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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
Hrm. . .
What do you guys think of this?

Dorne under Oberyn Martell, 35,000 strong.

Against Dany with 10,000 Unsullied, 1 Drogon (the size of the Fighting Pits in Season 5), 3,000 mercenaries like the Second Sons and Storm Crows, and 20,000 Dothraki from Khal Drogo's horde?
Are they invading Dorne? Whats the setting?
Archon said:
Exactly. The Mongols make the Dothraki look like idiotic babies in intelligence and ability.
They're like. . . If all the failed Nomadic people of the Eurasian steppes got together and stopped fighting.
TheAncientCenturion said:
They are invading Dorne from the Reach, who's giving them full support in the form of resources, but not man power.
I think Dorne would win for a few reasons.

The mercenaries would do fine in the environment as would the Unsullied but the Dorthraki live off the land they conquer, there is next to nothing to live off in the Dornish deserts and while it is not as bad as the red waste it can be close considering the lengths Dornish go to make their land as unhospital as possible to invaders and supplies from the reach would only survive with the main army, its really hard to keep a supply train active. Especially the Dorthraki horses would die in great number or be weakened before any kind of battle.

The Unsullied are unprepared to fight a shadow war Dorne would be doing as seen with the sons of the harpy. Dornish troops would engage in similar actions and Dany and her counselors proved remarkably unprepared for that kind of warfare once already and given the bluntness of the Dorthraki that wont help in that matter.

Lastly Dornish civs will likely get involved as they did in the first and second war against those oppressors and Dany is probably unwilling to commit the mass genocide that would need to be done against that kind of united defense. The Dorthraki might, but with Dany as a leader she would try to hold them back which would only hurt her in the process.
Season 5 Drogon dies almost immediately if he lands. A few harpies throwing spears managed to injure him, if he lands into a massive crowd of Dornish spearmen he'll be skewered to death in moments...
TheAncientCenturion said:
Hrm. . .
What do you guys think of this?

Dorne under Oberyn Martell, 35,000 strong.

Against Dany with 10,000 Unsullied, 1 Drogon (the size of the Fighting Pits in Season 5), 3,000 mercenaries like the Second Sons and Storm Crows, and 20,000 Dothraki from Khal Drogo's horde?
Oberyn hands down, assuming he can even get that many Dornishmen.
TheAncientCenturion said:
The North isn't that bad, mostly due to how spread out the population is and the lack of castles like the south. It'd be easy there, if they could hit it in the Summer. Otherwise they'd probably need to get some uh, warmer clothes.
The Eyrie isn't a problem. Station a hundred to two hundred guys at the bottom of the sole way down, which is a fucking cliff basically. Then have the rest of the army destroy everything in the immediate area. That way support, food, all that good stuff is suddenly cut off.

The Neck I don't think is that much of a problem. Dothraki are lighter equipped and don't rely on steady supply chains like Westerosi kings. Which is presumably the biggest issue with attacking the Neck.

TheAncientCenturion said:
An army of much larger than hundred thousand primarily horse lords will probably lose half their horses by the time you hit the Riverlands, if you start from Dorne. By battle, travel, and having to feed a hundred thousand horses.
Then there's also feeding the Dothraki themselves. Any army of that size will collapse under its own weight.
I was basing this completely off of the fact that all of the dothraki would just win the war off the fact they have so many more troops alone. I wasn't really talking about an actual war with all of its many complications, more of just a series of battles really.

Akio said:
I think Dorne would win for a few reasons.
The mercenaries would do fine in the environment as would the Unsullied but the Dorthraki live off the land they conquer, there is next to nothing to live off in the Dornish deserts and while it is not as bad as the red waste it can be close considering the lengths Dornish go to make their land as unhospital as possible to invaders and supplies from the reach would only survive with the main army, its really hard to keep a supply train active. Especially the Dorthraki horses would die in great number or be weakened before any kind of battle.

The Unsullied are unprepared to fight a shadow war Dorne would be doing as seen with the sons of the harpy. Dornish troops would engage in similar actions and Dany and her counselors proved remarkably unprepared for that kind of warfare once already and given the bluntness of the Dorthraki that wont help in that matter.

