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"There will be no leeches in such quickly moving water," Bren replied without thought. He continued stripping and then slowly sank down to sitting on the rocks at the bottom of the stream, where the water reached his collarbone. It was clear water, but the froth forming as it moved managed to keep Brenner modest.
Jess held onto Alex tightly, her head on his shoulder and a smile on her face. "I'm pretty sure it's illegal for a sister to have such feelings for her brother." She teased, loving how close they were and how warm he was. She watched the snow fall around them, never wanting this beautiful moment to end. "This is an extremely fucked up family." She laughed, amused by the thought of Alex being her brother.

~Timeskip to when they get to Quill's place~
Katrina stood in the doorway of Quill's apartment, her suitcase in hand. "Are you sure this is alright?" She asked, reluctant to step all the way inside. It was just... Weird for her to be staying at a person's place when that person was practically a stranger. "I could just get a part time job and pay for a hotel room or something.." she tried, holding the suitacse close to her as if it were her shield.
"You're no fun." Lyra pouted, pulling her feet out of the water so she could stand. "Turn around. And don't you dare look!" She instructed, starting to unlace the bloodied dress she was wearing.
"Use nice words, darling sister," Alex teased. "But remember that our abnormal family can do what it wants in Alabama." He laughed softly and then titled his head back and stuck out his tongue, catching a snowflake that had been drifting down to him. His nose and cheeks were flushed from the cold and his red hair was mussed where it stick out of his hood, but his eyes were bright. He was absolutely happy in this moment.

Quill gestured to the hallway, where a door at the end was open and showing his room. He would sleep on the couch until she found a place to call her own. "Well, it takes time to find a job, and even longer to get paid. You can stay until you've got something to provide for yourself. Until then, don't even think I'm letting you wander the streets." Quill crossed his arms and tried to look stern, in case Katrina thought to go back to the door.
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"I don't care for your body," Bren said snobbishly, but he did turn his head away. Perhaps some of the gentleman he had once been still lingered. "Besides, in my days as a human, nudity was as common as clothed people are now."
"Maybe we should move to Alabama then.." Jess suggested, mostly joking. Mostly. Some part of her wished they could just run away from everything and be with each other. But she knew that'd never happen so she put the thought out of her mind. "So we could do whatever we want." She whispered, looking up at him and giving the most sensual expression she could muster before she began laughing at her own joke.

Katrina felt her eyes get wet and she turned her head to the side, not letting Quill see her face as she quickly wiped away the tears before they could fall. "Thank you Quill. This means.. More than you could ever know." She tried, glancing back over to him and giving him a small but saddened smile. "I promise I won't stay longer than I have to. And I won't be a bother and I'll pull my own weight. You won't even know I'm here."
"Rude." Was the only thing Lyra muttered as she set her dress down in the grass and carefully stepped into the river. She waded through the water until it was just past her chest. She let out a long and relaxed sigh. "This feels amazing.." she murmured, having always been used to a more stagnant and boring way of bathing. "You may look now." She quickly added after a moment of silence.
Alex personally thought Jess looked sexy, and he found himself looking away and blushing when his mind filled with indecent images. "Ah-- yeah, that would be nice," he muttered. He was ashamed that he was in his 20s and now felt like he was a super hormonal teenager again.

Quill was a bit unused to being thanked and glanced away, a light pink coloring his cheeks. "It's nothing, really."
Jess only continued to laugh more and she moved to the other side of the bench to where Alex was facing her. "You just thought of something baaaad~!" She teased, grinning up at him like the Cheshire Cat before she began giggling happily, enjoying the fact that she could tease him so easily.

Katrina glanced away as well before she set her suitcase down and closed the door behind her. "So... What do two people do when they've become roommates...?" She asked awkwardly, having never been in this kind of a situation before.!
Brenner turned back to her and his gaze didn't once move to her half-bared breasts. "Are you uncomfortable with the way you look? Is that why you wished for me to look away?"
"N-No I didn't!" Alex's quick response obviously was a lie, especially when his eyes widened slightly and he blushed harder. "I wouldn't--" He broke off and took his arm back, crossing them over his stomach and hunching over like a little kid, almost touching his face to his knees as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"They live together," Quill said like a smartass, smiling. "But don't worry, I've already got a roommate so you won't be alone with me, if you're worried about that."
Lyra rubbed her hands up and down her arm, the water washing off the dirt. "Well... No girl is ever.. comfortable with the way they look. But I just have modesty. That is why I asked you to turn away." Lyra explained, her head tilting back so she could get her hair wet, her fingers running through it like a comb.
"Oh but you did!" Jess said, poking his shoulder repeatedly as she rested her chin resting on his back. "Is someone embarrassed?" She asked, using the voice a person would use when talking to a dog or a baby. "Aw poor Alex is embarrassed!" She teased, a wide grin seeming to stay permanently on her face. "You look really cute when your face is all red like that~" she cooed in a hushed whisper in his ear, a laugh sounding from her shortly after.

Katrina nodded and let out a sigh as she hesitantly went to the small living room area. She took a seat on the edge of the couch and tried to look as natural as possible. She turned back towards Quill, a curious expression on her face. "Who's your roommate?" She asked, wondering who else she'd be living with for the next couple of weeks.
"I cannot look at you because of modesty? That is a strange concept to me. Is modesty making humans not want to look at each other? What about about when they've become intimate? Do you not want to look at me?" Bren started asking way too many questions as he peered at Lyra for a moment. Then he bent horizontally over the surface of the water, cupped his hands and splashed water over his face, hair, and neck. His dark hair was heavily contrasted against his skin, the black shimmering like a rainbow with the hidden violet undertones as water beaded in it. "I've never felt the need to be 'modest.'"
Alex let out a choked sigh and sat back up again, biting his bottom lip and unable to meet her eyes. "Thank you, but you didn't have to get so close when you said that..." He secretly had had another fantasy when she whispered to him, but his face was already too red to tell any difference.

