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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
I have Asthma QQ
Granted I doubt I know how melee combat with armored Knights is like but some time to catch my breath often does wonders for me.

10 or 11 as a number was kind of arbitary to since I only showed him fighting I think 7 (4 in the first group then a further 3) I just added a few off screen to account for ambushes and the like, something Roland wouldnt have done.
I only took down 9 people and described the fights, the other 6 were meant to be off screen encounters. You also did I post describing taking down tons of people, ending it stating that he had just taken down his 12th man. So if you're trying to throw shade at me or something, at least try to remember your own posts.
Sure, professional sports are physically demanding, but fighting for your life is something completely different. A lot of very strong and very athletic people that do the hardcore af LARPing stuff will still tire after a very short period of time.
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Akio said:
Depends on the severity, Cayden asthma like my own in mild. There are also people is professional sports who had Asthma so it's not impossible
People who plays sports with asthma also have modern medicine to allow them to do things just as well, or at least very close to what other people do. There is absolutely no medicine for it in GoT, even mild asthma would be a huge problem to any kind of extended physical activity for him.
You're telling me that your pretty little man whore can overpower a Black Priest of Qohor and force him to let go? I'm afraid you have better chance sticking your knife through his throat, which may I add might turn out poorly for Daenna.
Hypnos said:
You're telling me that your pretty little man whore can overpower a Black Priest of Qohor and force him to let go? I'm afraid you have better chance sticking your knife through his throat, which may I add might turn out poorly for Daenna.
I have no idea how strong he is, I didn't think he would completely disregarded the knife at his neck and would be slightly more willing to back off, if not I'll edit
Akio said:
I have no idea how strong he is, I didn't think he would completely disregarded the knife at his neck and would be slightly more willing to back off, if not I'll edit
Death is just a way to get closer to our Lord and saviour the Black Goat, all that knife is doing is bringing him closer to his God.
I actually LARPed for awhile. Only for a couple years sort of infrequently but I percipated at a Ragnarok or two as part of the realm of Dunharrow. Was fun till I moved, I fought Florentine and was fairly OK, though some people hated me for sometimes having a tendency to be a backstabbing rogue. I actually got wailed on by some pros for that at ragnarok for that in the next round.
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Hypnos said:
Death is just a way to get closer to our Lord and saviour the Black Goat, all that knife is doing is bringing him closer to his God.
Fair enough, I forgot he is insane, I'll edit.
Akio said:
I actually LARPed for awhile. Only for a couple years sort of infrequently but I percipated at a Ragnarok or two as part of the realm of Dunharrow. Was fun till I moved, I fought Florentine and was fairly OK, though some people hated me for sometimes having a tendency to be a backstabbing rogue. I actually got wailed on by some pros for that at ragnarok for that in the next round.
Now take that experience, make it several times more intense, wear some armor that probably weighs somewhere around 10-15 lbs (leather armor isn't as light as you probably think) and do the fighting with a spear that weighs somewhere around 5lbs.
Leusis said:
Now take that experience, make it several times more intense, wear some armor that probably weighs somewhere around 10-15 lbs (leather armor isn't as light as you probably think) and do the fighting with a spear that weighs somewhere around 5lbs.
Hard to do since I'm a 130 pound who stands at 5'8 and have nothing on Caydens physic. And I expected 12 poundish, there were more then a few leather workers among other things at Ragnarok, but I've been in the main battleline and some insanely large fights and with some breathers in the fight themselves, I did fine, I percipated in every battle but one in my first Ragnarok and that's because I accidently got smacked across the face and got pretty bloody.
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Never larped before, always wanted to try it though, looks like a lot of fun. But since you've done it I have a few questions since I've never even talked to somebody who has.

Is everybody who does it just really out of shape? Cause from what I've seen it seems mostly like either really normal looking people and or very skinny or overweight people. Are there just genetic freaks who just run around destroying people?

How expensive is it to get the stuff you need to do it? Cause I heard people pay 100s of dollars to get what they want/need.
Leusis said:
Never larped before, always wanted to try it though, looks like a lot of fun. But since you've done it I have a few questions since I've never even talked to somebody who has.
Is everybody who does it just really out of shape? Cause from what I've seen it seems mostly like either really normal looking people and or very skinny or overweight people. Are there just genetic freaks who just run around destroying people?

How expensive is it to get the stuff you need to do it? Cause I heard people pay 100s of dollars to get what they want/need.
First thing I'll say it's fun as hell and rivalrys can actually get kind of intense between factions. Most days depending where you live what you will be doing is practice sessions which usually involve individual battles followed by capture the flag and group battles from my own experience. All this training is in Preparation for Ragnarok which more often then not is a multiple day competition of constant melees, war for territory, and training and learning camp. Some of the more experinced member can also try for Knighthood which is really hard to do and involves quite the beating and a lot of skill.