Lastly Dornish civs will likely get involved as they did in the first and second war against those oppressors and Dany is probably unwilling to commit the mass genocide that would need to be done against that kind of united defense. The Dorthraki might, but with Dany as a leader she would try to hold them back which would only hurt her in the process.
Dany would be entirely willing to just genocide all of Dorne. I mean look what she did in Astapor, she slaughtered every master who was 14 and up on a whim. I'm sure if the Dornish were actively fighting her including the civilians she would have no problem just killing every single person within eye sight. I'm not saying Dany would win this war, I'm just saying you're completely wrong with what shes willing to do to her enemies. Though I'll admit GRRM is really inconsistant with when she just decides to slaughter people with barely any cause, or you know, when she decides to just let her brother die and not even give a fuck. All I'm saying is Dany is a total villain and I don't see why everybody loves her so much.
Leusis said:
I was basing this completely off of the fact that all of the dothraki would just win the war off the fact they have so many more troops alone. I wasn't really talking about an actual war with all of its many complications, more of just a series of battles really.
Dany would be entirely willing to just genocide all of Dorne. I mean look what she did in Astapor, she slaughtered every master who was 14 and up on a whim. I'm sure if the Dornish were actively fighting her including the civilians she would have no problem just killing every single person within eye sight. I'm not saying Dany would win this war, I'm just saying you're completely wrong with what shes willing to do to her enemies. Though I'll admit GRRM is really inconsistant with when she just decides to slaughter people with barely any cause, or you know, when she decides to just let her brother die and not even give a fuck. All I'm saying is Dany is a total villain and I don't see why everybody loves her so much.


I assume that's why she killed those 'disgusting' dothraki khals because I imagine that army she stole has hundreds of thousands of men lime them.
14 year olds who have nothing to do with what their parents do=Bad

People who were raised for one specific task (to be masters) their entire life=Bad

Masters who have only a few slaves if not only one and treat them like family=Bad

Masters who actually fight on a regular bases to try and keep the hardships of the slaves to a minimum-Bad

Makes a lot of sense, right?

You aren't accounting for the hundreds if not thousands of people who were either innocent of the crimes of their parents or were far far better to the slaves than even Dany ends up being after "freeing" them.
Leusis said:
14 year olds who have nothing to do with what their parents do=Bad
People who were raised for one specific task (to be masters) their entire life=Bad

Masters who have only a few slaves if not only one and treat them like family=Bad

Masters who actually fight on a regular bases to try and keep the hardships of the slaves to a minimum-Bad

Makes a lot of sense, right?

You aren't accounting for the hundreds if not thousands of people who were either innocent of the crimes of their parents or were far far better to the slaves than even Dany ends up being after "freeing" them.
Uhh, the masters=bad isn't my opinion.
She tacked up the Masters for the children they hung on crosses to litterly point her to city. I will admit she was very blank with the classification of who she punished which probably helped create the Harpy. I'm just not sure she's be able to do genocide of the free dornish citizens who see her as the invader

(As for Viserys he did threaten to cut her baby out of her stomach so I can understand that
Leusis said:
I was basing this completely off of the fact that all of the dothraki would just win the war off the fact they have so many more troops alone. I wasn't really talking about an actual war with all of its many complications, more of just a series of battles really.
Dany would be entirely willing to just genocide all of Dorne. I mean look what she did in Astapor, she slaughtered every master who was 14 and up on a whim. I'm sure if the Dornish were actively fighting her including the civilians she would have no problem just killing every single person within eye sight. I'm not saying Dany would win this war, I'm just saying you're completely wrong with what shes willing to do to her enemies. Though I'll admit GRRM is really inconsistant with when she just decides to slaughter people with barely any cause, or you know, when she decides to just let her brother die and not even give a fuck. All I'm saying is Dany is a total villain and I don't see why everybody loves her so much.
Yea I didn't like that whole Astapor double cross one bit. First, it seemed ham-fisted the way she's miraculously able to overpower everyone with like 10 guys. Where the hell are all the guards?

And then there's the fact they had an agreement, but of course Dany uses the whole slavery pretense to get her army without paying a dime.
Hypnos said:
I will suffer nothing less than a Codd kingship.
Who knows. Siegried is a staunch believer in the Old Way.

Perhaps we will see the return of the Rock King and Salt King? (Or Siegfried will just have to beat him in the vote...)
Lancelot said:
Who knows. Siegried is a staunch believer in the Old Way.
Perhaps we will see the return of the Rock King and Salt King? (Or Siegfried will just have to beat him in the vote...)
Right now Siegfried is running unopposed (Unless Haelga makes it back on time) someone needs to beat him and I feel the only one with the authority to do that would be a (wo)man of House Codd. The greatest house in the iron islands.
Hypnos said:
Right now Siegfried is running unopposed (Unless Haelga makes it back on time) someone needs to beat him and I feel the only one with the authority to do that would be a (wo)man of House Codd. The greatest house in the iron islands.
Wouldn't exactly call a lower house that no one likes "competition"

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