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Fandom A Song Of Ice And Fire / Game Of Thrones RP [ Now Open! ]

AnnoDomini said:
I like to make Durran the diplomatic one, and Verys the war-like, very little skill in diplomacy, something needed here in the south. Oh the ways it could evolve makes me giggle in anticipation.
I'm kind of thinking that The Martells and The Baratheons should team-up. I don't know why yet though. *rubs chin*
That's the point. I was thinking of an alliance with the Tyrels, as they have most of the lands they would want, but, then again, they could ally with the martles against the Tyrels and split the teritory. But that would be quite risky, as they can't just raise up and yell "War" while pointing at the Tyrels.
Omg. Yes!

The Martells do kind of have a reason if they were to wage war against House Tyrell. House Tyrell and House Martell have always had a bitter rivalry, and lately, House Tyrell have been sending mercenaries to attack the outskirts of Dorne. They haven't been large attacks, just small raids- but, it could definitely turn into something bigger.

We need a Tyrell leader, up in 'ere. I love Moira, but, I don't see her declaring war on Dorne anytime soon.
Oh hell yeah! We can support the Martels! As they are in the south, and Wyl is dangerously close. And it would be acceptable to take part in it on the side of the agressed. Oh hell fucking yes! I gotta prepare mi troops!
Well, let's see what Moira actually DOES do. Gosh, the seven kingdoms are getting all kinds of crazy aren't they?
@Venus ... Any... uh... any thoughts, ha?


Soon... The Reach will be ours. *Evil Laughter*
But, we kind of forget something. Aren't the Targaryen in charge? I mean, if a war broke out, shouldn't they interveen?
Oh boy, now I am getting a whole bunch of schemes in my head looking at this map. Dang it, my mind. Also yeah, the Targaryens would go crazy over any civil war that THEY didn't directly start; But then again, if multiple conflicts just start popping up, then who is to guess what they would do. xD
They are. And, they probably would- unless... they were somehow distracted.

We definitely won't start a war right away, no. We need to plan it out a lot, both OOC and IC-ly.
Ohoho, you know it. It's not like *poof* WAR! We need to talk about it with all the participants, as to not take them by surprise. And an army can't be raised in one day. I have to do my taxes, and see how many are able.
Well, I'll leave it up to the GM and maybe a dice roll. But I requested aid from the targaryens to take control of their troops and hopefully weaken them for the Tyrells. But who knows. Anyone in the south could take advantage...
Yep, going to be interesting to see how things play out. *Cough* red wedding *Cough* Gah, excuse me :P
Oh, shit. I forgot that I am technically in-charge of The Targaryens, since they're NPCs.


You have your troops. The Targaryens will be sending two thousand, well trained men up North to be in your service. Kyllan was the king's hand so he has it in good with Coranys.

Edit; five hundred men doesn't seem like enough.
WinterIsComing said:
Oh, shit. I forgot that I am technically in-charge of The Targaryens, since they're NPCs.

You have your troops. The Targaryens will be sending two thousand, well trained men up North to be in your service. Kyllan was the king's hand so he has it in good with Coranys.

Edit; five hundred men doesn't seem like enough.
Well, I would think if you sent more, then it would essentially mean the Targaryens declaring outright war on the Starks, which would change the landscape considerably. Maybe make it where the king is going a bit mad, and wants to see what Bolton would do with just that for now?

SwiftThunder said:
Well, I would think if you sent more, then it would essentially mean the Targaryen declaring outright war on the Starks, which would change the landscape considerably. Maybe make it where the king is going a bit mad, and wants to see what Bolton woulddo with just that for now?
You're actually so right!

500 Men it is.
So I've got 500 men? Addition to... How many did I get from banner men and lady Tyrell I wonder...
Oh god. I said I had about 60k added to my cause from my banner men and my reserves total... Though that would include Everyone guards, militants, militias, etc.

I'll let the GM fudge the numbers to whatever is appropriate. I only had 20k based off of what Dany has, which was just a new sect of men being trained... What seems righ?
Aye, I remember reading in a link that @WinterIsComing posted how the Vale was only historically able to raise 45-50k soldiers; keep in mind that would be for a total war situation, like war of the five kings scenario.
I'm trying to think of how large Robb's army was.

I'm pretty sure, at the beginning, it was around 12,000. Tywin had about 35,000. Tywin commanded 20,000, whilst, Jaime commanded 15,000. Robb gained about 10,000 when he gained access to House Frey and House Tully's troops. And... yada... yada...

So, if Robb gathered about 12,000 in The North. And Hal owns the majority of The North; Hal would have about 9,000 - 10,000. Whilst Kyllan would have 2,000... possibly 3,000- since he has a smaller amount of banner men.

You have to remember that Westeros is based off of medieval society, and in medieval times the population of a capital city would only be about 150,000-ish. So, an army of 2,000 would be considered of average size, if I'm correct.
Oh, yeah I certainly don't have that many 'trained' soldiers. Only about 20k would be real fighting men. Most are archer fodder honestly. But I also took into account being hand of the King comes with some army benefits...

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