"Jess Amberson," Quill replied, thinking about sitting next to Katrina but deciding that she probably wouldn't want him to. He ran a hand through his hair. "She and I used to act up a lot, but now we don't see each other often." His voice softened, as if he were sad they were drifting apart.
Lyra jerked her head forward and looked at Brenner with wide and innocent eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but the more she thought of how she should answer his questions, the more embarrassed she got. She crouched down to where her lips were just barely above the rushing water, her eyes turning away from him, her eyebrows furled. "It's.. Complicated." Was all she could manage before she went under water completely.
Jess continued to laugh and looked up at him with eyes that were bright with happiness. "Aw but that was the fun part!" She teased, her head going and resting on his shoulder. "This is like a dream to me." She murmured, staring up at the sky and watching as the snow began to fall harder and harder. "I never thought that this... Would ever be possible, ya know?"

"I'm sorry." Katrina said, knowing that feeling all too well. "So ah.. Would you like some dinner? I'm a pretty decent cook. And it's really the least I can do since I've taken over your room." She suggested, standing up and tucking her hair behind her ears.
Brenner stared at the spot in which Lyra disappeared with curiosity in this dark eyes. His lips tilted up in a faint smile, and he looked away, rubbing the dirt from his arms as the frigid water washed over him.
"You didn't seem much to care for societal standards when you assaulted me in the library," Alex teased, his flush cooling in the brisk wind. He wrapped his arm around Jesse's waist and scooted closer, turning his face to her and pressing a light kiss to her temple. "But I can't say I'm upset you made advances."

Quill stood, too, and opened his mouth to tell her she didn't have to. He hesitated. "It would make you feel better wouldn't it? Like you weren't just bumming off of me."
Jess's body tended slightly at Alex's touch, a dark flush of her own starting to spread across her face. She shut her eyes tightly as he kissed her forehead, a chill running down her spine and her skin heating up. "Maybe we should try that again." She suggested, referring to what they had done in there, her eyes opening slightly to peek up at him.

"Exactly." Katrina said with a nervous laugh. "So... What's your fancy?" She asked, awkwardly walking into the kitchen and taking a look at everything, silently trying to figure out where everything would be. "I can make really good salads. Though that doesn't take much skill. Spaghetti, vegetable soup, casserole. Pretty much anything with a recipe." She explained, glancing back at him as she pulled her hair back and tied it into a ponytail.
Lyra stood up after a moment of being submerged, her back now to Brenner. She panted softly for breath, her dad turning ever so slightly to glance back at him. She grinned ever so slightly when a thought popped into her head. "Here, let me assist you." She said oh so sweetly before she turned around and splashed Brenner right in the face with the almost freezing water. "You had some dirt on your face." She explained before giggling and splashing him once more before he could react.
Bren grumbled and swiped at his face. When he dropped his hands, his normally blue-black eyes had a gray tinge around the pupil, the color of steel. It was a very thin area of change, but it was noticeable. "You're bothersome," Brenner growled, but then he suddenly froze. He started to smile the slightest bit, and he splashed water back. It wasn't a kind smile, though. The faint tilt to his brows almost seemed to hint at aggression.
Alex grinned but he leaned back a little, putting distance between them even as he held her. "I need whatever small bit of masculinity I've retained since hitting puberty. I'll have to pass, considering I'd be the one on the ground." He laughed and leaned close, deciding to take a shot at something new. He whispered huskily into her ear, "But if you'll be bottom, I'm up for it."

"Spaghetti's my favorite," Quill replied. He walked up to her and pretended to slick back his hair dramatically in an attempt to be funny. Then he tucked his hands in his pockets and was somber again. "I'll help, if you don't mind. My mom was Italian, so I can make killer pasta." Besides that fact, Quill thought if Katrina could warm to him by cooking together, things would be a lot less awkward these next few days. Or weeks. Ho boy.
"I wonder where I got that trait from!" She retorted, splashing him back when he splashed her. She grinned cheekily, enjoying the little water battle they were having. "You're just as bothersome as I am." She added, raising her hands up, poised to splash him again and she crept closer, a cheeky grin on her face.
Jess sat straight up in the matter of a millisecond, the hairs on the back of her neck standing as her face turned the deepest shade of red it could possibly turn. She hastily reached up and rubbed her ear furiously, her body growing hotter. "A-Alex!" She stammered, the feeling of his breath against her ear sending a shock of electricity through her body. Her ears were sensitive. Extremely sensitive. To the point of where the slightest touch or breath against it could send her body into overdrive. That's why she always kept a distance from most people besides Quill. She bit her lower lip as she shyly glanced up at Alex, a flustered yet attractive look on her face. "D-Don't... Do that..." she tried, her breathing short and quick as she attempted to calm herself, her other hand gripping his shirt tightly.

Katrina smiled and nodded. "You do the pasta, I'll do the sauce." She instructed, trying to sound as professional as possible before she started opening cabinets, trying to find where mixing bowls would be and utensils. Once she located a bowl, she was annoyed to find out that it was on the top shelf. "That's just messed up." She muttered, glancing back at Quill with narrow eyes. "Not all of us can be giants like you." She added, trying her best not to smile as she was attempting to look angry. "I hope you don't mind if I get scuff marks on your counter." She added before she hoisted herself up onto it, one hand reaching for the bowl while the other tried to keep her body steady.

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