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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
First he's not gonna try and kill him, only force him to back off. And no one else has come unannounced out of the shadows to put a hand on Daenna.
If the Golden Company was assembled outside the ship in full ranks then he would probably react very differently. But right now it's just one man on his ship, surrounded by his men. Worse comes to worse he'll slit the man's throat and with no witnesses not in his payroll as far as hes concerned he never saw him. Not to mention their leaving Essos to set down on a land protected by 40000 dwarves, are far as safety he can't be touched if they reach there.
Who said you'll get to Ibben? swain might just decided to show up and destroy your whole crew and take your ship before you get there. After all, my brother isn't above ruining his own plans with a different character.
Leusis said:
Who said you'll get to Ibben? swain might just decided to show up and destroy your whole crew and take your ship before you get there. After all, my brother isn't above ruining his own plans with a different character.
He has no idea Swain even exists lol, can't make plans of that, he can only act on the expected and they are currently boarding a ship for Ib so that's what he expects
I'm not saying he knows that, I'm just saying there is a possibility that Dallen might soon lose his first stand off with another archer and lose his ship and Daenna. But thats of course if Swain wants to capture a princess worth a fortune in randsome.
Leusis said:
I'm not saying he knows that, I'm just saying there is a possibility that Dallen might soon lose his first stand off with another archer and lose his ship and Daenna. But thats of course if Swain wants to capture a princess worth a fortune in randsome.
He's not the only defender. You have to go against Nagito, William, Dallen, Gerrard, and the elites of the Red Spear, as well as Crawford's crew. Though a duel between Tai and Dallen would be absolutely legendary. If Swain decided to go after her, and knows when she's leaving, and out muscle the crew.
First off, Tai would absolutely crush Dallen if it came down to either a ranged or melee fight. Tai is essentially a monk who knows little more than how to fight and how to preech about his god in a few different languages. It only makes it worse that his pirmary form of speech is killing people all the time. Dallen was raised as a prostitute who is also apparently a military genius, being raised in that environment and taking the time to be that good of a strategist doesn't leave much time for a man to get as good as a naturally talented archer who has trained his entire life and as taken part in hundreds of fights/battles.

Second off, Swain's crew on his ship alone is 300 men, 480 if you count the other two ships he has following his. Swain would absolutely crush Daenna's entire crew without even having to board the ship because they would just gun everybody down with crossbow/bow fire from three different locations.
Leusis said:
First off, Tai would absolutely crush Dallen if it came down to either a ranged or melee fight. Tai is essentially a monk who knows little more than how to fight and how to preech about his god in a few different languages. It only makes it worse that his pirmary form of speech is killing people all the time. Dallen was raised as a prostitute who is also apparently a military genius, being raised in that environment and taking the time to be that good of a strategist doesn't leave much time for a man to get as good as a naturally talented archer who has trained his entire life and as taken part in hundreds of fights/battles.
Second off, Swain's crew on his ship alone is 300 men, 480 if you count the other two ships he has following his. Swain would absolutely crush Daenna's entire crew without even having to board the ship because they would just gun everybody down with crossbow/bow fire from three different locations.
Never said Dallen would win, battle would be awesome though. He could take the ship to considering they have only one but Daenna would be dead if they didn't bother to board and just shot waves of arrows, not good for randsome. Of course he also has to know when she leaves and isn't he at Driftmark right now? It would be a week to cross to pentos at which point predicting their location would be hard to say
Actually Swain could be literally anywhere as it hasn't been stated where he is since he left Rosby. However Swain is probably gonna show up in the Stepstones. The only reason I even brought this up is because you need some kind of consequence at this point for the stuff your characters have been, and might be pulling.
Leusis said:
Actually Swain could be literally anywhere as it hasn't been stated where he is since he left Rosby. However Swain is probably gonna show up in the Stepstones. The only reason I even brought this up is because you need some kind of consequence at this point for the stuff your characters have been, and might be pulling.
I'm not sure how Swain relates to the Golden Company but if anyone taking risks it's Cayden
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All of your characters just remind me of every part in the books where Daario shows up, does something ridiculously stupid, but gets away with it. Like just the part where Cayden took over the princes palace, he should have died.
Akio said:
@Hypnos you know that suddenly grabbing her may involve the goat priest getting a lot of weapons pointed at him
Even with just the guard she has now that's Dallen, Dom, and maybe William in the shadows as well as Nagito
Honestly this could be the lesson in personal safety that Daenna needs, until now she's been letting everyone join her group and painting a massive target on her chest. It will be a nice change to see her learn for once and not trust the crazy goat man that just grabbed her.

Akio said:
Dallen first has no idea he's from the Golden Company. He also has fought with the Golden Company several times so he has an accurate portrayal of their strength and while they are strong Daenna is a Targaryen. Lastly and most importantly Cayden asked him to watch over her, it could be the black goat itself and Dallen in his mind would still be honor bound to step in his way if he does not know it's intentions. Cayden is his brother in arms who he owes a debt to, pissing off the Golden Company would seem minor to him then explaining how he failed to protect her if something went wrong when he left her in Dallens care.
if the Black Goat himself wanted Daenna dead, she would never have even been born.
Leusis said:
Who said you'll get to Ibben? swain might just decided to show up and destroy your whole crew and take your ship before you get there. After all, my brother isn't above ruining his own plans with a different character.
I most certainly am! But naw, as a general rule of thumb, I never have two of my characters interact with each other.
Cayden might have a lot of things blow up in his face in the future, he's gonna try to manipulate multiple nations, possibly sneak into hostile major cities at different points, perhaps not even with the support of his own house. Not denying some of the things my characters might do are dangerous or even stupid. I'm just playing them to how they were made, their not perfect. They just happen to if this wall fall out have a luck stat of 10 for getting out of the things their attitudes and pride put themselves in, whether through association with someone else (Cayden and Daeena in the Pentos palace) or simply through luck and a bit of their own personal skill
Akio said:
Cayden might have a lot of things blow up in his face in the future, he's gonna try to manipulate multiple nations, possibly sneak into hostile major cities at different points, perhaps not even with the support of his own house. Not denying some of the things my characters might do are dangerous or even stupid. I'm just playing them to how they were made, their not perfect. They just happen to if this wall fall out have a luck stat of 10 for getting out of the things their attitudes and pride put themselves in, whether through association with someone else (Cayden and Daeena in the Pentos palace) or simply through luck and a bit of their own personal skill
Idk, not meaning to start anything but some of the things Cayden does seems a bit overblown.

