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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

JustWhipIt said:
Hm? I thought I already gave the OK for you guys to hurry things along without me.
The problem still arises how we're going to forward things however. Braedon was a pretty important character and since no one particularly wants to take him up that leaves a hole in the Storm's End plot that has to be filled. Braedon could be killed off of course but that leaves the question of who kills him (Stark, Rory, Himself) which could massively effect future events (How the North would react if Stark killed him, or the Stormlands if Rory does it) All of these problems need to be sorted out.
Hypnos said:
The problem still arises how we're going to forward things however. Braedon was a pretty important character and since no one particularly wants to take him up that leaves a hole in the Storm's End plot that has to be filled. Braedon could be killed off of course but that leaves the question of who kills him (Stark, Rory, Himself) which could massively effect future events (How the North would react if Stark killed him, or the Stormlands if Rory does it) All of these problems need to be sorted out.
Yeah, I'm not sure how to advance the plot without some more fleshing out on what we do with Braedon. :/
Lets just say that Braedon has his soldiers slaughter Aiden and all of his men after Aiden's men begin attacking Braedon's since thats what Targ soldiers were sent there to do from the start and then immediately orders the Baratheon army to march on Kings Landing cause hes pissed. We can even say Rory was the one who got to kick Aiden's ass or something, or maybe Aiden is a prisoner now. Just hurry up, this siege has to start soon cause it'll be amazing.
Leusis said:
Lets just say that Braedon has his soldiers slaughter Aiden and all of his men after Aiden's men begin attacking Braedon's since thats what Targ soldiers were sent there to do from the start and then immediately orders the Baratheon army to march on Kings Landing cause hes pissed. We can even say Rory was the one who got to kick Aiden's ass or something, or maybe Aiden is a prisoner now. Just hurry up, this siege has to start soon cause it'll be amazing.
I'm in favour of this.

@Hypnos @TheAncientCenturion @WanderingJester @Robyn Banks Hear ye, hear ye! "Aye," or "Nay,"
It's my turn to reply, but I've been too exhausted today to whip up a good one. If you wanna post next, I can have the Dornish coont react to both posts.
My post is a comin', I swear it!


Just thought I'd give you a little bit more info on each member of The Queensguard that I posted ages ago, but, it is probably lost among the pages of our old thread.

Ser Gale Corbray is in his early 60s, which is why he is nowhere near as good as he used to be- although you seem have that down already. As I said, he is a fiercely loyal man and he treats his fellow members each like a brother.

Ser Warren Whent is the second eldest member. I'd say he is about... 40 - 46? He isn't the best warrior when it comes to normal swordplay, but, he is highly skilled in terms of dexterity and sabotage. He is very sneaky. As I said, he is planning the downfall of House Targaryen with help from his ex-brother, Ser James Thorne. Ser Warren has a very creepy vibe to him and although most of his brothers treat him with respect, they don't necessarily like him.

Ser Aiden Stark is the third eldest member. He is about 34- or so. He was the heir to House Stark, but, he rebelled against his father and joined The Queensguard out of spite. He isn't that good with a sword, but he is a fierce warrior when he has a battleaxe in his hands. He is very brute-ish and embodies the stereotype of all Northerners, in that they are sort of uncivilized.

Ser Rodrik Myatt is just about 30 years old. He is renowned for being one of Westeros' most skilled warriors. He is also extremely handsome. He is Westeros' most eligible bachelor and has had numerous secret affairs with noble women- although Ser Gale turns a blind eye to this as Ser Rodrik is such a talented and dedicated warrior. He is quite suave and charming, although he has an air of arrogance around him.

Ser Kristoph Upcliff is in his mid 20s. House Upcliff is a very odd house that is treated like a "black sheep" by its neighboring houses. There are countless theories that the people of House Upcliff are involved in strange witchcraft, although they are just rumours. Kristoph doesn't fit in well with any of his brothers. He is a bit of an asshole and all he really does is drink and fuck whores. He doesn't even get along well his fellow Queensguard members.

Ser Varic Celtigar is the youngest member at only about 20 years of age. He was knighted as a teen and is seen as one of the most skilled and promising knights in all of Westeros. He is adept in all forms of combat, especially swordplay and archery. He seems very mature for his age, but he does have a little bit of naivety to him. He is a very friendly and compassionate person, which has made him very popular with almost everyone who knows him. His elder brother ( whose name escapes me ) is also the captain of The City Watch in King's Landing.