Sometimes it seems there is a more then average amount of overweight people and even my own troop had some really big guys. DON'T BE FOOLED INTO THINKING THEIR SLOW!! Some of them can move like how I imagine young Robert or book Jaime do and clad in full armor these people are personal engines of destruction. Some people look like the most unassuming people but are absolutely terrifying. At Ragnarok there is one clan (forgetting the name) dedicated only to martial skill and are basically berserkers. Even at full strength their isn't usually more then 50 but I've seen them crush over 200 people with a good 10 or 20 remaining. Those are the freaks I saw *shudders* fighting against them in a nightmare.

Depends. I had the most basic tunic and sword swords and discounting even prices I spent about 50 dollars. Then I've heard of people pumping in over 1000 dollars customizing their own gear. Full armor with custom Tabards and flags, multiple different weapons, Sigels, and throwing tools. All depends on what you want.
Akio said:
First thing I'll say it's fun as hell and rivalrys can actually get kind of intense between factions. Most days depending where you live what you will be doing is practice sessions which usually involve individual battles followed by capture the flag and group battles from my own experience. All this training is in Preparation for Ragnarok which more often then not is a multiple day competition of constant melees, war for territory, and training and learning camp. Some of the more experinced member can also try for Knighthood which is really hard to do and involves quite the beating and a lot of skill.
Sometimes it seems there is a more then average amount of overweight people and even my own troop had some really big guys. DON'T BE FOOLED INTO THINKING THEIR SLOW!! Some of them can move like how I imagine young Robert or book Jaime do and clad in full armor these people are personal engines of destruction. Some people look like the most unassuming people but are absolutely terrifying. At Ragnarok there is one clan (forgetting the name) dedicated only to martial skill and are basically berserkers. Even at full strength their isn't usually more then 50 but I've seen them crush over 200 people with a good 10 or 20 remaining. Those are the freaks I saw *shudders* fighting against them in a nightmare.

Depends. I had the most basic tunic and sword swords and discounting even prices I spent about 50 dollars. Then I've heard of people pumping in over 1000 dollars customizing their own gear. Full armor with custom Tabards and flags, multiple different weapons, Sigels, and throwing tools. All depends on what you want.
This sounds kind of surreal.

I know mock battles are a big thing but this sounds slightly bias lmao
Lancelot said:
This sounds kind of surreal.
I know mock battles are a big thing but this sounds slightly bias lmao
The biggest battle at my last Ragnarok was clan battles, we saw a good 400 combatants. These battles are not small and some of the people there have been LARPing 10 or 20 years and actually learned to make their own gear and such. Free for all's are a mess, usually smaller then clan battles because they reset basically at the end of each one and people can chose which ones they want to fight in but they are messy and people get hurt a lot. There's a decent amount of material meant to keep people retively unarmed and sets of rules but it's easy to forget the rules in the course of your 8th free for all melee of the day and you have massive bruises because people will not hold back their blows, their actually encouraged not to because it's hard to judge a hit that way. The swords have some wait to them to, the worse might be a good spear weilder though. Once I caught caught right bellow the collar with a good stab, I honestly couldn't breath for a moment and I bruised even in training. Good community though. Guy who hit me stopped and made sure I was alright and off the field before going to wail on some other poor soul.
So how would they feel about somebody running into a group of people and just trucking the first person they came into contact with? Cause from what I've heard, larping is mostly just a bunch of people holding back when they hit each other with foam swords and if anything even remotely damaging happens to them they freak out.
Leusis said:
So how would they feel about somebody running into a group of people and just trucking the first person they came into contact with? Cause from what I've heard, larping is mostly just a bunch of people holding back when they hit each other with foam swords and if anything even remotely damaging happens to them they freak out.
*snorts* When I got my nose nearly broken by a flailing shield the guy who hit me apologized and when I said I was alright of the still going battle (I was near the edges) and some guy checked me over to make sure nothing was broken. I sat out round 5 to fix a bloody nose and went back in round 6. I think the most I've ever seen done is one guy got dropped mid combat at Ragnarok in the center and they stopped the battle for a moment to get him out and resumed after a few seconds. They dont stop the battles for one person. At training people may stop and make sure your OK for a couple moment but if you feel battared they will probably tell you that learning.

The swords have foam on them but it's usually just a layer covering a solid wood sword and is usually to stop major damage. In general I will agree they will not be happy if you suddenly tackle someone considering ive seen people as young as 13 seriously competing. Most of the times in the biggest battles a ref is impossible so it's considered honor based when it comes to hits and if you don't hit hard enough some people will actually call light and keep hitting you or fighting. I actually had that problem in the start, I didn't hit hard enough because I didn't want to hurt anyone, they taught me to hid harder. They usually try to forbid intentional head shots as most people don't wear helmets but they don't care about accidents as long as both people can walk away from it. I've been shoved and pushed though, it's a mock battle so your gonna get some of that, it's impossible not to. I've been shield rushed so people could hit me on the back and legs so as long as you aren't making kids into bowling balls most people won't look at you funny. Don't do it to the wrong guy though, some people have a temper. I stabbed someone in the back once because he was near and a far superior fighter and he found me next battle and wailed on me. Gave me some nice bruises, didn't get in trouble etheir, it's just part of battle.
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