For example in the mele he managed to beat down 10-11 people with a blunt spear while dealing with his asthma.

Thats on Jaime two handed tier with a sharpened sword
Hypnos said:
Honestly this could be the lesson in personal safety that Daenna needs, until now she's been letting everyone join her group and painting a massive target on her chest. It will be a nice change to see her learn for once and not trust the crazy goat man that just grabbed her.
if the Black Goat himself wanted Daenna dead, she would never have even been born.
I hope she doesn't trust him right away, she could probably stand to learn what she risks with such an active presence like Dany did with the attempted poisoning, Jorahs informing, and the sorrowful men.
Lancelot said:
Idk, not meaning to start anything but some of the things Cayden does seems a bit overblown.
For example in the mele he managed to beat down 10-11 people with a blunt spear while dealing with his asthma.

Thats on Jaime two handed tier with a sharpened sword
It was over time, pretty much over the course of the whole melee and he had a bit of time to rest between them to catch his breath. Again 10 or 11 men all at once he wouldn't stand a chance like most wouldn't be able to, especially with his fighting style suited for fast take downs but requires room to move and usually some distance. Some of those men also might have not that easily in a life or death battle, theirs a difference in yielding because of injury and risking death in a fight
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Akio said:
It was over time, pretty much over the course of the whole melee and he had a bit of time to rest between them to catch his breath. Again 10 or 11 men all at once he wouldn't stand a chance like most wouldn't be able to, especially with his fighting style suited for fast take downs but requires room to move.
No offense but I don't think thats how asthma works...
Lancelot said:
Idk, not meaning to start anything but some of the things Cayden does seems a bit overblown.
For example in the mele he managed to beat down 10-11 people with a blunt spear while dealing with his asthma.

Thats on Jaime two handed tier with a sharpened sword
I can agree to this, I mean Roland has defeated somewhere around 15 people through the course of the entire melee up to the point where there are only 3 contenders left including him. Cayden on the other hand seemed to have defeated all of his opponents within the amount of time it took Roland to defeat 7. Don't forget to mention the fact his weaponry and armor is absolutely terrible for a melee and he is considerably less capable than Roland and even a bit less capable than Trevir. I wanted to say something about this but just assumed it would turn into an argument, but since somebody else has decided to bring it up, I feel comfortable enough to agree with them.
"Who are you?" He asked his voice level as he watched the man, removing his hand from Daennas shoulder with a flick of his wrist.
Daley must be seeing things, because if things tiny little dagger is going to make a Black Priest remove his hand then he is certainly mistaken.

"To sneak on this ship and look for the princess over hear specifically you must have a purpose to be here,
Actually Voggoro is a paying customer, he never snuck aboard the ship. This is a transportation vessel after all, as established when Kuvira hired it to transport Daenna, and no matter how much they like Daenna they've still got to make money somehow, so they're going to have to rent out more cabins.
Lancelot said:
No offense but I don't think thats how asthma works...
I have Asthma QQ

Granted I doubt I know how melee combat with armored Knights is like but some time to catch my breath often does wonders for me.

10 or 11 as a number was kind of arbitary to since I only showed him fighting I think 7 (4 in the first group then a further 3) I just added a few off screen to account for ambushes and the like, something Roland wouldnt have done.
Hypnos said:
Daley must be seeing things, because if things tiny little dagger is going to make a Black Priest remove his hand then he is certainly mistaken.
Actually Voggoro is a paying customer, he never snuck aboard the ship. This is a transportation vessel after all, as established when Kuvira hired it to transport Daenna, and no matter how much they like Daenna they've still got to make money somehow, so they're going to have to rent out more cabins.
I worded that wrong apparently, I meant that Dallen in forcing him to let go by essentially pulling off his hand while the dagger was at his neck

Second parts my mistake, thought the ship was cartered for Daenna alone
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Akio said:
I have Asthma QQ
Granted I doubt I know how melee combat with armored Knights is like but some time to catch my breath often does wonders for me.

10 or 11 as a number was kind of arbitary to since I only showed him fighting I think 7 (4 in the first group then a further 3) I just added a few off screen to account for ambushes and the like, something Roland wouldnt have done.
I don't have asthma and take part in sports 5 days out of 7 a week including cardio training (sorry for anecdotal evidence) and saying that a person with asthma would be good to go after a breather triggers me severely lol (love the word triggered.)
Lancelot said:
I don't have asthma and take part in sports 5 days out of 7 a week including cardio training (sorry for anecdotal evidence) and saying that a person with asthma would be good to go after a breather triggers me severely lol (love the word triggered.)
Depends on the severity, Cayden asthma like my own in mild. There are also people is professional sports who had Asthma so it's not impossible

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