Although the two don't really get along.
Guys, I am absolutely on board with the theory that a certain Jaime Lannister is the Valonqar and Azor Ahai. Cersei is going to try and set off caches of Wildfire beneath the Great Sept of Baelor (and maybe the Red Keep) and follow in The Mad King's footsteps by trying to "burn them all."

Jaime will return to King's Landing ablaze, and be forced to strangle the woman he loves - becoming a Kinslayer (in the books) - and saving the City again.
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Archon said:
Guys, I am absolutely on board with the theory that a certain Jaime Lannister is the Valonqar and Azor Ahai. Cersei is going to try and set off caches of Wildfire beneath the Great Sept of Baelor (and maybe the Red Keep) and follow in The Mad King's footsteps by trying to "burn them all."

Jaime will return to King's Landing ablaze, and be forced to strangle the woman he loves - becoming a Kinslayer (in the books) - and saving the City again.
I am 100% on board with Jaime being The Volanqar, always have been. I think the theory of him killing Cersei as she burns King's Landing to the ground has always been such a beautifully poetic one. However, I'm totally team Jon when it comes to who is Azor Ahai. As he is the literal song of fire and ice!
TheFordee14 said:
I am 100% on board with Jaime being The Volanqar, always have been. I think the theory of him killing Cersei as she burns King's Landing to the ground has always been such a beautifully poetic one. However, I'm totally team Jon when it comes to who is Azor Ahai. As he is the literal song of fire and ice!
I'm totally onboard with Jon being Azor Ahai, after all these prophecies can apply to anyone! But I'll be honest, I'm a total Jaime fanboy, and someone made a guess that all the POV Characters will end up dealing with the Others in some way, I just want to believe that Jaime is Azor Ahai because Cersei fits his Nissa Nissa And Lion. I never took the Flaming Sword too literally... Probably because I'm a Jaime fanboy.

Hypnos said:
If Braedon murders his nephew Walder might just die of a heart attack.
RIP Super alliance. Does Kuriva actually have a chance of holding kingslanding!


That's what they all say Mr. George RR Martin in disguise!
Akio said:
RIP Super alliance. Does Kuriva actually have a chance of holding kingslanding!

That's what they all say Mr. George RR Martin in disguise!
It's Kuvira* and how invested are the North/Riverlands/Stormlands at Kings Landing right now? Like 20,000?
Akio said:
RIP Super alliance. Does Kuriva actually have a chance of holding kingslanding!

That's what they all say Mr. George RR Martin in disguise!
I have no idea what we do when it's over, wouldn't that make Braedon King?

If it does, and Rory stabs Braedon to death, is Rory King?

What if Rory's forces turn on Braedon during the battle all Red Wedding style and it's revealed it was an elaborate plot that was schemed between Kuvira and Rory long ago?

''Braedon, brave as he is, enters the Red Keep, his face a mask of long-awaited anticipation. Alongside Rory, he stands; and their retinue close behin.

Braedon steps forward, "The Throne is Mine," He mutters commandingly only to find Kuvira, sitting on the Iron Throne smiling smugly - face portraying pure defiance. "No." The Queen replies, as the sound of drawn silver resonates throughout the hall - the Kingsguards faces, akin to ghosts.

Braedon points his blade forward, and a cheer is heard from the Stormlanders behind - then a scream - confusion sets in, blood puddles the floor before a man has moved an inch, a whirl of blades takes place, but briefly. Rory and his bodyguards butcher the Braedon loyalists alongside the Kingsguard, Braedon attempts to fight, only for his men to fall hopelessly...

The last loyalist soldier slides to the floor Rory's blade protruding through his back, and then. One-by-one, the Kingsguard stab Braedon, "For the Crown," They echo, as Braedon bleeds, and his breaths shallow in scornful defiance.

The terrible betrayal is only truly felt when the True Queen steps forward, her smile a crooked twist, and eyes shining evilly. "Queen Kuvira sends her regards." Are the last words that reach the Storm King's ears, as his brother's knife enters his heart.''

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