kill him even if Cayden was using tricks and he wasn't.
Leusis said:
Roland does what he has to during war, but in a tournament he fights fairly and with honor, seeing Cayden throw dirt in an opponents face was very dishonorable to him. And if Cayden wanted to say anything about Roland seeing war and losing knightly honor he'd politely remind Cayden that he could kill him even if Cayden was using tricks and he wasn't.
He would just do his usual grin and said they'll see if they ever happen to go to war and leave it at that. Though they are not likely to have much interaction at least for now
Akio said:
He would just do his usual grin and said they'll see if they ever happen to go to war and leave it at that. Though they are not likely to have much interaction at least for now
Lyonel plans to compete in the 1v1 tournament too, maybe Cayden could join too.

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